Interracial Relationships in America

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by wtarshi, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    No, Obama is not paving the way for IR dating. Nor does his election is going to manadate WW to drop her panties in a split second for every BM that she meets in any corner of life.
    I would say his election has showed America that----a Black family can be very well educated, Ivy leaguers, articulate, hold powerful job, and can be movers and shakers of the country with out being in the entertaiment industury. His election has inspired many poor young blacks and whites alike, and will continue to do so. But I fail to understand how ppl are seeing the revolution of IR dating out of his election.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  2. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    don't get your hopes too high....

    racism still exists and yes white parents STILL WILL continue to disown their daughters or sons if she/he marries a AA.....
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i a woman in her 40s i can tell you that my parents feel more vulnerable now...the power has shifted...they want family around them and to alienate their children and risk losing contact with grandchildren is unlikely...

    the generation that the baby boomers gave birth to is much more else would we have elected an african american son at 14 is already showing signs that he will date IR and when his dad or grandfather raise their eyebrows...i look at them like they are's 2009 for christ's sake...

    i do on the flipside have a girlfriend that is concerned about her inheritance...i look at it like this money vs. happiness...if she is willing to walk away from a man that is wonderful for money then that is just another woman's gain...
  4. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    This has happened to you? It's never happened to me.

    And by the way, the topic is something entirely different.

  5. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Obama election has nothing to do with increasing IR relationships more
    so black men and white women like I stated a longtime ago on here before, Unfortunatley in America the media influences alot of people's
    more so women's choice in they date. Thats why white men still rule the
    dating world even the sistas is coming on dating more and more white men.

    The media sends subliminal messages to america's women (used to be only white women, but is still heavy on white women.) to date a hot white guy.
    You cant turn on a t.v. unless you watch nothing but BET without a whiteguy being the object of affection, even khloe kardashian's crush is on george clooney and she dates more black guys than kim k.

    Like I said in another post with the vampire craze, they hyped all the whiteguys (and the native american dude) but not the two black guys that is in the movie and on that t.v. show true blood.

    George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Denzel Washington are still considered hot older guys. But Denzel recieves the less publicity about his sex appeal, while if you watch interviews with george and brad it gets hyped up to the fifth power, they dont try to get to the point of the movie with those guys.

    And sadly alot of american women and now alot of black women follow what the media says whats attractive in a man. There are no way for
    women to get to finding black men attractive enough to date, because the first white guy or non black guy they see is going to be attractive to
    them because of what they are used to being enticed with by the media.

    A white guy with his shirt off will be more attractive to most women in
    this country than a black guy with his shirt off.

    In our surrounding areas we see that its happening alot and THINK it is happening in alot of places but it's not. I'll use this example that I have used before, Its like in the hip hop world most girls of all races especially whitegirls go for black men, you would see that and think that the surge is on with whitegirls dating brothas, but go outside of the hip hop world and look everywhere and you would see no it's not.
  6. satyricon

    satyricon Guest


  7. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    In my experience, Women STILL fear being shunned by their families.

    Also, I'm not entirely sure of this "Power shift" you speak of... I'm curious... Do you really think that a woman that is 17 in an all white family in the upper west peninsula of Michigan would want her dating some gu from, I don't know, Flint? Probably wouldn't fly at all.


    I only use this scenario as I have a friend from that part of the country that moved to boston when she was 18. Funny how once she puts 1500 miles or so between herself and her family she decides to exclusively date black men, with a few hispanics thrown in here and there. How long did this pattern go on you wonder? Not a few months, not 1 or 2 years, but 9 YEARS.

    Now recently, same said woman has decided to start looking to settle down and possible meet someone with "potential" (read: need to get married and pop out a few kids), and all of a sudden, (wait for it....) she's dating white guys again, after almost a decade. Why you ask?? Because she may actually have to bring this one home for parental approval, although she's getting in the ballpark of 30. Apparently, this power change you speak of is only in your part of the country. Try not to speak for all the female americans out there.

    True Story:mad:

    Edit- This is honestly one of those stories I hate to share, cause it really starts to piss me off. Reinforces that idea that black men are good enough to fuck but when it comes to the idea of having long term relationship, whether you believe in marriage or not, it's a better idea to go another direction, at least ethnically speaking. GRRRRRrrrrr.....:smt067
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  8. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You guys just live in shitty parts of America, where such thinking is more prevalent.

  9. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    And even if you do disagree there was no need to go
    that far, do you have something against me? That was rude.

    Interracial is big in certain parts of this country, but as a whole
    it does not have a big surge collectively because of media and that is the truth. You are always going to find more young whitegirls
    looking for Justin Timberlake and Jonas bros. than a Ne-YO or Trey Songz... slightly older white women looking for matt damon and mark walhberg types more than a taye diggs or tyson beckford.
    and so on, and so on.

    because IR is still an SUPPORTING CAST MEMBER to same race and whiteguys involved in IR. It is very evident that whiteguys involved in IR shot
    up in the public eye due to the media's push on it.

    Not all, but alot of american women(white women more so.)
    Look to these reality dating shows, male celebrities, talk shows, dr. phil's dating advice when it comes thier dating life and the main thing all of them offer to a woman's dating life is a white man, a white man is the posterboy for dating in america and thats the easiest truth to see, because I gaurantee if any of the ladies on here were to lets say try out for a show like the bachelorette and one of them get it, if they dont mention they are into black men, they will be just like any other woman on that show where they will be going on dates with mostly or only white men.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  10. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    This is the best you can come up with??? Rubbish... I thought better of your intellect Saty... I believe you simply need to come to terms with the fact that this happy little bubble you live in is simply an illusion. You must wake up with sun shining out of your ass or something, but in reality the world is much harsher than it seems. Particularly when it comes to the topic at hand.

    Or maybe you should stay in said bubble. I recall, "ignorance is bliss", as they say. Dont take that the wrong way, just an old saying.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  11. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    well, i hate to burst your bubble but i was dating bm in my teens....twenties...thirties as your old ww over 40 theory is just that a theory...i get the impression that the majority of you here have been brainwashed into thinking that what you desire is not attainable therefore you get this down on your luck bad attitude that i can assure you no woman wants to subscribe to...

    yes, if daddy is paying for college then he still has something to say about what his daughter family has always been pretty middle class...i would venture to say it is a little different when you are going after upper, rich wealthy young girls that have grown up with a silver spoon in their mouths they may not be able to support themselves in the manner of which they have come to know and at the point they will never be their own person without daddies approval...

    i have been on this forum for a while and what surprises me is how bitter some of the men are here about their experience of dating ww in america...confidence will get you where you want to girl is not the end of the me when i tell you that i have not exactly just experienced bm that were knights in shining amour...experiences help you grow and evolve...
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Well said, especially the bolded part. :smt023

    Don't take one story and apply it to many. That's not an accurate assumption. There are 300+ million people in this country. You should be assessing each woman that comes along, instead of hearing one story and thinking it applies to many or all.
  13. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    like some of those old love songs go..."if I can't have her, I don't want nobody else".
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i remember that song from back in the day...that is the song you play for a day or two after you have been rejected then you get yourself back up brush yourself off and try again (yet, another song)

    lippy has been rejected many times but it has never stopped me and only challenged my confidence on occassion...i don't get everything or everyone that i want...sometimes i realize later that what i wanted wasn't good for me anyway and he probably saved me at least one sleepless night over him:smt058
  15. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I dont think something like electing a President has much effect on IR, but I agree with Lipstick that things are slowly evolving. Women are more independent today and make their own choices in work relationships etc.We fell less inhibited to date non white, and as we see more and more it becomes even more open. The same for BM. wo are now fell that they can date us just as much as white men.Also BM are more in our countries than they used to be at one time.There is a shift in power to more equality. :D
  16. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I disagree somewhat here. Obama is a prime and very public example of a Black man as part of the Solution, not just another story of the Black man as a problem. He is well educated, successful, intelligent, an upstanding family man, ect. He is a very prominent example of a positive image of Black men, we certainly need more of that in this country and worldwide.

    Much (not all) of the reluctance to date IR stems from the legions of negative stereotypes that others have when it comes to Black people in general and Black men in particular. Having more and more positive examples at the highest levels will help to breakdown such stereotypes over time. My hope/belief is that the day IS in fact coming when the Obama, Deval Patrick, Paul Robeson, Sidney Poitier, ect. type image is the international and domestic norm for black men rather than all of the negative stereotypes we see perpetuated by the media so gleefully.
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    No disagreement here. My point was regarding ppl who think that Obama's election is going to create a massive wave of IR dating. I don't think that is the case. IR is more prevalent now than b4 due to many many factors in American history. We will see more and more IR dating slowly in America as the country continues to evolve and so on....but we will not be witnessing a massive IR love fest soon due to BO's effect.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  18. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Let me put that in a tone they can understand.

    If you live in a city where it took way too long for Jim Rice to see the Hall of Fame or let Rush call your QB "overrated because he's Black" and the fans throw batteries at Santa, you live in a shitty part of America.

    If the man in the truck in the next lane has a Gun Rack in the back window, you live in a shitty part of the country.

    If you have any Birthers in your town, you live in a shitty part of the country.

    If FOX News is on any public tv you happen to pass by, you live in a shitty part of the country.

    If your have a member of Congress in the Republican Party, you live in a shitty part of the country.
  19. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    I dont agree with the whole parent dissaproval thing, just incase you were putting me in that as well. I think parents are more open to their children dating. Like I said IR is big and growing in the places in america where they started out, the main place being the black community. Other places are mixed communities. The white community not so much, because like I said most white women in this country young and old are manipulated by the media into what the most desirable male is and that is white males.

    I gaurantee you, you will meet more white girls that are
    apart of black and mixed communities dating black men than you will meet white women from the white communtiy.
  20. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Respectfully disagree, like most things, it depends on the person Kenny. I grew up and lived in overwhelmingly white communities and schools my whole life, and, at the risk of seeming immodest, I attracted plenty of interest/dates/girlfriends.

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