What does a man or woman do that absolutely makes your knees weak?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Rissalovesblack, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. Rissalovesblack

    Rissalovesblack New Member

    Or what could they do?

    For me, it's when you see a gorgeous bm just staring at you, giving you the look like, "you're the most beautiful woman in the world." I luuhhhhhh-ove that! (Luuhhhhhh-ove? I don't think that's a word, oh well.)

    I'm also a sucker for when a man has a really lovely smile with luscious lips and gleaming pearly teeth, and then they smile at you while they're staring! It's amazing! lol :)

    What about you? What makes your heart beat fast and your face redden?
  2. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I love when a man kisses me on my ear, behind my ear, down my neck. OMG Kiss me there and we are gonna fuck. :smt053
  3. Rissalovesblack

    Rissalovesblack New Member

    Ooh, how could I forget about the kisses? I'm with you on that! If they had a high five smilie I would do that, but they don't....so virtual high five! lol.
  4. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I am with FlyGirl on the kisses on the neck and ear. But I will add...........say my name while you are doing it in a whispery voice.

  5. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I love it when he and I can just sit there,say nothing in actual words but still communicate with one another.

    Also when sleeping at night I love when a man lays close behind me and wraps his arm around me.I feel so happy and "safe"then.

    It also feel great when he runs his fingers through my hair gently.That gives me goose bumps.Hehe
  6. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Agreed! Plus add in what Rissa had written in her original post and I'll be jello.
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    When he kisses me, those soft kisses where our lips barely touch, and we're mostly just sharing each other's breath, but then it grows into something deeper after a few moments...

    When I'm wearing a low backed shirt and he lightly runs his fingertips along my spine...

    When he just grabs me, pushes me against the wall, and kisses me like he'll never get to do it again...

    When he smiles his goofy, silly smile just to try and cheer me up when I'm down...

    When he cooks me dinner, and brings it to me in bed, just cause I'm not well enough to leave said bed to cook for us instead...

    When he says "I miss you" even though we've only been apart a few hours...

    When he wraps me up in his long ass arms, squeezes me tight, and whispers "I love you"...

    When he laughs his dorky laugh while tickling me on the couch...

    ...I could go on forever, I think. So I'll stop there, despite the lack of the even better x-rated ones. :D
  8. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Nothing a woman does makes my knees weak. On the contrary, when a woman does something that excites me, I get stronger.
  9. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    That's MY teacher! I do have much to learn ;)
  10. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    That sounds like a kick ass super power.

    *steals it for my comic. Sketches out "Arouso-man"*
  11. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Just give me a shout-out in the credits and we're cool.
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    lol will do.

    In all seriousness, I need to get crackin. I've got a hot black guy love interest character for my story...and he's superpowerless! I was thinking of giving him an extendo-penis, but I figured all the hate mail I'd get from forum members would piss off my mailman.
  13. Rissalovesblack

    Rissalovesblack New Member

    lol! why make him have an extendo-penis, when he could be like an octopus man and have 8 penises? OCTOPENIS! :D
  14. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    How's about a character named...oh I don't know...Newpowermoves?

    He'd be the assistant to your title character with his ability to temporarily acquire any superpower that's appropriate for the situation.

    Car Chase? Newpowermoves, through osmosis, would shoot tire strips from his wrists.

    Cat In Tree? Newpowermoves would rip a leaf from the nearest tree and turn it into a mouse to tempt the feline to leave the branch.

    Bad Date? Newpowermoves would miraculously show up at the restaurant and turn the menu into the crash course "Exciting Dates 102".
  15. BBBabeNYC

    BBBabeNYC New Member

    A man who can start with a soft little kiss on the lips ... that turns into a nibble on my tongue ... that then turns into a take-your-breath-away soul-stirring deep tongue-kiss that lasts for a looooong time. That will just positively turn me into jello - can't talk, can't think, can't do annnnnythingggg!

    Once I had a lover with a gap between his front teeth, and he would suck my tongue into that gap - it kinda pinched, but it was a good kinda hurt, oh my!
  16. Rissalovesblack

    Rissalovesblack New Member

    oh wow! give me a kiss like that please! :smt119
  17. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

  18. Persephone

    Persephone New Member


    ..but then I'd just call it "hentai"
  19. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    lol *stolen!* no credit given! mwahaha
  20. Rissalovesblack

    Rissalovesblack New Member

    lol, very true.

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