Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by V777, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:..definately attempting to grow in Christ everyday....still a 1st-Class Heathen.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    We should give you some stripes on your sleeve or somethin

  3. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:...just call Mr. Sgt. Sinner.
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Intrig, if indeed you are trying to grow in Christ everyday, then you are the Righteousness of God in Christ, and not a sinner anymore, even if you sin today, as long as you repent it is immediately forgiven, we live under grace not the law. That being said, is not a license to sin, but it is also true that we are not sinners, but righteous. :D

    So you may very well be Sir Righteous, but then only you and the Lord really know your heart...:confused:
  5. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt058...thank you Ma'Tink. I will definitely chew on that.
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Preach on Pastor!
  7. Kelechi

    Kelechi New Member

    Jesus is Lord

    Hey all,

    Just thought I would produce my first post by announcing that I am a servant of Christ Jesus, he is glorious!!
  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

  9. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    No comment.:smt042
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

  11. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Thanks for posting Kelechi, and YES He is glorious!!
  12. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Well I was baptized Protestant.I did my confirmation classes when I was a teenager..However my faith isn't too strong at all. I don't pray,go to church,etc... I just do some honorary work in the church library in my village..but more because I like books ...
  13. Serchas

    Serchas Member

    Yes,I am reconciled to God thru faith in Jesus Christ,and I actually try and practice being Christlike when I`m not around "church folk"
  14. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    Yes i am a christian, and the definition of a christian is an imperfect person(called a sinner) who is saved from the judgement of God, Hell, by accepting the free gift of God, HIS Son Jesus, who atoned for our sin on the cross at Calvary

    so we are all imperfect if we are christians:p
  15. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Yes I am a Christian. I was baptised in the Anglican faith this year and have considered being ordained. But I didn't grow up in a church - both my parents are somewhere between atheists and agnostics - so my faith was a choice as an adult. I respect people greatly who have faith, or no faith at all, but my faith sustains and inspires me. I recently spent a week in Taize (an ecumenical religious community in France) with a group of young people, which was absolutely wonderful - we worshipped for about 2-3 hours per day, including moments of silence and intense concentration. It is so hard to find the space for that in everyday life.

    I also lead a very different lifestyle since my baptism, which I take very seriously - I don't engage in casual sex, or drinking too much. I know, boring eh?
  16. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Good for you. I wish you well in your journey! :-D

    I consider myself more of an agnostic than anything.
  17. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I once tried to look up the difference between atheist and agnostic but they were written in a way I wouldn't really understand.Could someone explain it to me?

  18. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    Agnositc means, that u don´t say, there is no god or something like like Spirituality, it is more a it may be or it may not be.... You will find out when you am dead. U cannot prove the existence of god, but also u cannot pove that there is none!

    Atheist means, that U don´t belive in and higher beings or so.
    An Atheist has a non Spritual world, there is no god, and there is no Spritual stuff, and what so ever.
    An Athiest only belives, what is proven, and since it is pretty hard to show of with a God in ur hands, an atheist won´t belive there is a god!

    BUT it don´t mean, that an atheist has no moral! Humans rights are actualy grown on atheist or agnostic views, that is why they are universial! Christians cannot make rules wich apply to all mankind, because they say, that a non beliver is bad.
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    Why not?
  20. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    Because when u are christian u go to heaven all the others go to hell, that means, that christians don´t have universial rights for everyone.

    So u can be the nicest person in the world, as long as u are not christian, u will burn in hell. That makes no sence for me.

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