What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. I was thinking that when BA said he couldn't eat! Ok... this could be a good thing!
  2. Karand

    Karand Guest

    Found out yesterday (for sure) that my man is cheating on me. Just got back from a three hour session with his other girlfriend and I really like her! We are planning some kind of joint confrontation this week, since he continues to deny to both of us separately that anything is going on. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Why add unnecessary drama to your life? Just end it. :smt023
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    she's a clever one that Bookie, listen to her Karand...!!!! :)
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn, for real? That hella sucks. Can't nobody get a break these days. Sorry that shit had to happen. Hell, just leave the dude.
  6. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I feel very sorry to say, but Bookworm is right. He repudiates you, so there is no basis...All the following discussions will only hurt you ..
  7. Karand

    Karand Guest

    I know you are all right. Can anyone tell me how the hell someone can lie to your face, even with evidence right there, and think you will buy it? I am not a stupid person. It's the most screwed up thing - I have had suspicions for a while and so did she. She even called me a few times, but hung up. Finally she called yesterday and totally by a fluke I picked up. And he has been trashing both of us to each other (you know, stuff like, "Oh, she's just some crazy bitch who keeps calling, she knows I have a girlfriend, but won't leave me alone" that kind of crap.
  8. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    People lie out of different reasons, but they are in an emergency, that´s normal, mostly. But there are also liars, they go on with their lies, although they know and you know, that he is lying. These people are dangerous people. They sell you immediatly, they have no concience at all. What means, you have to be careful about, not only your emotions, also your financial stuff..
  9. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Been lazy today i just don't want to do anything just enjoying a nice drink of Blue Lagoon, with some grapes and strawberries .. will had been nice if everyday was like today :p
  10. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    You should have knocked louder. It was 347. Was yak'n on the phone on the way back and missed the split in the highway. Saw a sign about 90 minutes later that said "Gulf Coast beaches" -- I'm supposed to be on the East Coast. Adding another hour to the trip to the 5 hour trip back. Ugh.
  11. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    The best response = total indifference and not a word. And make sure you mean it.
  12. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I completely agree. A cheater doesn't deserve one ounce of your energy. The best way to hurt someone is to show them that you don't care. Any 'revenge' plan you come up with just cements how much you DO care about what they have done. And their actions are so thoughtless and callous that they don't deserve your efforts.

    Things are pretty confusing my end. I am coming to the end of my existing job and thinking about a total career change (maybe away from law completely). Have various options in my mind including re-training as a priest. So a lot to think about. Also my new relationship doesn't seem to be getting off the ground too quickly, although I like him a great deal - we don't seem to be making too much time for each other. Hopefully that can be sorted out. Only just come back from summer holidays and already seem to be pretty stressed about stuff. :(
  13. Karand

    Karand Guest

    Thanks, it's way too late for being careful. Three years is a long time, and I am not even sure how I really feel. I mean, of course I am angry at him and pissed off at myself for not recognizing things for what they were a lot earlier, but I am mostly just hurt, so hurt that he could talk about the future together all the while planning the same future with her - it's like a double lifestyle movie of the week! But it's also kind of a relief that it wasn't me, because whenever I brought up something that he said or did that didn't make sense, he would get either get defensive, or more often, he would get mad and accuse me of being paranoid and "warn" me that he didn't want to be in a relationship where there was no trust! So of course, I would drop the subject and think maybe I was reading too much into stuff. Wish I could just stay home in bed today, but that's not an option. I appreciate everyone's words of support.
  14. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Tired. Uni assignment due tomorrow. Busy & stressful week. When did life get so manic? 1 year ago I hadn't a care in the world...
    But, anyway, the journey is fun and unexpected, and all of my own making. Another 12 months and hopefully I'll be free again.
  15. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Really, I am soo sorry, because that is something nobody should experience. That whole game has system, checking out, how you react onto which reactions from him. Accusing the other person to make them feel guilty or wrong thinking- or paranoid. These people can manipulate so easily, they can make you seriously sick. Definitly stay away from him, don´t talk one more word with him and if he comes to you again, tell him not to bother you anymore- directly with a houseban. Should he try again, go to police- it´s, out of my experience, the only language they understand..(my advice)
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you are going to be really surprised when you dentist shows them to you...they look like canine teeth...i've had mine removed as well...you will be fine:wink:
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    the man in room 349 loved your breakfast...but i'll save that for another fantasy...can't tell you how many times lippy has been chatting on the phone and missed her exit...i claim to be a multi tasker too but the phone and driving are something i should avoid:rolleyes:
  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    karand...fehg is right...i know from experience that the desire to give him a piece of your mind and/or revenge for his wrong doing would be so sweet but in reality for men they only see that as this crazy wacked out bitch loves me (not calling you a crazy wacked out bitch)...he will get too much enjoyment...if you can walk away with no contact at all...no phonecalls, texts, emails, meetings then he will be the one left empty handed...just say nothing...return any/all of his things and say nothing...don't give him even one more ounce of you...

    :smt056take care
  19. TY =)


    Damn, that sucks - in a big way. I missed an exit the other week and didn't realize for about 20-30 minutes, but wow, 90 minutes, I would be so pissed with myself! Sorry to hear that...
  20. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Bookie, I haven't forgotten about you. I've been recovering from a mild concussion, and I have barely used the computer in the past week. Hopefully, when I get home from work tonight, I'll feel like posting it for you. :D

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