German women for Black Men

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by tuckerreed, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    At least the brotha manned up to it, I don't the whole attack thing anyway it solved nothing.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I hope the subject of German women returns on this thread.
  3. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I hope it gets back to the Frauleins also.
  4. Silvercosma

    Silvercosma New Member

    What you guys think about German culture? And what aspects of German culture do you like or dislike?
  5. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Well, for one thing, I like the educational system and bold but polite spirituality, though I don't like the fetishism too much, as well as the accents/language.
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member


    I love their assertiveness,looks of the women there,the culture different from America,and their accent.
  7. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    The only thing I disagree with is the accent.
  8. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I'll let you know when I come back...
  9. shaft2k4

    shaft2k4 Active Member

    I'd heard a lot about Germany before I got there mostly from WM. Their comments would usually include some snide remark like "yeah you brothers are real popular over there". Or, "most of those German girls are into you black guys" etc. When I got there, I did notice a difference. But it wasn't as much as i'd heard. You could be in a room with 100 WW, if 15 or 20 of them are with BM, people will say MOST of the women were with BM when actually 80 to 85% of them were with WM. The BM/WW ir always sticks out in people's memories and the actual number gets inflated. When I was there (early 90's) I noticed many more WM/WW couples.

    Now having said that, there was a much higher # of BM/WW pairings than what I was used to in the States. I tended to view the #'s overseas and the German women's "acceptance" of IR as something normal while what goes on in the States as being "abnormal". Or maybe a better word would be "manipulated". What I mean by this is this... European women in general tend to date who they want...period. Even if you're another race. They don't have the mental barriers up as much. They haven't been as conditioned to only see WM as potential dates. So the guy she's attracted to could be black or he could be white. There are of course German women who don't date ir, but at least they don't do it because their not into BM. Which is fine.
    Women in the U.S. on the other hand, who don't date ir, may actually find bm attractive, but will never act on this because of the various factors we've already discussed on this board.
    So IMO, Germany gives us a glimpse of what a level playing field might look like. I don't think they are that much more into BM (numbers wise), I think it's just that those that ARE into BM are more likely to actually follow through.
  10. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Although i have taken about two or three trips to Germany, i would not be fully qualified to comment on the attitudes and stigmas attracted towards BM/WW pairings. My most recent trip was in 2002 with my then girlfriend(who was white) and well, let's just say i was looked upon as though i committed a heresy. It might have had something to do with the area i was- Hannover as a matter of fact-. I met a few white men who tended to over-analyse the widespread belief that a lot of German women are into black men. However, you would not even believe that while we were in a train station, just about everyone in there dropped their jaws in awe and perhaps good taste to see us together. It was all smiles and good looks, contrary to my initial thought. Even so, a lady in one of the tax free shops said to me, upon learning i were American, "I commend you for dating a white girl in America". Food for thought!!!
  11. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    Here is my take on this issue. I was in the Army for 3 years in the early '90s. And although I never went overseas, I did happen to meet a German girl at an airport in the states here while I had a layover. She was a pretty girl, from what I remember, and coming from a small town in south Louisiana, I was used to interacting with white people. I noticed that she had a "Too Short" cassette tape that she was listening to. So I pointed it out, she smiled at me and we began a nice conversation.

    We got some pizza in a shop in the airport and we talked about various things. I don't remember everything now, but it was a good talk and she seemed very receptive to talking with me. After I told her I was in the service, she told me she had 2 friends, a black couple, living in louisiana on Fort Polk. We exchanged phone numbers and addresses, and I found out when she would be in state. Now I didn't get to visit her on post, but we did talk on the phone. Again she was a nice girl who was very receptive to me. Unfortunately I lost contact with her after that. But I enjoyed the time I had.

    Now, the point of the story is that even though she was just one ww from Germany and it was all I had to compare to, she didn't appear to have any racial hangups at all. In fact, when I wrote her and suggested that I visit her country, she was welcoming and suggested several places she and I could go as friends (she had a boyfriend, by the way). I haven't been to Germany yet, but the theme in this thread seems to be right on. WW in Germany and other european countries who are into bm don't seem to recognize or care about external forces trying to keep them from IR dating. So even approaching a ww overseas seems easier. Whereas, in the states here, I cannot tell any of you how many times while in college I've run into ww who have found some excuse to resist bm.

    Fact is fact. Ww face far more external forces in regards to racism in this country, which is why there is a lesser chance that a bm can get a ww.
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Food for thought indeed.
  13. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    At least, in your case, it was ONLY in college.

    I somewhat agree with this.
  14. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    Yeah, but an argument can be made that any part of any country around the world can be backwoods and racist. I'm sure there are African countries were whites won't easily be welcomed or treated nicely. Some places are just ignorant like that. And remember, Europe in general is still the remnants of two world wars, where many of the world's nastiest tyrants and dictators came from. May we not forget Hitler from Germany, for instance? Hell, we're still recovering from the remnants of Jim Crow and legalized segregation in this country!

    Fact is, there are always going to be places were people won't let go of their anger and resentment and wish to hate on others for being different. Look at Russia. Those mo fos are dealing with some serious zenophobia as its called. Finland I hear is kinda close-minded as well. But over time, they will change.
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I doubt it if they will actually change. Tradition is simply tradition to a lot of people anywhere in the world, and to all of these same people, tradition is more important than ANY tolerance.
  16. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I think it is important to know how to sift the positive and leave the negativity for others to deal with. I agree that every country has their own nasty side (so to speak). I think most people on this site are smart enough to know that Europe is no paradise.
  17. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    I've never had any problems with the German Ladies. I think they are quite lovely:smt060
  18. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    I bet you haven't had a problem with ANY lady. ;)
  19. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

  20. Raudi

    Raudi Member

    Every Friday, I had a drawing class with a German model who was built like a brick-house, the coolest person you would ever meet. It was hard to draw her at times, but what a beautful woman. I once had a professor from Berlin, hardcore worker, no bullshit attitude. I've learn so much from her. I noticed German women can stare you down without blinking an eye. I want to a freaky girl from Germany, i'm game.:p

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