Guys, how many of you thank God for the woman in your life? I just sustained a very serious injury that has taken me off my feet for a while. Through all the pains, disappointments, and frustrations the one person who was there for me through it all was my wife. When I look around me and see all the turmoil in the lives of others whether they are going thru a divorce, separation, problems over money, family or just plain life in general the one friend that you have in your life (wife, girlfriend) is the one who sticks with you. Yes, I'm lucky, it hurts sometimes to be me, but the lady in my life gives me hope So guys of WW/BM do something special for that lady in your life. If times are tough work it out together. Be a team together. Never let anyone or anything come in between you. We here transcend race, we see each other in a transparency that many only wish they can have. So do something for that special lady in your life. NO RESPONSE IS NEEDED FOR THIS THREAD.
Tiger, I know no response is needed, but I just want to say I am so happy for you and for your wife that you have found each other. I hope and pray that I will find that kind of sweet love and support ... and SOON! And hope you recover soon. All the best, SweetLipsNY
I hope for you a speedy recovery. I would also like to ask if you have shown your wife this post because I think you should. I hope that one day my husband speaks about me in this manner.... awwwwwwwwwwwww the thought....... Such sweet sweet words blacktiger, lovely.
hehehehe I just couldn't help myself,,,, I was having a romantic moment... What can I say, I just adore him. I will pass that on, thank you Flying..
I got all mushy seeing that... went all "chimpy" as my man calls it when I go: "ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhhh"
Thank you ladies. I hope for all of you that you too will find the happiness and trust of someone who will stand at your side in the best of times and in the worst of times.