Cultural Turn-offs

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by satyricon, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Part of the satyricon persona stems from continuing the Marxist notion of "a ruthless criticism of everything existing." Much of this relates to highlighting countless absurdities in modern life then sinking my teeth into them. Given that I am African-American (proudly so . . .) and male, I also find myself targeting the ignoble aspects of my own culture. The fact that so many young black men in America have adopted an aesthetic that tells the public that they've either left prison or are on their way to it is a current favorite. For the love of Christ, pull up your fucking pants and show some dignity.

    For those who don't mind, if not prefer, crossing over into other ethnic pools for dating, I am sure there are aspects of other cultures you may find alienating. The purpose of this thread is to open a discourse on those things you find strange or disdainful. You can present a list of things but given that people usually don't like their dirty laundry aired in such a manner, perhaps it would be best to simply pose a question.

    This could get nasty. :smt025
  2. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Aren't you going to start? ;)
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Let me just say, this is NOT a self-hatred thread for those who are going to view this.

    Get that bullshit OUT OF HERE.

    Ok, moving along....
  4. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    There is little to dislike about the white American/Californian culture that I encounter on a daily basis. The women are generally smart, well-mannered, and friendly.

    I will raise an objection to the cloistered lifestyles people can lead by virtue of being unwilling to step outside of their cultures. Of course this is something not endemic to being white or anything else, it's a human problem.

  5. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Caribbean culture (perhaps others) seems to embrace sexual freedom and aggression. By sexual freedom I mean marriage vows are meaningless and having multiple partners is almost expected.

    This is a turn off for me. Monogamy even if for a short relationship is how I roll, and polyamorous lifestyle is not my bag.

    Sometimes I think perhaps I can behave the same and be more relaxed and loosen my beliefs about commitment then I realize it's a fundamental part of me and I have grown into this woman who does not participate in that lifestyle (anymore).
  6. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member


    Given what goes on in Europe and America, this is not just something found in Caribbean Culture (Just what that is anyway but people living on an island, I'm not quite sure...)
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    The fake gangsta/hoodrat culture. People don't want to just listen to the music, they need to take it to the next level, for some reason, by acting like whatever they see. It's even sadder, when their voice suddenly changes to fit their gangtsa image, and they know damn well it doesn't even fit coming from them. Last night, me and my friend were at Walmart, and overhead a suburban hoodrat talking shit, and he voice had the obvious "trying too god damn hard" sound i it.

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