What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Makes complete sense!!!!!
    Good advice
  2. TY Britty :D
  3. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Me too :(
  4. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    So a friend of mine is having me find someone (they misplaced and forgotten the information for) using the internet, because I'm good at it, nothing illegal or anyone that would feel invaded or whatever (I'm not like that), it's public information anyway, some people are just not smart enough to find it. Well, I was getting frustrated because I wasn't given enough information to search with, which makes it a bit tough, so I just decided to search for me, heh, out of boredom/frustration/curiousity. And I'm listed as living in a different city I've never even heard of that's like 65.05 miles from the city I'm actually living in. I don't think it's another person with the same name as me because they list my relatives and previous cities I've lived as well. What could it be? I get my mail here where I actually am living right now. Weirddd... Anyway, just felt like venting my WTF feelings.
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Man, that shit's weird. I'd be kinda paranoid about some unexplainable shit like that.
  6. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yeppers, the terms "identity theft" popped up in my head. And I don't think I can even get the more in depth type of information they have on "me" living there without paying money for it because it's not from the site I usually use, on the site I usually use they didn't have me on it at all, but it said they found a result from one of their sponsered sites, so I clicked on that one and that's the one saying I'm living in another city but, as far as I can tell, I have to pay $ (and I don't have any) to get any more information than just the city, state, my relatives, and past cities/states I've lived. But I don't want to jump to conclusions. I'll try to figure it out more tomorrow. It was just weird and threw me for a loop.
  7. Athena

    Athena New Member

    By 1130hr today I will be on holidays!!!!!!
    :smt020 holiday... celebrate....

    I'll be thinking of you all as I dive, swim and play in the ocean. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    Luvs yah!:smt057
  8. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Enjoy your holidays Athena.
  9. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Thanks Nyx, I'm sure I'll have some fun.

    Queen Nilli - safe travels sister, and I really hope to see you on here asap!
    Divine DH and Britty good luck with job hunting/school - I'm rooting for yous!

    Brotha Ajax, I hope Target snatches you up and you are rolling in the dough! BMJ has a good point about getting rid of the car - it will suck out all your finances!! Good luck Brotha!!!

    FG & GZ, I will be stalking you two soon! lol

    Chat later skaters!
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Welp, I was supposed to go back to find out the results of my blood tests today but we just can't gather up the gas monies, :smt012 sooo not happenin'. I'll call them today, they don't "open" till like 3 or 4 in the PM because all the people there are volunteers just getting off their shifts from the hospitals that costs monies. Welp, maybe another time.

    Thanks Athena! Have fun! :D
  11. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well fingers crossed when you get them, that it will be either =not much to worry about or something that can be fixed.

    Sending well vibes towards ya:D
  12. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Me three. What will we do without our Queen Nilla? :sad:
  13. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    awwwwwwww you ladies sure know how to make a girl feel good :smt054
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Me four. :smt022

    It's been such fun having you around here again!
  15. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    I'll make sure to pour out a little liquor for you...Its what you would have wanted. ;)
  16. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Oh Max...........that is so bikerish of you! Don't pour it......drink it. I don't like to waste. ;)
  17. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Ok kids..............I won't get misty on you but my time here is running out and tonight I may not be able to see the keyboard to type anything you could read.

    It has been so much fun catching up with people and meeting some new ones.

    This summer has been such an adventure for me in so many ways. I have had a wonderful time and realize how blessed I am. I have so many people in my life whom I love dearly and lucky me....they love me right back.

    To the ladies of the forum.....you have made me laugh so hard....yes I pee'd a little! I have had many lates night here with a few of you and damn it was fun.

    Curley and Jaisee..........I hope your meeting is as wonderful as we think it is going to be! I really wish you both all the best and hope it works out in whatever way is best for you both. Remember...I will tap dance while FG plays the guitar!

    To the crazy trio of Athena, FG and GZ ( i went alphabetically so I could not get any shit) you are ALL mental and I love it.

    Athena......have a blast on your break. You worked your ass off and deserve it! FG.........keep being you HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!! and GZ......hope you have lots of Sprite and Chicken in your future.

    GG....keep doing whatever the hell it is that you are doing with Tony! If for no other reason than to let the rest of us live via you two!

    Bookie....what can I say. Librarian my ass!

    DH...so glad you have found some happiness. Follow the light girl!

    Lippy.........I can't thank you enough. You know why!

    KnCa....thank you. You too know why. Only good things!

    Moma....I will be at the airport......remember enormous bottle of Vanilla and a huge cup of chai tea.

    NPM......I will study your lessons everyday.

    Smooth.....you are a rock star!

    TCO...................if only I was born later....damn

    EQ......keep making those dirty martinis

    Webbie.........hope your mom is doing ok

    Bryant....I am glad it had a happy ending. You are one of a kind my sweet

    Max Moley...................;)

    Now.............wouldn't it be funny if my new software works and I can post on Saturday! Ha FUCKING DRAMA QUEEN!
  18. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I promise to do my best, Vanilla. ;) You already know how I feel about you so I'm not going to post it again here. I hope to see your little green light on Saturday when I log in. It would be a wonderful sight to see. Good Luck to you in everything you do. :D
  19. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Awww Vanilla ~ Thank you wonderful Vanilla your support, it has been gratefully received. Take Care Miss V... You will be greatly Missed around here. And yes I still want that Tap Dance too...
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I was such a good little girl on this site until all y'all came on here and forced the party animal out in me....:smt022

    We'll miss you V!! You have my email, in case that software doesn't work, and even if it does, you can use it.

    And if you can log in on Saturday, I think we'll all be happy. ;-)

    Remember to visit us when you get back to civilization on your breaks!! Good luck to you in Dubai. :D

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