Battle of the sexes

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by christine dubois, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member


    Women, what gets on your nerves about men?

    Men, what gets on your nerves about women?​
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2009
  2. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Cheating, lying, hiding all in the name of "sex with someone different".
    Cat calling (i.e. hey sexy, baby, hey come here, can I come over.....)
    Some have an inability to recognize a dirty home and lack the initiative to clean it lol.
  3. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    The manipulation by some women who will do anything to get what they want. Some women are master mind manipulators. They do not need muscles to defeat you, they use their minds to defeat you.
  4. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    It's only because men are so easy to manipulate.
  6. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    -That men are so easy to distract... as soon as a sexy butt comes along, you can forget them...I remember one situation in Sierra Leone.. We had to transport something valuable, so we where three people in the bank and some military guys were waiting outside at their car. Normally, you do not run, but you hurry to get out of this critical situation (they kill you for a few dollars there)- and what did these two guys do? Walking to a beautiful lady on the other side of the street to arrange a date for this evening...:smt067

    -privat: That you find their clothes everywhere in the house..:(
  7. How noble of you.

    Anyway, what gets on my nerves about was probably the lack of "Say what you mean, mean what you say" - (I'm sure there's a single word for that, but with this cold I can't think what it is").

    I say "was", because at some point a guy grows up and hopefully sees the world for what it is, not what the world says it is. With me that point came in my early 30's.
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Players. Men who will say what they think you want to hear to get in your pants. I'd rather a man just be honest with me. He may get further with me than he thinks if he just tells me what he's looking for from the get-go.

    Heavy drinking - the kind that borders on alcoholism but is just this side of it. 2 of my coworkers, whom I like very much (as friends), are heavy drinkers. They asked me a couple of months ago how many hangovers I've had. When I answered that I'd had probably about 3 in my life, they looked at me wide-eyed and they both said, "I had three last weekend". One of them is 26, the other is 29 or 30. There are some men who can't seem to get out of the college binge drinking phase. The ones who can't have a good time unless they're falling down drunk.

    I think that's all for now. All that I care to share anyway. LOL.
  9. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I can't stand men who are selfish, emotionally unavailable or only out for sex (I know everyone wants sex, but I'm talking about those dudes who seem to only function with their dicks).
  10. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Many years ago, I had a 'relationship' like this. He just told me that he had just gotten out of a serious relationship and was just looking to have some fun. I had also just ended a long term relationship and wasn't looking to get into another one either. I appreciated his honesty so much and admired him for just saying that he wanted sex with no strings attached as opposed to telling me that he was falling in love with me just to get laid. We had 'fun' for about 6 months before I started seeing someone else. It ended with no hard feelings on either side, and it worked for us because we both knew what the situation was.
  11. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    What is it with the backing into parking spots with some men? And it always seems to be the ones with the big ass trucks so your drivers door and theirs are both opening onto each other.
  12. I'll get this one, chaps. Unlike you (plural), we men have no such thing as 'Retail Therapy', we perform a trip to the quickie mart much as our rougher brethren might execute a military raid; park your car carefully, in a spot that is both near the doors but away from likely crunch points from other turning cars, or wayward trolleys, yet still visible to yourself at a quick glance. The positioning of the Jeep, both in terms of location and facing direction, is optimised for a quick getaway. We want to be in, pay for our booze, and out, and ideally the entire operation should take no more than 2 minutes.

    Now we would like to apply the same logic to the weekly shopping, but we cannot. In Encounters of the Shopping Kind, we are not alone. So, we find shopping both tiresome and annoying, even in familiar supermarkets in which we know the location the beer+whisky is displayed, to us it's ALL a chore.

    So the last thing we want, after being dragged around the ailes, often more than once, our nerves frazzled from jockeying shopping trolleys through the aisles with other guys, trying to be the first out, standing at the checkout staring either furtively or blatantly at the guy on the other side, a silent bet wagered on which guy is going to be the first out and laughing, and which poor slob is going to be left behind having picked the slowest to have to reverse out of our parking space. This takes time, and effort, and by now we're in no mood to expend either.

    See, this MIGHT allow the aforementioned poor slob to catch us up and beat us out of the car park, middle finger in the window, laughing as he kicks down his turbo, just making it through the lights while we are forced to sit on red, defeated, knuckles as white as our dark skin will allow, teeth clenched down so hard you can see our jaw muscles bulge obscenely, the billows of smoke piping out of our ears, and you have to ask, just at that point,

    "Darling, calm down, it's only a shopping trip!"
  13. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    The inability to listen and the lack of common sense. I think this comes with age, because obviously the behaviour my 21 year old student boyfriend is going to be different to a 41 year old professional man, but I've seen this from older people too. Sometimes it just feels like you're talking in a foreign language or to a brick wall.

    This massive issue that they have with shopping. I like shopping, of course I do, but I'm not like some women who spend A FULL DAY shopping. I won't drag him along unless it's necessary, because I know he doesn't like it, but still, why stand there sulking and sighing every two seconds? The longest I've been shopping with my boyfriend is for about 2 and a half hours for him and it was a bloody painful experience.

    Not willing to admit that they're wrong/you're right. My boyfriend actually says to me, after we argue, 'I know that you're right, but I just don't want to back down. Or I just annoy you because it's funny to piss you off.' What the hell??

    Yes, I really, really agree with this.
    Heavy drinking is a pretty big problem with people close in my family and friendship groups, but it's the kind of heavy drinking which barely avoids being labelled as alcoholism. 'I LIKE having a drink, so that's why I drink 5/6 days out of 7. It's not that I'm dependant, I just ENJOY it!'
    This is actually a big issue in my relationship at the moment, my boyfriend just drinks far too much and it's getting to the point where I seriously think that it will develop into a big problem sooner rather than later.
  14. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member


    It ain't just girls, but the girls make their shit known to the whole neighborhood, they're so loud with it.

    Most people got some drama shit going on, but in my group of friends, it's always the girls who start yelling, and bitching, and getting hella annoying. It'll seriously be like midnight at my friend's house, and we're all chillin', playing beer pong or something, and then 3 girls start arguing over stupid shit like, "well yeah, you still coulda called me. I didn't know you guys were going", or some shit like that. And they're loud as hell, too. I just laugh at their dumbasses, but then get irritated after 40 seconds. Sometimes somebody has to tell them to shut the fuck up.

    When the dudes argue, which we barely do, we barely say shit. Fools just act shitty, but don't bring it up, and start arguing. And me, I just don't argue, because I don't really care.

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009

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