I have completed a brief search here and couldn't find a related thread so I thought I'd create one. I've participated in several discussions this week involving ethics and personal belief systems and one of the topics was abortion. This lead me to consider the soul/spirit/energy/etc and when is it actually inhabiting our body? Some believe that at conception the soul is present, some believe it is at birth. Maybe some seem soul-less their whole lives lol. When do you think you "get your soul" (for lack of a better phrase)? And why at that time? (Why do you believe that?)
This is going to sound very new-agey I'm afraid, terribly out of character for me, as I usually like to stick to science, but if I were to be honest about my gut response... I think a child receives their soul when their mother first loves them, or when they are born, whichever happens first for each individual baby. That is, everyone gets a soul at birth, but if the mother bonds with the child prior to birth, something about that soul ignites early. I tend to think of the soul as everything that makes a person who they are, be it personality or something higher. If a mother bonds with the baby in the womb, if the fetus feels love, I think that has an impact in all that they are. Sort of like, the soul comes when we enter the world, but when the mother bonds with the baby prior to birth, it's like the baby gets a taste of the world earlier.
i believe we are souls. a soul is the person. we are living souls or dead souls its not something you posess, its what you are. some religions teach various doctrines but the bible says God blew the breath of life in to Adam and he became a living soul. It didnt say he gave him a soul. thats just my take anyway. (i will get off my soapbox now thanks for your patience)
This thread is based on the assumption that there is a soul. I would say a person is a person when they can be born and live independently of the mother.
You are right FEHG, my question was very leading because I wanted people's perspective on the idea of soul and how perhaps having a soul or being endowed with one would negate possibilities of procedures such as abortions or euthanasia.... Thanks for responding!
Next time, tell those people that you're a budding scientist and don't have time for their bullshit inquiries. Abortion and euthanasia don't constitute violations of a cosmic principle, they just grate on the sensibilities of the infantile. There is a soul but it is no vessel of personal immortality, just a cultural construct.
I don't believe in a soul. The evidence suggests that I'm just a complicated arrangement of sub-atomic particles. The good news is that subatomic particles are immortal.
BC: It depends on what your perspective and belief is; in my opinion according to the Torah the soul, is called Nefesh and the spirit Ruach. They appear to be different things as according to Genesis, why? Well it states that the spirit was given to man along with the blood and he became a living soul, therefore I deduce from this that a soul is the person consisting of both flesh and spirit. There is some other scripture which supports this. Shalom ps According to the Tanakh you become a soul (person) as soon as you are in the womb.
My views are strongly shaped by the Anthroposophy... "Anthroposophy speaks of the reincarnation of the human spirit: that the human being passes between stages of existence, incarnating into an earthly body, living on earth, leaving the body behind and entering into the spiritual worlds before returning to be born again into a new life on earth. After the death of the physical body, the human spirit recapitulates the past life, perceiving its events as they were experienced by the objects of its actions. A complex transformation takes place between the review of the past life and the preparation for the next life; the individual's karmic condition eventually leading to a choice of parents, physical body, disposition and capacities which will provide the challenges and opportunities needed for further development, which includes karmically chosen tasks for the future life." Therefore, it is very cruel to every soul that had chosen new parents to get rejected by an abortion. This irritation that evolves after rejection stays in the soul as well and passes on the tho overall feeling of the soul, even in its new life. I do believe that my twins have chosen me. They wanted me to be their mother and they thought i was ready for this experiance. OH and the souls are there at the moment of reception and therefore i believe the soul is a part of the emryo/foetus (or cellknot, you name it) rightaway....