Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by V777, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I guess I am agnostic then.Lol.
    Ethics and moral have nothing to do with religious belief in my opinion.I know people who do not believe in any type of God and are very good people.Some of them do charity work or have helped others out when in need of help.
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    What does make sense to you?
  3. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Yep, but honestly the idea of an afterlife makes no sense period.

    Either there is no form of supernatural existence anywhere or the laws of physics are wrong. Choose wisely.

  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Ahh!! But I beg to differ, we are perfect before God because of the Blood of Jesus, and when God looks at us He sees only the perfection of Jesus!!

    It sounds like you have no idea what Christians really believe, because you see, we didn't make the rules nor do we decide who does or does not go to hell. Hell was made for Satan and his angels, not people, the Scripture says that "God is not willing that any should parish".

    The problem is that God sent His only begotten son to die in our stead, and if we chose to ignore that, then we have to pay our own debt, it's our choice, or yours to make. No one is forcing anyone to chose Christ, but Christians believe He is the "only way" to God, and if a person does not chose Him then they will go to hell, not because anyone wants them to, but because they chose not to go to heaven.

    You see if there is only one road that takes you to NY, and you ignore it, you won't get there. Simple! Everybody has the right to choose.
  5. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    So how about people who have a different religious belief or faith? In the end everybody picks out what they want to believe.
    I'm not an expert but I think what the Islam for instance says about who or not will end up in heaven or hell is different from what the Bible says on that issue.
    With all those different religions existing in the world and them being similar in some but different in other points how do you know you that you're really living with the right values and morals(which the religious belief you picked tries to procure)? Do all muslims,buddhists ,hinduists,jews,atheists,agnostics,etc to hell?
    I bet from the perspective of some other religious beliefs everybody who does not believe in their God and/or system is supposed to go to hell.
    I don't know whether any of the many existing religious beliefs is the universal right one. I also don't like the idea of "If you're not a good Christian/Jew/... you will burn in hell".
    Luckily many ways lead to Rome or NY as in your example....
    Some of the nicest people I know are either atheists,agnostics or have a different belief than Christianity.If they and me will end up in hell for it so it be.I don't know at this point.But if it happens I bet I will at least have quite a few of my friends around me there

  6. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    Well I think I have a pretty good idea what it means.
    My uncle is a pastor, so I have some first handed experience, how it is, to be a non christian and how those people who love everybody treat u when u don´t share their belive.
    Plus I come from a atheist polish family, and those things I hear as a child from grown people about not being batised where just mean!

    Christianty has also a misionary misson, to save people from thier wrong believes and make to be christian. That means to me, that chrisianty don´t respect other views of spiritualty.
    Soo that means to me, that if u want a world where everybody has the same rights, that cannot go witn christian rights, because there everybody should be christian then.
    the only way to respect all views of the world and of spirtitalty are actually if u take it from the agnostic or atheist view, to respect the inner feeling of other people and let them do how they think as long as they don´t harm anyone!
  7. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    Heaven will be a lonly place lol.
    Lets party in the hell! LOL:smt055
  8. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    That is IF we land in hell.Lol. If hell even exists. It's not like I can talk to the unliving and know for sure either heaven or hell exists.
    I haven't been to either one of them.....
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I can't give you rep yet, but know that the thought is there. :smt023

    Rep added.

    Both of you have hit on the reason I grew up Catholic and have since become an Agnostic.

    I can't quite give up the belief that there is absolutely nothing spiritual in this world. Too many stories of spritual encounters for them all to be made up, in my opinion.

    However, also studying anthropology and ancient cultures and ancient religions, I've struggled with these facts. What if the ancient Egyptians were right and there are gods for everything? What if all monotheistic religions are wrong? Why did polytheistic religions pop up independently of one another 3000+ years ago on different continents?

    I struggle with even my Agnostic beliefs because of this fact and the idea that religion was invented to control the masses. And think of all of the deaths that have occurred because of peoples' views and beliefs. It's sickening. All religions preach about peace, but that hasn't been practiced at all throughout history.

    Yet another reason I struggle with my Agnostic views. If there is a spiritual being up there, why is that Being allowing all of these religions to kill each other down here? It makes no sense to me.
  10. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    You made a great post there,yourself. If I can I will add some rep :)..Jut tried... I need to spread some rep around elsewhere first.Hehe

  11. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    I dont see Christianty bad ..and not everyone believe you will go to hell if you are not Christians.. if you really think about it all religions believe the same ...all have something good and something bad that done in the past and still do ..

    and i dont see that agnostic or atheist are any better that Christians, or Muslims or any other religions people believe.. its how you choose to do with your religion..

    people will talk and find something wrong always ..

    Its just up to person to choose what to be a bad Christian, Muslim, buddhist.. etc... or good..

    religons not bad ...people are and use the religions.

    I am orthodox and to me thats the best religion for me ..
    i am not going to think all other religions are not good as i dont really care what everyone believes in when i meet people all i care is how will teat me ..i respect other religions.
  12. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I agree on that. I don't think anyone is better than anyone solely based on their belief. Whether they do choose to believe in some type of God or have a religion or not.At this point all people can do is believe. Nobody really knows in the sense that they can prove anything.
    It's people's personal actions I judge them by.Are they respectful/kind hearted/evil/generous/supportive/have an open ear/ignorant views...?
    Even within a religion everybody has a different way to believe or express their devotion to their God.Everybody has their own unique interpretation of the written word.
    I also agree on people using religion a lot. Sometimes to the good,sometimes to the bad.
    In politics I've seen it a lot,too.
    During WW2 under the Nazi regime the bible was commonly interpreted in a way to justify what was going on in Germany. As a matter of fact all literature that could somehow be interpreted in favor to antisemitism was read and interpreted accordlingly but that's a different topic.Not trying to get into this too deply here.

  13. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I do the same but I dont' even have the religion excuse. I'm naturally boring!
  14. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    And damn NYX, nice avatar you have :D
  15. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I have done much thinking and introspection since my last post in this thread, nearly 1 year ago.

    Ideas that were previously untethered in my mind have began to form some type of framework.

    My most immediate response is: if Christianity is correct and if God does really exist, why is that not evident in everything? Not the usual "I can see it in the beauty of nature" response that comes out, but actually really able to be proved, in the same way that I can say to you "look at that chair" and you can look at the chair and agree with me that it is there and that it is indeed a chair. If Christianity (or any other religion) is right and true, then I think it's quite counter-intuitive to make it so veiled such that people are and have been fighting about it for 2000+ years.

    Secondly, I totally agree with other people's points that Christian morality is not, and should not be the morality for everyone. Morality, generally, is an extremely complex issue that is culturally relevant. It is easier to place yourself within a religious dogma in order to remove the need for deeper introspection into personal choice.

    I believe that religions have sprung up around people's general need for external reliance and to give meaning and warmth to what is otherwise a difficult existence. Having said all that, this does not mean that a God or Gods cannot exist, just that religion is too flawed to be of any real value.

    I reserve my right, however, to post again in 12 months with yet another point of view. It's a work in progress.
  16. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Thanks TS...I do like your avatar also very nice
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    Yes was born again in 1976, fairfield baptist church at age 11
  18. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Tsk, tsk, tsk. :smt018

    What did you mother tell you about sleeping in church? Hmm??
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    She woke me the fuck up. :mad: I'm like "damn, the music section is over. Ain't nothin' else important going on for this last hour and a half". :D

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