Don't Need to Marry a Man

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I had a very interesting conversation with a lady friend of my wife who told me that she does not need to marry a man to feel satisfied in her life. She told me that the world has changed from that model that a woman need to marry a man to fulfill her life. In her case she has a young daughter that she raises alone. She has a good job and do not need to depend on a man. She said she does not need a man to support her financially. She has her own home that she is paying for and has investments toward her retirement someday. When it comes to sex, she has her "sex playmates" she can call on when she needs the sexual pleasure fulfilled. She said that this is the new movement of women today. She said it's nothing personal, but no "one man" are not really needed in her life. She did say in addition that good men are too few anyway. She has a choice of men of all races for the sex and companionship when the need arises, but she does keep her "supermarket approach" open as she describes her sexual life. I hear this from more women now than I have in the last ten years. Is this the new trend in the life style of the 21st century women of today?
  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Women can have nowadays everything. Also without a husband. Education, career, children, sex. It is a voluntary decision whether women want to marry or not.

    In addition, it has something to do with disappointment. Young women fall in love, are left, cheated or it fold simply. Some do not get over this disappointment, others do.

    It needs much energy and courage to get involved with a new man. And some are simply used to spend their life alone.
  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    No one person truly "needs" anyone else when it comes to dating/marriage. However, the desire for independence has less to do with spreading one's own wings and more to do with people that prefer not to compromise on anything. Some would see that has a desirable trait while others would see that as a character flaw masquerading as a positive quirk.

    Women (and men) should not have to feel as if marriage is the only logical next step after education, career and before children. The action, though is not as important as the motivation behind said action. When a person says they don't need it because they simply don't want anyone...or...they haven't found anyone worth settling down with? If that lady ran into a man that was worth her time...would she sabotage the potential LTR or encourage the development of the relationship if the opportunity were presented to her?

    If Mr. Right approached her and had most if not all of the qualities she wanted from a man...would she place him in her "supermarket of men" or bag him and walk out the grocery store with him and ONLY him? My hunch is that for her, marriage is not an option until she meets someone that makes it an option.
  5. KnCA

    KnCA New Member


    I have heard this conversation many times. It does seem to be the trend.

    I find it rather sad that people think those are the reasons for marriage...but to each their own.

    I think many do come to this decision because of past hurt and trying to protect themselves from future pain. Sometimes the whole trying things out thing gets frustrating and tiresome.

    It always amazes me when people get into the whole thing about how we/they don't NEED anyone else. I feel really badly for them. But then I think that has become the politically correct thing to say. People really do have a need to be with other people in their in having strong intimate relationships with another person that they can depend on and care for. I don't understand why so many seem to have come to the idea that they would be weak if they admitted that they really did need someone in their life.

    I don't agree with the conversation that there aren't any good men out there. The same could be said about women. I think it is more about where people are looking and how they are defining "good". I know many good men and women.
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    possibly a trend...perhaps reality for many...i would have to say that lippy subscribes to this lifestyles and enjoys it very much...

    if the right man comes along then yes, i would bag him and take him home...lippy would like to marry someday in the future for the first and only time and do that happily ever after thing...perhaps at a time in my life when the desire for more constant companionship is closer to the top of my list

    right now i am still raising my son...enjoying my career...traveling...someday i would like a little beach front property outside of the usa so that i can just be a writer and enjoy my spouse...
  7. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Precisely, "need" is such an unattractive word, even more so when demonstrated.

  8. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    I subscribe. I don't need a man, I want one.
  9. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Welcome to Dating, Western Culture 2009/2010

    Men: Your no longer needed, even though women are continually mariginalized STILL in the workplace, are murder at an alarming rate, still get paid less for the same job and where health insurance companies in American consider pregnancy a "pre-existing condition", oh I forgot where your elected officials ridicule you.

    Darn it I can't get it to play oh well, Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins strikes again...

    Anyway, I have pointed this out several times, how many times do I have to point it out?

    Even the guys that have it all together have problems dating, finding women for relationships what in the world think gives rise to eHarmony?

    The outlook is worrisome and ridiculous, if you don't have a passport you need one.

    In a recent New York Post Poll of Women; sex was rated on the list of important things from 1 to 10 and sex was 7th!

    They don't need you, we don't need them - Case Closed

  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'm finding this out for sure....

    I can't believe I actually agree with you on something.

    Women don't need don't need women....Funny phenomenon going on right now. :smt017
  11. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    I need a PB and J.


    I also need to hear "Too Fast for Love" by Motley Crue.
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you could always marry dossou...he needs you:smt060
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    LOL. Dossou is sweet.

    But, I'm not interested in marriage right now.
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Now, I'm wanting a PB and J for lunch. Thanks! :smt023
  15. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    PB and sliced strawberries is so much better....

  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    My sentiment exaclty.. I was goona go "need" is the key word here........
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    I've never heard of that before.

    I'm gonna try it out.

  18. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Know what else is good with peanut butter? I eat both of these for a snack at work: baby carrots with peanut butter and apple slices with peanut butter.

    I haven't tried strawberries with peanut butter though....maybe I need to try that. :p
  19. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Why is funny? I make sense all the time...

    Women in American don't need men, true enough but here comes the rub...

    With porn geared towards women, sex toys parties full of women, with Cougars chasing men half their age for mostly sexual reasons, I can safely say many of you desire not to be with men either.

    The few that desire men, put other things in life ahead of finding a suitable man that fits their needs and desires which I find out of whack with reality but that's another thread.

    They come back in their 30's career established to find all the really good men unavailable.

    Then you spend the next 10 years finding somebody or nobody at all. You get closer to 40 and you lie about your age, even on personal ads.

    Many blame men for their problems in dating, the truth is closer to home.
  20. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    The truth is young men are chasing the older women. I have never prefered, chased or even really dated younger men so I am for sure not putting out any vibes to them. But Ill be damned if the majority of men who approach me arent very young. If I didnt have such a strong preference for older men, I can see where it would be VERY easy to keep company with the young brothers.

    But we can pretend it is the women doing the chasing out of desperation if it makes you feel comfortable.

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