What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. robina

    robina New Member

    my mum had another fit, bad one, landed her back in hospital, shes going to be moved perminantly to nursing care now as social services say her care at home is inadequate.

    im kinda glad as me and younger sis have felt she needed to be in this kind of placement for years now
  2. CanadianNiceGrl

    CanadianNiceGrl Active Member

    Lol that's awesome. When I use to work in the porn store, it was always entertaining to see a girl/girl and guy come in to buy their first vibrator...Enjoy!
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you have no idea how much your life improved today:smt038
  4. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I can't sleep. I hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smt089
  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I can see it will be like the SITC episode where your girlfriends will have to have an intervention & seize your new best friend...!!! There's no looking back now...!!! :D
  6. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Wooohoooooooo Sarah!! LoL

    Anyhoo, I got a phone call earlier today from a free clinic I went to for a toothache, but they decided to do a bunch of other stuff too after finding out I've never been to the doctor's or had any kind of physical exam before. One thing was to take blood tests because my blood pressure was 169/80 and my twin sister was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. So they called me today and they didn't want to tell me the results of my blood tests over the phone and they want me to go back in to discuss the results of my blood tests. That usually doesn't mean it's good, does it? :eek:
  7. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    You can only hope for the best. I'm hope so too....
  8. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sonny :) I am too, too.
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    They're just going to tell you that your blood is the most badass blood they've ever seen.
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yes!! :D I knew it! I better prepare some autographed pictures because I'm about to be famous! :cool:
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Just don't let them have any more. They may try to clone your awesomeness, and we all know that reality will split in two if there's more of you than just your twin running around.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :smt103 Absolutely, I will be ever so careful!
    I was surprised how they took my blood, instead of doing it using my arm and the bigger tubes. They pricked my finger and filled up like 3 of these little baby tubes, I was really surprised how much she got out of the little finger prick too. :eek:
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    lord, reminds me of when I had a glucose machine. My blood is very thin, and it doesn't clot easy, so I'd prick my finger to test my sugar levels and it'd take foooorever to stop! Quite annoying. I'm just glad I don't have to do that anymore...I really should, but it's far too expensive to buy the lancets, strips, and machine, and I've learned to read the signals from my body to know what level my sugar is. It never goes too high, but it plummets out of sight sometimes...so I know when I start feeling dizzy, or weak, that it's time to eat some fruit or something. Usually it's just because I get so busy that I forget to eat..forgetting to eat is a very unhealthy thing for me...it can make me pass out very quickly! lol

    They used to have to slip me ice cream at work when my shift would run past the 5 hour mark. I'm not supposed to go that long without eating anyway, so when hour 6 or 7 or sometimes more would pass and I'd still not gotten to sit down or eat, I'd start dropping trays cause my coordination would go to shite. But when my manager gave me just a little scoop of icecream it'd jerk my sugar up to good levels long enough to work another hour or two. lol

    Anyway, in all seriousness, dear, don't let yourself worry too much. It's probably nothing too bad, and if it is, there's nothing to be done about it, so worry and stress over it is unneeded. Try to relax until you find out what's going on, and I'll pray to whatever god I'm feeling this week that you'll be just fine. :D
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yeah, well, she was squeezing my finger a lot too to get some more and more and more and even more, LoL. I'm glad you're able to read your body's signals at least. So that is good. Icecream sounds really good. I haven't had icecream in forever! We have some in the freezer too! I think someone said it was vanilla with some orange in it or something. Well, that's what I'll be doing after I post this, heh. I forget to eat sometimes too. It's very easy for me to get very engrossed in things I'm doing and I forget everything else, heh. Yeah, I'm not really worried about it being anything that we/they won't be able to fix, so I'm cool. LoL and thank you for praying to whatever god you're feeling this week for me to be just fine, I'm sure I will be. :D ;)
  15. Good luck, I hope you are ok.
  16. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Co-sign. I hope you're okay Britty. And get your ass to the doctor(s) for check ups every year. That's an order, missy!! :D
  17. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Sorry about your mum Robina and hope you're okay Britty.

    Well, last night was fun and I learned a few new things. I'm not sure why I was skeptical about it before.

    I've really hurt my back, I can barely bend over. :( Urgh, need a massage... oh and this has nothing to do with my new "friend" lol... not sure how it happened, urgh.
  18. robina

    robina New Member

    lol i was just wondering what on earth you had done to have ended up with a bad back
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'm preeettttyy sure I know how it happened. ;)
  20. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    this quarter system at my school can really tire a girl out. It feels like I'm constantly doing midterms and finals...which I kinda am, since they roll around every 5-6 weeks with only 1 or 3 weeks off in between quarters.

    I did horribly on my midterm for Audio II today, and a screw up with the printer means my paper that was also do will have to be turned in late next week for a lower grade. Now I get to finish another project, get halfway finished with my comic book, and write an outline for a research paper...then I get a mini break over the weekend before it starts again next week and we start getting into the crunch before finals.

    Ugh. I'll be at the official halfway point at the end of this quarter. It'll be interesting to finally be a Junior, but lord, two more years of this shit? 8 more finals, 8 more midterms, 8 more quarters of craziness.

    Still having trouble locating a job, getting worried. I gotta have employment by the next week or two, otherwise I'll be homeless when my lease is up. argh.

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