WW...Bolder & Making the First Move???

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. funkyspirit

    funkyspirit New Member

    Mmm, I'm all up for quality conversation, one-on-one! :D
  2. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    I get more bold every day. :) Some on here say this makes a woman look desperate. So which is it guys? good or bad?
  3. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I've seen women who are bold when trying to get with a man that is either really tall and handsome, loaded w/$$$, or bad boys...but not so much with a "regular" type of guy.
  4. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    Thats not me then regular is fine with me. Oh and not married is high on my list. :)
  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    To me it is not desperation for a WW to approach a brother. She knows what she wants instead of being hit on by men she does not want or desire.
  6. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i know of some white girls who assume that all black dudes want white women...even if they're married to a black woman. so, is it worth the risk of them looking stupid to approach the black man they got their eye on?

    not being difficult...just puttin' it out there. 8)
  7. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    For me personally its worth it, looking stupid for a few seconds is better than never knowing and wondering, "What would have happened if I just said hi." You were looking for a man's perspective though and I am too. Because so far I am racking up a lot of numbers and nothing else. Maybe thats what happens to the guys too. Also I have been wondering if I will take another clue from the guys and be persistent. Just keep calling/texting; you know not stalker like or anything until I get shut down completely. :oops:
  8. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member


    you say stalking like it's a bad thing...lol :wink:

    p.s: i'm curious to see what the guys have to say too.
  9. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I've seen WW go after WM or even LM aggresively...but not too many will lay it out on the line for a BM unless he's cover model material or has serious loot.

    I have a faux-scientifc theory on BM & WW in terms of their willingness to dip into each other's "reserves"

    These numbers assume that people chose their partners knowing that there would be no societal consequences.


    5% = Very Strong preference for BM....will only date BM

    5% = Very Strong preference for BM...will date other races of men

    15% = No Obvious preference

    40% = Preference for types other than BM.....open to BM in right situation

    15% = Very Strong preference for WM....open to IR...but not BM

    20% = Very Strong preference for WM....not open to any IR


    30% = Very Strong preference for BW....will not go IR

    35% = Strong preference for BW...open to IR with the right person

    20% = No obvious preference

    10% = Very Strong preference for WW...but will date BW or others

    5% = Very Strong preference for WW....will only date WW.

    (These numbers shown in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of TheChosenOne or any of his affiliated associates) 8)
  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    You got that right Chosen. In the US most WW would not get bad looks when they go after their own color or Latinos but when it comes to a brother it is still a double standard.
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Personally, I think thats at the root of quite a bit of the tension between ww and bm. There just seems to be a lot of sexual tension between the two. Do white women have that type of problem with men of other races? And does that type of sexual tension exist with any women when she interacts with a man of a different race?
  12. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    LOL ppl talk about online /offline BS. A person can be deceptive both online and offline. LOOOLL......you dont know men are some of the best actors in this world. And any guy will be respectful and responsive when theres a pussy involved. Come on now.
  13. drow

    drow New Member

    Don't listen to BMJ ladies. Those double standard ideals are becoming a thing of the past. MANY men regardless of race can appreciate a lady that has the guts to initiate contact. I know I certainly do! :D
  14. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    ya know, i think you're right about the sexual tension between ww and bm. i really never looked at it like that...so, thanks! i feel enlightened. :D

    as far as sexual tension between white women and other men...i don't have an answer. for me personally, i've always just looked at men, as men. when i was single, i'd approach dudes of all shades and races - black, white, brown, whatever. but when i think about other chicks i've known, and their entire approach to men of other races....maybe there was quite a bit of tension. but isn't there just sexual tension between men and women in general? i dunno.... :roll:
  15. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    .............you make a lot of asumptions and I LMAO when I read your post I alway do BlackMasterJay .............You remind me of insecure high school boys.
  16. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    LOL....stop being idiotic. I never said theres anything wrong with making the first move. To me, the woman should actually make the first move. However this move should be non-verbal i.e, maybe she can jiggle or wiggle her booty your way...lol..ok,,maybe not that one,,i believe a smile would be a great first move,,,but she should never(ever) ask for the number. That is the worst thing she could do, because it paints her as being sleazy and eazy...plain and simple.

    And any guy with half a brain would play such a girl like a fiddle.............I know i would

  17. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Real talk right there :!:
  18. Julia Alejandra

    Julia Alejandra New Member

    OK, ok. Lots of different oppinions here on this topic. Mine? No matter your culture women should always wait for the dude to come and ask you out. Girls CANNOT! ask. ITS THE LAW OF LIFE! If you (girls) are bold and direct with men the most staright message you can send is: wink wink, and eye contact, nothing more than that. Men are meant to chase! Is more interesting for them, its exciting! So Let's give them the opportunity. I am speaking of experience. The more you make him wait, the better. If white girls are doing this for real than they should stop, if this is a myth than is the most hillarious myth ever!

    As girls we have to let the guy do the work!

    Jules :wink:
  19. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Havent seen this phenomenon in the states..only overseas.
  20. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    It happens from time to time here in the states too, but I would co-sign that it's definitely more prevalent overseas. They don't necessarily make the "first move", but I would say that they are much more flirtacious and also, much more comfortable around brothers than what I've experienced here in the states. Paradoxically, they are bolder, more flirtacious with black guys even in places(Flanders, Ukraine etc) where the majority of them have never met or much less interacted with a brothers before.

    A very common occurence is the "tandem" factor---where two girls approach you and just start a conversation. There's the one that's interested in you and the one that just accompagnied her friend for support and to make sure that things don't get too akward. I don't know if that happened to you, but it happens to me and my friends all the time.

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