I'm curious. Has anyone seen anything that would have been from 'The Contest'? I'm not sure what it would be, but I didn't want to miss it if it's there. LOL
[FONT="]The Cuban Cigars Big Salad Puffy Shirt Man Hands The Junior Mint Merv Griffin Show Set Muffin Tops Of course, Superman The Library Book Fusilli Jerry Assman! (one of my favorite episodes) Elaine’s Sponges Frogger Elaine’s fish from the lost the car in the parking lot episode The Bro / Manzier The Lopper The Bookie's Bandaged Hands The Pez Dispenser Susan’s George’s Mom’s Doll The Antique Cake Coffee Table Book George’s Mobility Scooter The Chinese Food Elaine goes to great lengths to get after being banned The Astronaut’s Pen The Beauty Pageant Doves The Elaine Mannequin Kramer’s Meat Slicer Frank’s Trench Coats The Urban Sombrero Crazy Joe Divola's Clown Suit The Envelopes that killed Susan The Wizard Pocket Organizer Jerry’s Mac David Puddy’s Jacket David Puddy’s Christian fish The Maestro The Bubble Boy The Éclair George at from the trash can The Cigar store Indian Statue The peed on sofa Soup Nazi Soup Jerry’s Purse / Man Bag Bosco and, the obvious - Jerry, Elaine and George That’s all I have got. There are heaps more, I might have to ask my Seinfeld crazy friend back home, she is going to love this![/FONT]
But where is that big antique closet (dont know the word) that Elaine bough that the two italian gay guys stole, when George was supposed to watch it outside her apartment. Where is the snickers bar that geroge ate with knife and fork? Where is a ref from when Cosmo was basting himself and laying in that hot tub or the Japanese that slept in his drawers (not the underwear) and where is that crazy rainbow frock (from some play) that Cosmo was wearing making him look like a pimp? help
Aha, it is you! I was stumped for a little bit then realized... Oh the japanese in the drawers... a classic, as was the pimp episode!
haha, I was worried, I sent it before I had a chance to write a message Now I know your naaaammmmeeeee;-) and you know mine
THANK YOU MM, I was going nuts trying to remember that word Besides, I think that episode is pretty hillarious!
I'm very impressed, JABL. You know your Seinfeld references. I must add the black and white cookie to the list. 'Nothing mixes better than vanilla and chocolate.' [youtube]IlLPAIrmqvE[/youtube]
The sausages that Kramer made in Jerry's apartment The Maple Syrup that Jerry took to Monks The cashmere sweater George gave Elaine with the red dot The peach schnapps that Elaine drank when on the trip to India that unlocks her vault Toilet paper Elaine took from Jerry's girlfriend at Monks - I haven't a square to spare Jujyfruits Elaine bought at the movies before seeing her boyfriend in hospital Jerrys golden boy t-shirt - 6 years i've had this shirt, its my best one Kramers oversized wallet The chocolate bobka
i'm becoming obsessed with this thing now Mr Pitts socks that Elaine had to buy for him & ended up not being able to go to AC because of Kramers favorite Mackinaw Peaches The Himalayan hiking boots Elaine had to write a blurb on for the J Peterman catalogue...and finally came up with one when searching for Jean-Paul. The strange training shoes that George becomes an investor in. Ahhh Jimmy and the 3rd person...kind of reminds me of a certain sexy broad on the forum. Not sure if the chicken is referring to the episode where a chicken shop opens up across the street from Kramers apartment and pumps in a bright red light...Jerry & Kramer then swap apartments & Jerry starts acting like Kramer