A question for people over 40...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Persephone, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Thanks for clarification Othello..:)
  2. Apology accepted, although in my case I gave my time more out of fun than altruism. But I didn't like your teacher before, and now I dislike her. She's a waste of taxpayer's money - and they are the people who she ought to be apologizing to.
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'm of two minds about her. On the one hand I really enjoyed the class and the discussions and stuff, and I found the information I learned was occasionally useful, but mostly just interesting. On the other hand, forgetting the assignment was one thing, but there were a lot of mistakes over the entire class that bothered me. The most glaring one being that she instructed us to use a website, which she provided the address to, as a basis for the formatting of our final papers. I followed it to the T, and she marked all over mine saying I had used the wrong format. She also can't spell as well as a professor with a master's degree should be able to, her grammar is lacking sometimes, and she continually screws up the tests by putting multiples of the same question throughout.

    But on the upside, she's not wasting taxpayer money, she's wasting student money. We pay her salary with our massive tuition payments. I go to a private school, not a government funded public university.

    I won't be taking a class with her again, though. She also teaches psychology, and when it comes time for me to take that class I will hopefully be able to do so under a different instructor. Her personality was amusing, but I'd much prefer a teacher that doesn't waste my time with needless assignments and mistakes that hurt -my- grades. I am very confident in my writing ability, and I know for a fact that I can follow instructions in formatting papers. Yet, I paid for her mistake with my grade, which certainly doesn't seem fair to me. But ah well. I've learned my lesson, and I will avoid her in the future.
  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Do you have a good relationship with your advisor? It bugs me that you would have to live with such an unfair grade.
  5. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It's fine. The only thing a higher grade on the paper would've did was give me an A instead of a B-. I'd really argue the point had my paper had better substance, but I'm only angry about her grading me lower based on the formatting, which was correct according to the resources she gave us. The actual paper, while well written, was not my best work in terms of information actually contained within it. It was basically a good 7 pages of bullshit with a little information to make it work. Had I done better with it I'd see about getting something done, but I know my capabilities and I feel the grade was appropriate, though for reasons different than the ones the teacher used to judge it.

    Hell, even with all the formatting "problems" the paper still managed a passing grade, though it was a C- simply because it was so well written. It's just stupid because, apparently, had she not misinformed us, it would've been an A in her eyes.

    The rest of the class, aside from one or two people, failed the paper completely. Largely due to the teacher grading on different criteria than what she told us she wanted.

    It's just a minor annoyance, really. My GPA didn't drop, and it's holding firm at a 3.0 (mostly thanks to my own laziness in previous classes. Otherwise it'd be a 3.8. )

    The funny thing, though, is that while the teacher impressed upon us all throughout the quarter that it was impossible to pass her class without reading the book, I managed a B- without ever looking at it. ;) I also missed the maximum allowance of absences, as well.

    In the end, I care far more for my animation classes, which I'm doing very well in lately. Her class was just a BS psuedo-sociology class that's only weight presses on my GPA, and it's effect was minor.

    Certainly won't stop me from telling my friends not to bother with her class, though. And if I keep hearing about problems like this, then I'll get a group together to complain. It'll carry more weight if it's more than just me. The school doesn't listen if it's just one person, otherwise I would've had one of the housing workers fired by now for her inexcusably poor handling of the housing students during Hurricane Ike.
  6. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    43 and my sex life has never been better, and am so much more sure of my slef then I was in my 20s or 30s and love to explore and try new things ;)

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