What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    My friend and I are starting up our movie production company, again.

    We are going to be shooting a short film in October. I'm excited. :D

    Anyway, we have our domain name, but we don't know how to set up a good web page. If you can or know someone who can do web design, please let me know. My friend has a powerpoint of how he wants the webpage to look. We just need someone to set it up, and possibly design our logo.

    Contact me if you can help or know someone who can! Thanks! :smt023
  2. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Very awesome, Bookie. Make sure you send links to it on youtube here, so we can all see.
    Do you have a particular genre?
  3. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I was at my best friend's birthday party last night. It was quite fun. I have "red wine lips" though, not a good look. I'm feeling sort of hungover, better than I was. I took about 5 Pro Plus pills, drank 2 pints of water and a couple of paracetamol. The thought of eating still makes me feel a bit sick. I wasn't ridiculously drunk, but I was a bit. I dropped my phone in a sink full of water (idiot) so I'm pissed about that. I kinda wish I got more drunk so I could forget acting like a twat last night. :toimonster:
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i'm here...wow the hotel is beautiful...what did you say the room number was...i brought you breakfast:smt112
  5. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Some imagination there Christine. He didnt mention his body atall. LOL
  6. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Are you hospitalized? I see your siggy and wonder. Let me know, Ill send a stripper to cheer you up. LOL
  7. WhiteLondonChick

    WhiteLondonChick New Member

    Hey, Soulthinker! things are good in London. how is it going for you?
  8. WhiteLondonChick

    WhiteLondonChick New Member

    OMG, good luck, TS!!!!!!!!!! ;)
  9. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    You see? That´s the best proof what happens, when he mentions a shower..:D
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I will definitely send links. :D

    All of our movies have been psychological dramas....I would really like to branch out from that. LOL. We shall see. :smt045
  11. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I got woken by the rain at 1.45 am and it's now 2.45 am. No sleeping for me tonight. :(

    Bookie..I look forward to seeing whatever you guys produce. Are you also acting in it?
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Yes, please!!! [​IMG]

    Google the sig for further details. Click the FAQ tab. :cool:
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Hopefully this finds you asleep now. I hate getting awakened in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep.

    I acted in his 2 feature films, but I've moved into the producing aspect of filmmaking now.

    He writes and directs and produces and finances the movies. I help with story development, script re-writes (dialogue is not his strong suit), casting, set design, and any other aspects needed to get the movie finished.

    Neither of us edits the movies, and during the editing process, my friend begins to lose interest in the project, if the editing takes too long. :smt013 So, to counteract that now, I am in charge of sending the films out to fests. He would always fight me tooth and nail about how he hated the movie once he saw it and didn't want to send it anywhere. I'm not allowing him to get away with that anymore, and he isn't allowing himself to get away with it anymore. So, I'm in charge of the "follow-through" of the entire process now.

    The film we are going to make now is based on an 8 page script. He also has another feature length script that he's waiting to get some money for, to make. It's a great concept and great script and we want to make sure it gets made the way we need it to be made. I think its potential for furthering our movie career aspirations is definitely there.

    And every movie we've made has been made for less than $1000.
  14. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I can do logos and visuals for websites, but I don't know anything about coding.

    I happen to know a few people who do, though. There's a pretty sizeable web design program at my school.
  15. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

  16. Damn.... I just found my first wisdom tooth. Luckily it doesn't hurt, but it's scary nonetheless. I was hoping they'd hide away forever.
  17. Huh? I have 3 rep power? Wow... don't know how I managed that, but it excites me!
  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    You should get them pulled soon. The top ones are nowhere near as bad as the bottom ones when you get them pulled. I got my bottoms pulled, then my tops later. My jaw was swollen for like 5 or 6 days when I got my bottom ones pulled. I couldn't eat shit. The top ones surprised me. There was damn near no swelling, or pain. Even after the numbness wore off. Hell, I was out eating buttered toast, and causing havoc with my friends later on that night.:smt119
  19. Oh wow, that makes me feel a bit better. It is a top one. I can't see any sign of any others.
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I got all 4 of mine removed when I was 18. 3 of them were impacted. There was no room for any of them to come in. I'm glad I got them all removed at one time....it was the best form of weightloss. LOL. I couldn't eat solid foods for nearly a week.

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