Kristie Allie used to be real hot back in the day and had a great shape a year or two back now she is overweight. Foxx should date someone else.
It's certainly not a stereotype of -anyone- in hollywood. Way to balk hollywood stereotypes, Jamie. I'd say that's pretty damn cool. Sadly I can't get the page to load to see if I buy the BS or not. >.<
lippy says...good for kirstie...she is still a beautiful woman...extra pounds or not...her weight does not define who she is as a person:smt023
not if you actually read Kirstie's tweets on twitter unless 'oh beautiful' is falsifying those tweets, it's legit i'm too lazy to to her proper page myself
It sounds more like wishfull thinking on her part to me and her bragging about how attractive she thinks he is. More like her joking around- "oh yeah I had Foxx three times this week!". I am hard pressed to believe they are actually together. I'm not doubting it but i'll believe it when I see a more reliable source. If they are together then good for them.
Yeah she is on the outside big or small. But her attitude about her weight when she first started getting heavy she was not that big and she used to say she was huge and obsessed with being skinny, kind of putting her weight down and buying into at times that stereotype that she can only get a black man being a big whitegirl her whole ordeal about her weight turned me off. Because I can appreciate and have dated big gurls. Obese and boney women turn me off physically. Big and skinny is just fine with me.
And that stereotype was made by racists to attack ww/bm, all while everyone conveniently ignores the fact that black men date, marry, and fuck fat black women. How come no one ever considers that fact? If people want to talk badly about black men dating fat white women, then it is only fair to do the same thing for the large number of black men who date/marry/fuck fat black women, and also the large number of white men who do date/marry/fuck fat white women. Again, how come no one ever talks badly about non-ww/bm relations where the woman is fat? I strongly condemn talk badly about people's weight, and feel that it is disrespectful. But the fact that racists specifically target black men for dating fat while ignoring when it happens in other types of relations means that their main motive is not weight, but race. None of them would care if the black men had a fat black woman, or if a white man had a fat white women. Again, it is not about weight, it is about race. They just want to attack ww/bm relationships, and they will use ANYTHING they can find to bash them. If black men never did date fat white women, and only dated normal sized, athletic white women or white women with killer bodies, the same people will find something else. Then black men would be attacked for NOT dating overweight white women and being shallow. And attacking black men for dating fat white women is very shallow, and being embarrassed by it just proves how much influence detractors have over us. Why the hell should I care about what racists think about my dating choices? I'm not dating their racist asses. Fuck those people. And would I want to date any shallow person who would condemn a person for dating an overweight person? Hell no. With that said, more power to Jamie Foxx, and fuck the haters, racists, and shallow ass people.
you a young buck, but you got a good head on ya shoulders. that's sooooo true. think i might break out the rep card for this one, and i NEVER give rep, ever.
Yuuup, I've actually seen fat black women complain about black men dating fat (they emphasised this point) white women. Strangeeee.