What Type of WW do WW THINK BM Like??

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by KnCA, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. CarlosNevada

    CarlosNevada Active Member

    Don't take yourself out of the running. Slender women are attractive to us too. It's just a matter of how that entire package comes together. Petite women are very, very sexy.
  2. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Well from what i have read on many site thats what i believe and i know am not wrong and btw i dont have a problem with that everyone have they own preference on what they like and just happen me not to be that preference
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Ah.. the ignorance must have been bliss.
  4. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    When I was young, I went by what I saw. The few black guys I knew were going for pale curvy/chunky girls with long blond frizzy hair. I simply didn't think they had any real interest in me.

    I remember even when I first came to this site wondering if black men would have any interest in olive skinned women with dark hair and eyes (short, curvy, chunky). I know I'm not the only one because there have been several that have started threads about it. I also wondered if anyone would be interested in the soccer mom/corporate wifey type at all.

    The man that I fell really hard for...I thought he was probably really into the tall models, high fashion, flash with curves. I knew that's what he had dated in the past. Then I came to find that I actually fit the type he had always been drawn to, just as he fit the type I had always been drawn to - go figure!

    Lipstick encouraging some of the women to go on dating sites was a really good thing at one point (for me at least) I came to see very clearly that there are people out there who like all sorts of different characteristics and attributes. Just be who and how you are and you'll attract all sorts of different people. Conversations with some of the men from this site (and others) has been really eye opening and interesting to me also.
  5. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    When I was about 16 and would meet/knowtice black guys they were never interested in me they liked my friend who was tall super skiny and blonde so I was very sad:( and asumed all men are the same they all want super skiny model looking women
  6. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I was gonna say pretty feet but you beat me to it.:mrgreen:
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Malikom may be an asshole but truth is truth sometimes. Back in the old AOL days I had a WW tell me that all BM liked fat WW and if you didn't, you had a little dick. Another complained to me that the BM in her area (San Fran/Oakland) used to dis her (thick WW) for tiny Asian women, she couldn't understand it.

    As far as the question, these days a good number of WW (not all) think they have to pop attitude and talk ghetto like sistas for BM to like them.
  8. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member


    That is funny because I am a 22 y/o black male right now and large and especially overtly sexual are two things I cannot stand.
  9. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Sometimes its hard to tell if you will like someone by what they look like alone. I find a sexy looking guy with a great personality more attractive than an equally sexy guy who is in love with himself.

    I always thought bm liked thicker ww than me. But that can't be true based on how many bm I have come up and talk to me.

    One of my male friends tells me when he first saw me he thought I would be a stuck up white woman. He said my shyness came off as stuck up. He came and sat right next to me and after we talked he admitted he was very wrong. Alot of what he based it on too was my dress and look. I don't know what my style is but my favorite store is Jcrew and most of my clothes from there or Ralph Lauren. So I don't know is that soccer mom? I asked him why he ever sat next to me if he had that first impression and he said only to hit on you becasue I liked the way you looked. So he was obviously going to overlook the personality part if he had to but he didn't have to I guess.
  10. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    That depends on the man I guess. Not all black men are alike and not all white women are either.
    Everybody has different likes and dislikes in a partner and the same goes for physical features.Some may not even have a type or haven't figured theirs out yet.
    There's a lid for every pot my mom says...
  11. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    you do make some good points, I would wager that the reason that ww said that is because some bm somewhere who likes fat ww told her that. I think that there is a general sort of feeling that bm go after chubbier ww. I personally dont but to each his own, I prefer the tall slim types.

    And your also right about some of the ghetto ww, who think acting like ghetto sistas will attract bm, it might make you a target in a night club for a sex made bm trying to identify ww that might be into bm, but in terms of relationships it is a huge turnoff, definitely for me!
  12. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I remember overhearing (okay, I was bored, I was eavesdropping) on a couple teen girls at the mall while I was waiting in line at the fragrance counter. They were talking about how they'd come to buy tommy girl, because they'd heard only white women who wanted to date black men wore that fragrance, and it would be like a "beacon" to guys so that they would know they were interested in IR.

    Teens buy into some weird stuff sometimes. lol.
  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Wow... :smt081
  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    LOL, not that it really has any relevance to this thread - but to CBQ's post..
    I overherd some 14/15/16 something year old boys talk about that you should give a girl chocolate because it makes them horny:smt037
    back to the thread
  15. waverunner

    waverunner New Member

    My weakness is shapely women. She doesn't even have to be pretty. But a sexy body has always been my downfall.
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Somebody told me green m & m 's.
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    that is why I carry them in my pocket everywhere I go.
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    It all makes sense now!!!
    THAT is why you go by Green Zorro!!!

    Thanks Jordan!!!
    You revealer of thruth
  19. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    That's just what I heard. Don't they melt??
  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    only in their mouth

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