okay, i've been to a few clubs and the ones that i liked the most were Mension and Home. they both are located in Manhattan. Mension is too crowded but the music is cool. i also loved a Maroccain lounge at 72th street (i guess...). it's sooo beautiful and i absolutely loved the arabian music!
Just go around 14th and 6,7, and 8th avenue. There are a lot of spots around there. I can't really recommend any specifics. I like to try new places. I usually prefer places downtown opposed to uptown.
Yes! Have you seen me around before? I like going into the park every now and than. I also go to the Starbucks a lot across the street from Time Warner Center.
Haha...yea idk i saw the pic on here of you and i thought u looked a lil familiar in passing but hey its nyc so... I go to NYIT and basically thats my spot, Time Warner, Starbucks, Central park
Are you originally from the city? I went to a high school right around Columbus Circle briefly when I first moved to the city. I later transferred to a private school on the Upper West Side before graduating. I'm now going to school downtown in the Village. I've always been fond of Columbus Circle. A lot of tourists though so it gets annoying from time-to-time.
Yes, Born and raised in Brooklyn. Now i am in manhattan more nowadays. So are you in h.s or college now? And yes those slow walking tourists are annoying..:smt092
cool...well dont want to hijack this thread...if anyone still has info on the the topic at hand. Just comment