Negative Rep

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by satyricon, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Since the introduction of this reputation system, I've found that the results are reminiscent of academic studies used to delineate patterns of how people respond to reward and punishment.

    As expected, people generally feel the need to express thanks when they receive "positive" reputation points and lash out in anger when given negative rep. Despite the fact that these points haven't yielded anything meaningful with regard to the functionality of the site, people frequently react to negative rep in a way that warrants discussion.

    Most of the positive rep I receive is usually some type of flirtation, whereas the negative stuff might consist of . . .

    You gotta make jokes about someone's mom? You're a fuckin [sic] disgrace. Do yourself a favor and please get off this site!

    Although my sensibilities lack a certain sensitivity that would cause me to feel one way or the other by such words, I also fail to see why a similar statement should bother anyone? I use this as an instructive example to let you all know that none of it matters. Plus you only let the other person know that they've won when you get angry about it. I would say, "Let it go." but it was never really worth holding in the first place, was it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2009
  2. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Yes. My sentiments exactly.
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I put it down to always wanting approval. As children we’re taught from a very early age what is acceptable in our world. Think about how we are raised/praised as children…either we are good or bad. We have a code of conduct, and if we do not go by that we are going against the grain. Wanting someone’s acceptance will always be our first preference over being on the outer. But on the other hand I will not censor my thoughts or feelings because it may offend or upset someone else. We are who we are and really that’s that. The good, the bad and the ugly. As technology progresses so should we. Bullying has a new level and stadium these days and it’s up to us to either develop a thicker skin or move on. That’s my two cents worth.
  4. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Wanting someone's acceptance should never have any weight in decision making or life. When someone else's opinion becomes more important than my own, then my life has truly lost all decency. Just because we were raised in a way (whatever that is) doesn't mean we are locked into that for life, nor should it even mean a thing at all.

    Additionally - when a sentiment expressed on this site, or any website, affects me in any way more than a mild and fleeting moment, I will officially take myself out into the desert and give myself a stern talking to.

    For F*ck's sake - it's an internet forum! :smt104 :smt021
  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    yes it is an internet forum
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Are you writing a dissertation in Sociology?

    You are absolutely right - reputation points (both positive and negative) have no bearing whatsoever in our lives.
  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    If you do let them affect you are spending way too much time here and need to get out and enjoy the real world.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  8. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    FYI, Tarshi, the majority of my post wasn't in response to your text.
  9. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    Maybe I should reveal a bit more information at this time.

    The reputation point system is actually part of the (DOD) U.S. Department of Defense's "Information Operations Roadmap" program. Any website can join if the owner/business passes the requirements. You can read a little bit about it here:

    Basically, all reputation points and comments are uploaded to DOD mainframes on a nightly bases where it is analyzed and compiled with other information collected and mined from the internet.

    Specifically, it's part of the "Fight the net" aspect of the program where:

    US forces should be able to "disrupt or destroy the full spectrum of globally emerging communications systems, sensors, and weapons systems dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum".

    I suspect that those who have negative reputation would be more vulnerable to this than those who do not.
  10. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :|lippy has no idea what that says or means
  11. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    This must be my problem as I was a rather bad kid. It's a good thing I've reformed myself so well. :p

  12. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    There is an unparalleled dignity to staying above it all, especially in real life where it really counts.

  13. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    I'm working on this question: "Will my dog drink this beer?"

  14. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    Are u kidding????
  15. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    That's going to be one short dissertation. LOL.

    How are you going to fill up the rest of the 800 pages?? :p
  16. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    It's only a internet forum, but me myself feel bad when I get a negative rep, especially because I'm so idiot that even when I have to complain about something I use positive reps because I like to be constructive. And I always sign. But I guess not everybody share my opinion.
  17. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    how do u know it is neagative??? and does anyone else see it???
  18. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    nobody can see it, and you know if it's negative because the little light is red instead of green :)
  19. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    What language is that? ^^

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