1. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    To the gentlemen here, mainly, can you easily accept, if your new boss is a woman?

    Would it make any difference, if she is black or white?​
  2. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I currently work for a woman who is my boss. She is highly intelligent and very attractive. She is not married but have two young children she is raising alone. She is white and that is not important to me. I accept her as being equal to any man. She has been fair to me and I suspect she has helped me win an award recently at work. I will do anything for her.
  3. I've only had 3 woman bosses when I worked for someone else, on dozens of different assignments. Much depends on the individual company, many promote wholly on performance only, and as such the women are pretty good bosses. In others, favouritism and allocating promotion to staff for whimsical reasons was rife, and you get pretty lousy management.

    In reverse chronological order...

    Last lady boss was a great woman, I had a lot of time for her. Had a bottle of Barolo sent to her office that Christmas, and I'd left the company in September. Just a wonderful person.

    Before that, I had a BW for a boss, very dour, serious character, kind of like a BW version of Lt Castillo on Miami Vice. I think I saw her smile the grand total of TWICE during my year-long contract. She was all woman, outside of that, but had her head VERY well screwed on.

    Kind of love/hate relation with the first one, she was a hilarious character, an almost male sense of humour, but completely unprofessional, and given to bouts of pettiness. She had her (then) husband promoted over the entire department's head.

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