GI Joe movie interracial romance

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by hottie4life888, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. I had a friend who saw that GI Joe flick Attack of the Cobra. She said that they had an interracial romance in it... the redhead girl. She starts falling for him after the black soldier saves her :smt057 She is badass but needs her black man to save her at times LOL ...They kiss in the movie. awww



    I wonder if that was Rachel Nichols first IR kiss :)
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    I'm still not going to see the movie anytime soon.

    Buuuuut, I may download it in a few months to peep the scenes. :cool:
  3. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I saw it. The IR was nice :)
  4. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Was it Marlon's character or the other brother?:eek:
  5. chicity

    chicity New Member

  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Damn, she looks hot w/ red hair! :p

    Look at that suit!

  7. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    I saw the movie last saturday, and though brief, the IR romance was done nicely. I mean, more naturally that you would expect from a huge hollywood production. Actually, it didn't even feel like IR, more like a dorky and clumsy guy trying to impress a tough and smart girl. In the theater I saw it, Marlon's character got the most laugh, especially when he was flirting with Scarlet.

    Actually, on the message board, the die hard GI Joe fans are more complaining about the fact Scarlet's character hooked up with someone other than Snake Eyes.
  8. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    This was discussed in the recent movie thread. I was surprised by it when I learned of it by accident on IMDB. Like Los Angeles I too am not interested in seeing this in the theaters but I do give the folks who made the movie props for "going there".

    Came across a post on the IMDB page of the film and one dude wrote that the kissing scene between Ripchord (Marlon) and Scarlett ruined the movie. He said people groaned in the movie theaters and that "half" of the folks walked out at that point. I really don't believe all that unless he was seeing the flick in a mostly empty theater somewhere in Redneckville. But what ticked me off was that he also wrote that an "intelligent woman" like Scarlett would never be interested in a guy like Ripchord and stated their relationship upset fans of G.I. Joe because no such relationship existed between the two characters in the cartoon. Ha! Well, I don't think any relationship existed between Duke and the Baroness either on the animated version and yet this dude doesn't see to have a problem with that. And if I may refer to another summer movie I know damn well no relationship existed between Spock and Uhura before the latest Trek movie, but I'm guessing this same knucklehead probably didn't bat an eye over that either.

    Rachel Nichols is definitely a hottie who looks good as a blonde, redhead and brunette. I think she is a natural blonde however.



    She was in this cheesy horror film known as P2 by the way. She was a woman kidnapped by a crazy parking garage attendant. I wanted to change the channel but considering Rachel was dressed like this [​IMG]

    during most of the movie I found it hard to turn away. :)
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I saw it via freebee and liked it.
  10. The Franchise

    The Franchise New Member

    Wow, can't believe Marlon got to smooch w/ Rachel Nichols.
    i've been a fan since I first saw her in Maxim some years back.

    Good for Marlon.:p
  11. I wanted to change the channel but considering Rachel was dressed like this [​IMG]

    during most of the movie I found it hard to turn away. :)[/QUOTE]

    oh you boys! lol
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Ohhh, shit!

    I just now realized Rachel is an anchor on ESPN!

  13. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    I just got out of GI Joe. 7.5/10 better than I expected.
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It is amazing how a black suit makes you look so hot. I would have turned her down in the first pic.
  15. diamondlife

    diamondlife New Member

    I've said before that Hollywood NEVER shows any genuine interracial love scenes between BM and WW without a twist.

    Notice that the Ripcord got arrested twice in the movie; once in the middle of the movie by the French and again at the very end of the movie. The message that Hollywood was sending was,"You can mess with our women if you want to BUT if you do, this is what will happen to you" Of course it didn't play out like that in the movie, but it was meant to be subliminal.
  16. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    Wow, you really thought hard about this, haven't you? :) I think you're overanalyzing. They were all arrested by the French, not just Ripcord. And the second time he was arrested is because he landed on the White House's lawn after he had ejected from the "Superplane". It was actually a pretty funny scene. Now, what those scenes got to do with sending a message against IR?:eek:

    You don't think that him flirting with her, the sexual tension between them throughout could have been a subliminal message to indicate that IR is normal nowadays?

    Anyways, people will only see what they want to see and all those things are open to interpretation. Yours is a little bit over the top I am affraid.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  17. diamondlife

    diamondlife New Member

    An answer like yours was anticipated so not surprising. I know how this system and Hollywood works when it comes to dropping subliminals. They are NOT in the business of giving ANY legitimacy to BM/WW relationships..period, so looking to Hollywood for any sign of interracial normalcy between BM and WW is an exercise in futility.

    As far as you giving reasons why he was arrested, well that was part of the script DUUHHHH!, BUT the fact remains that a black man was arrested twice. The very one who has a love interest in a white woman. Hollywood is not going to showcase that without a negative twist. Further more subliminal messaging IS NOT suppose to be IN YOUR FACE.

    Another thing, there was so much biblical symbolism (Adam and Eve) and Jungian Archetypes in that move that I could give an IRREFUTABLE breakdown from those alone. Now YOU think hard about that aight!!! smart ass!!!!
  18. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    Wow, you're seem to be an authority on this matter. What are your credentials, are you a filmmaker? Tell me more about those subliminals messages against IR dropped by filmmakers. I've been here almost 18 years, and I don't see these things. Maybe I am just blind. However, I recall a black filmmaker named Spike Lee making a film that depicted IR as somewhat morally wrong, unnatural and even dangerous :confused:

    Also, how can you expect Hollywood to portray interracial normalcy between BM and WW when a significant amount of black people in this country are also against it. WOuld most black women who are movie goes be happy to see a romantic comedy starring Denzel and say Naomi Watts or Nicole Kidman? It goes both way, so I wonder why you are not taking this into consideration.

    No, there's not fact that "a black man was arrested twice". Technically, he was arrested only once since the first time the whole team was arrested on the grounds of vandalism and suspicion of terrorist activities in Paris. How come you didn't analyse the fact that "he" was arrested by the French police and not by Americans cops? :D France and French have historically been more tolerant about IR and never hesitated to put scenes in mainstream films and mainstream media, no?:rolleyes:

    Yeah, yeah :rolleyes: Like I said, it's open to interpretation and people like you have a tendency to overanalyse things. Keep thinking hard about these scenes. You know, in The Last King of Scotland, many people saw some homoerotic undertone in the scenes between Idi Amin and Nicolas. Go in the message boards, there's an entire thread about the possibility of Idi Amin being a homosexual. So like I said, people see only what they want to see.
  19. diamondlife

    diamondlife New Member

    The fact that they were French and American was irrelevant and so is the tolerance of the French which has NOTHING to do with this subject. What I am talking about is the subtle suggestions that are purposefully put into these movies. I know how the machine works and you sir are very naive to think that this system puts out movies solely for the sheeples' enjoyment.

    You also mentioned that you have been "here" almost 18 years? Where is "here"?
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  20. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    Call me naive if you want, but I still think your theory is far-fetched. You should read your initial post again. I've highlighted the part that implies that Ripcord's arrest was a message sent by Hollywood.:confused: I reminded you that the entire GI Joe team was arrested for vandalism and suspicion of terrorism and French cops did the arrest, not Americans. Now what this got to do with sending a message against IR?

    Your theory could have been believable if Ripcord had been arrested in the US for no reason at all. But being arrested after some terrorists blew up the Effeil Tower is a subliminal message against IR? So according to you, the twist is Ripcord being arrested to send a message? Come on!:D Then how do you interpret the fact that Duke was also arrested? Incidentally, do all/most black men that are in IR get arrested in the real world?

    "Here" is the USA. By the way, I am also African American ;)

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