Saturday workout chest and back

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness and Fashion' started by erictbrown1, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. erictbrown1

    erictbrown1 Member

    Here is my work out for Sat

    Chest and Back Light week
    One mile on the thread mile

    Flat bench.
    45 pounds x 50 reps
    135 x 12 reps
    185 x 12 reps
    205 x 12 reps
    225 x 12 reps
    275 x 9 reps
    300 x 1 double negitve slow going up and slow going down.

    Incline bench
    135 x 12 reps
    185 x 12 reps
    205 x 12 reps
    225 x 12 re[s

    Cable flys
    18 x 12 reps
    20 x 12 reps
    25 x 12 reps
    28 x 12 reps
    30 x 12 reps

    T bar rows
    85 x 12 reps
    85 x 12 reps
    85 x 12 reps
    85 x 12 reps

    Upper back cable pull downs
    50 x 12 reps
    60 x 12 reps
    70 x 12 reps
    70 x 12 reps
    Cable lat pull downs
    100 x 12 reps
    110 x 12 reps
    120 x12 reps
    150 x12 reps
    210 x 6 reps.

    Leg raises
    25 reps
    25 reps
    25 reps
    25 reps
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I like this routine.

    I'm gonna try it out!

    Thanks for sharing, Eric.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    good luck getting the 300lb up

  4. Athena

    Athena New Member

    No kidding, that's impressive!
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that's what happens when ur a dedicated lifter, and not some weekend warrior who just got bullied by a 12 year old, trying to get husky.

  6. erictbrown1

    erictbrown1 Member

    You are welcome it is a great workout
  7. erictbrown1

    erictbrown1 Member

    LOL yep
  8. erictbrown1

    erictbrown1 Member

  9. A hell of a lot of work per session, are you short on time on the weekdays?
  10. erictbrown1

    erictbrown1 Member

    Nope just I only work out three days a week so when I train I do two body parts. Sat I do chest and back, Sunday I do legs and arms and Tuesady I do shoulders and traps. I bench over 500 pounds, squat 790 and I dead lift about 720.:cool: So that workout is easy to me.
  11. BEAST!! And that's still a monstrous number of reps for a session! I just hit my back, lat pulldowns, seated rows, 80Kg each, just did 3 sets with 4 reps on each of those movements, and that was it (24 reps in all, excluding warmups).

    With that amount of work, I presume you're cutting?
  12. erictbrown1

    erictbrown1 Member

    Yep that is a good cutting workout. I do week one week two week one I do powerlifting from 4 to 6 reps on week two I do bodybuilding from 10 to 12 reps. It helps me to heal and I get the best of both worlds.
  13. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'm not doing the exact same weight.

    I'll lift what suits me best.
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    im just teasin ya young buck


    eric is on some 'jay cutler' (the bodybuilder, not the baller) shit

    or NFL...either way he's a stud in the gym

    As for working out three days a week, i'm glad someone else besides me goes that route. Many people seem to think, that you need to hit the gym up everyday of the week. That's too much for me. Give me 3 days and about 2 hours per day, and I'll give you results.
  15. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I like the 3 days a week routine.

    If you're truly working the muscles virgorously, you will need those other 4 days in the week for muscle recovery.
  16. 3-day splits are best. I just increased from 5 to 6, but that's what works for ME. I would still recommend 3-day splits for anyone else, in the absence of any further info on him.
  17. erictbrown1

    erictbrown1 Member

    True and the rest helps you to grow, on my off days I get some good protien in, lots of rest and that helps you grow muscle.:smt003:)
  18. erictbrown1

    erictbrown1 Member

    3 days are the bomb, you get good rest and good size that way.
  19. Keep the protein high throughout big man, on or off.

    I'll give a you a beautiful tip that made the final difference to my cutting efforts being stifled, and the fact I'm now dropping an inch off my waist every week; don't eat every 2-3 hrs, yes when you start bulking you'll need to do just that, but when cutting, eat only when you are HUNGRY. Assuming the rest of the diet is in good order, your body is the best judge of when it can synthesise all the extra protein for lean muscle maintenance, not fat gain.

    I know most of the world says 1.5gms protein per Ib of LMT per day, forget that. Shoot for 30-50gms per intake, let the body tell you how often in wants to eat, and keep the fibrous veggies piled in your plate/box so you don't feel hungry.
  20. I know, in my case I have a home gym and no money stress/no commute etc, and can get away with high-frequency sessions, but as soon as my rotator cuff heals up I look forward to going back to 3-a-week.

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