1. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Which day was your happiest day in your life and why?​
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'd like to think my best days are yet to come.

    I can't think of a 'most happy' day in my life.

    My 22nd birthday was pretty kick-ass, though.

    I partied all week leading up to my birthday which was on a Fri. The night of my b-day I met this cute WW w/ blue eyes and dark hair. She kissed me almost as soon as I stepped into the club. (Chateau Marmont) It was fucking sweet! I ended up talking to her the rest of the night.

    Anyways, I can't think of any most happy moments right now. Meeting new ladies is always a happy day for me but yea.


    Discovering weed was also one of the best days of my life.
  3. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Couldn't say that there is just 'one' day that stands out...these come to mind though:

    • The day I got married
    • When I found out I was pregnant with Harper (also the scariest day)
    • When both my children were born
    I have a pretty blessed life, so most of my days are chock full of happiness :D
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Can't even remember.
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    - A few days after I found out I was pregnant, once it had set in. Though, consequently, it led to one of my saddest days a few weeks later.

    - My first official date with Nate, when we went to the park and the museum.

    - When the plane landed in Houston, first day I was here. I was so happy to be alive, because I have a great fear of flying and that was my first trip on a plane.

    - Surprising my mom at Christmas last year. Seeing her crying with happiness over my surprise visit on Christmas Eve was the best drug I've ever had.
  7. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    There have been lots of milestones....jobs, promotions, family, marriage. But I think my first solo was probably the one that is still vivid for me. Just the feeling of being up there, literally breaking the rules of gravity, all alone and completely at bliss.

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