Random acts of kindness.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Beloved, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved New Member

    Just out of curiosity, when was the last time someone extended a random act of kindess toward you, and what was the last kind thing you did for someone without expecting anything in return?
  2. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    I was just thinking about this one and I guess it depends on what you consider 'acts'. I consider words to also be acts of kindness, so my answer would be that I gave and received one today. I also have this motto now, that if I think of doing something kind for somone that I DO actually put it into action. For example: instead of just thinking to myself that I should have brought my friend a bunch of flowers for no reason at all, that I go and do it. It is worth the little extra effort to see that smile grow on their face. And I prefer nothing in return..

    P.S. welcome aussie friend.
  3. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I know it sounds a bit cheesey but I try to do it everyday.

    If I see a parking meter that is expired and someone is parked there, I will drop some money in it.

    If someone is in line at a shop and short a bit of money, I will give it to them.

    I used to wake up early and pack lunches and go to the park where a lot of homeless people slept and leave lunches on their benches. I don't live there anymore so I no longer do that.

    It makes me smile to do little things, and that is why I do them.

    I ran out of gas one day on a very lonely strip of Canadian highway. A kind man stopped, got my gas can, drove 30 minutes, CAME BACK, filled up my car and refused to take any money. He just about made my year. All he said to me was "Pay it forward" AAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh good people in the world folks!
  4. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    I love that..
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  5. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Me too Curley! Imagine how much nicer the world would be if everyone did it. Just Pay it Forward once a day. Simple. :D
  6. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Absolutely.... All they have to do is remember how they felt when you helped them out..
  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Last week for someone doing it towards me. And yesterday for me RAOK to someone else. :)
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I don't really pay attention to the little things so much, because I try to do nice shit every day...

    Dude asked me for a dollar for a hamburger outside a mcdonald's once, and I didn't have any cash, so I went inside, bought my lunch, and brought him a burger.

    He didn't even say thanks, though.

    Couple weeks ago my friend bought me a bathing suit, cause I didn't have one, which was extremely generous of her.

    hmmm. Let's see. Yesterday, me and Nate got up and moved so a lady with a baby and a stroller could have our seats.

    If anyone asks me for a cigarette and I have more than 1 left I'll usually give it to them, to pay the universe back for the many times I'm out and have to bum off random people.

    If someone drops something near me and I can, I'll pick it up for them. Sometimes I'm too slow, though. lol But I try.
  9. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    I receive random acts of kindness every day. It's amazing how a few simple words will brighten your day. I'm a giver, too. I try to send happy emails, messages, e-cards, etc. Little things.
  10. Equinox

    Equinox New Member

    This past winter, with freezing rain just pouring out of the sky, I stopped to change a woman's flat tire for her. It was after a LONG day of work, but I did it because if it were my mother, my wife, or my sister, I'd want someone to help.
  11. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Equinox again."

    I feel better knowing there are folks in the world like you!
  12. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    :smt049 A gentleman
  13. Equinox

    Equinox New Member

    I like to believe that having done that act for her, that she extended some extra kindness to someone...and so on...and so on...ya' know ?

    Also, I hope you are well KG !
  14. Equinox

    Equinox New Member

    I try to always remember what my dad shared with me. He told me to treat women like I'd want my mom and sister to be treated.
  15. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    I hold open doors for people. Sometimes I get a thank you.
  16. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    One that comes to mind is I was on my scooter in a not so nice area that I was unfamiliar with when I ran out of gas. A lady stopped and drove me to the store to get a can of gas and then waited and brought me back to my scooter. She even had her teenaged son sit on my scoot while we were gone so no one would steal it. What sticks in my mind about this incident is she was a Mormon. Many times I have been helped by Mormons. And, I was right by a church that was letting out and no one offered help. Some even whizzed by me with their worship music blasting.

    Personally, I never pass up a person on the side of the road. I always stop and offer at least a phone call. When I had my jeep I kept a gallon can of gas on the back bumper and helped a lot of people.

    Any time I see someone struggling, stranded or stressed, I always think there but for the grace of God because I came up real poor and most of my family is still struggling.

    3 weeks ago I slipped some cash into an elderly ladies purse while she prayed at the masjid. She just lost her husband and was struggling.
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i love this thread...i think it is so fun to do the unexpected for people...i try to do something everyday...one of my son's friends lives on section 8...they have 6 kids...they didn't have any food for their cats so i went and bought a big bag for them...a lady at mcdonalds was admiring my gloves one day and then asked if she could have them and i gave them to her...i love buying coffee for the person behind me in the drive through at starbucks...there are so many things a person can do to make a difference and when other people see you do it...it inspires them to want to do for others as well...
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    When I lived in the third ward in H-town, there was this time when I had it extra though - I had been without any food at all for quite a few days, no money, no nothing.
    The University had screwed up a reinbursement and it was delayed a month - making 14K/year as a TA and having to pay tuition on that, I really had no "overhead".
    I lived in a little apartment building with about 12 units and one night, one of my neighbors (all of who were just as poor as me) had this plastic bag filled with condiments ,noodle ramen, vienna sausage and spam.. small little jam jars, summer sausage and small cheese packets etc...
    I was too proud to ask for help but she knew I hadnt had anything to eat for a while.
    That gesture was HUGE to me, I will never forget it. She had walked around to the neighbors and asked to give her what they could spare. I never forget her> she told me to pay it forward so I did:

    Me and my friends used to buy Mickey D meals and go down-town on holidays and hand them out to the homeless.

    Later on, after I moved, I had a homeless guy on my route to school that I used to make sandwishes or give him a piece of cake or pie (when I had baked) or thanksgiving food or whatever, I did that for years.
    I had been driving by him for a long time, and one time, he had his usual sign in a way that covered his face and it looked a bit odd, when I got to the redlight, I looked over and he had tears running down his face (and he clearly didnt want anyone to see it), it completely broke my heart. Thats when I started giving him food.

    In Seattle, I used to go down to the Gospel mission and either go out and hand out blankets/socks etc with them when it was cold or make sandwishes at their women shelter.

    I always stop and talk to random homeless people if they look like they need it. Some people get SO incredibly happy to get to talk for a bit and be treated as human beings and not ignored. My friends think Im weird for taking to them:)

    I also stick money in expired parking meters like somebody else mentioned.

    A lot of this is not acctually random acts, but it started with a random act of kindness, that I have keept paying forward.
  19. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Aww arent you a sweetheart. :D
  20. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    I do too, some people are so rude though and you dont get a smile or a thank you.

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