PAWG or Whooty

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by donsboy, Jul 7, 2009.


PAWG or Whooty

  1. PAWG phat ass white girl

    5 vote(s)
  2. Whooty white girl with a booty

    6 vote(s)
  3. neither i'm a big chested girl

    2 vote(s)
  4. what big ass is in i've been taking noassatall

    0 vote(s)
  1. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    What happened to the dick pic??

    Taken off by request? I don't remember asking for it to be removed:(

    TBH I don't think he was a troll, he was trying to entice us girlies into his dickarama amusement palace.

    Lol I like how the men came in looking shocked and oh my my never seen anything like it.......then we lose our dick pic:smt099 I hoped that it may inspire some of the men to become more forthcoming with there all you guys are pussy blockers.
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    where do i get tickets to the dickarama amusement palace? i have never seen a group of forum members get so riled up over a picture of a you all have never seen one...i went and got a glass of wine in hopes of him posting more...

    i feel a new thread coming on...PUSSY BLOCKING!
  3. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    If Francie can find out where to get these tickets, I think that we should ask for a special group rate for the ladies of WWBM. I'm sure there are plenty of us that would enjoy a visit to that amusement park. ;)

    I wonder if we started posting pussy pics if we would receive the same response. Personally, I would like for the men to just start emailing their dick pics directly to me. Then, I could create a thread with the gentlemen's permission called 'Can you match this dick to its owner?' The person with the most matches would receive one free ticket to the dickarama amusement park. :lol:

    By the way, I love your new sig line, Lippy. :D
  4. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

  5. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I was simply confused. So long since I had seen a real one I needed some clarification as to what it was!
  6. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    I wholeheartedly agree with this post. I've been quite unnerved, to say the least, since this "down low" rubbish began to be perpetuated in the media a few years ago. The behavior that's being described is in no way unique to black men. You'll find a large number of closeted gays in any environment where homophobia runs rampant.

    Sooner or later someone needs to step up the plate and challenge this whole cottage industry based on the degradation and slander of black males.
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member come up with the best ideas...i likey the "can you match this dick to it's owner" that would be a really fun game...

    btw, applications are flowing nicely...there is alot of great talent out there in the gene pool...i am still trying to figure out how to do the filing system...hmmmmmmmm region of the country, age, height, weight, shade of skin...i know how about by dick size:smt077
  8. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    If you want to see more dicks on the forum, you can always take a page of the male forum members book and post males nudes in the ladies' room. Just be sure to give us plenty of warning in the thread title. ;)
  9. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, a couple of the men on the forum would have an unfair advantage when the ladies played that game. They show us on a regular basis what a dick they are and they have never even posted a pic of it. :cool:

    I'm glad to hear that the applications are rolling in. I think that the warm weather brings a lot of the applicants out. We are experiencing a very good class of talented and wonderful men. The filing system is so complicated. There are so many things to think about if you go by dick size though Lippy. Do you do it by length or girth, or do you try to assign a point system per dick?? It just becomes overwhelming. When I'm looking at a dick, I don't want to overthink it. I just like to enjoy it. :smt110
  10. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    You have wasted alot of time typing this out for something you are about to get slammed on below. Lets take a look at your logic here below.
    You said downlow brothers don't sleep with white women and your backing evidence was that you've simply "never met a white woman that has had that happen to her" -- haha yeah strong proof there. Since you've never personally known someone then it just doesnt happen right? haha. Then you go on to defend by saying "that would never happend because black down low men are already pressured enough because they are participiting in one socially unnaceptable behavior already". because you are 100% sure ALL black men on the down low think along these lines right?

    Trust me I actually agree with most of your rant above. Not to stereotype but I hear alot BW go on and on about "brothers on the down low" a hell of alot more than I hear white women go on about it and it is annoying as hell. Some black women use this as an excuse for their promiscuity and as an excuse when they get an STD or end up a single mother and like I said its annoying as hell. So this essay you've typed doesnt apply to my thinking -- you've wasted your time.

    My only point is exposing your shitty logic in thinking that a down low BM would never sleep with a white woman. Since you are almost a decade older than me I would hope you were wise enough not to assume anything.
  11. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I haven't wasted time because I'm not actually interested in engaging you in discussion, just really looking for an excuse to talk more about the crap that is the "DL" myth. Feel free randomly posting to me about what I've written, you're a handy tool.

    I'm glad to hear you're a decade younger than me. If you work hard and study well, maybe someday you can be successful enough to buy a personality. It's not too late!

    BTW, have you ever met a White Woman who has slept with a Black Man who turned out to be gay? If we don't have any factual data, and I've never known anyone who it happened to, and you don't know anyone who it's happened to, explain to me again why this is a trend worthy of a title? Right now, your arguing style is reminiscent of the same African American Women that you claim annoy you. All this ranting, and you can't show me any proof that White Women are sleeping with Gay Black Men. Again, not really looking for an answer, because, lets face it, it won't be an interesting one.
  12. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Like I said we both agree that this is something that some black women highly over use and whine about and it is highly annoying. The discussion wasn't about Black women though. You yourself brought that up and started ranting about it.

    Yes and maybe you can buy some maturity before you hit 35 and I will look at you as attractive before you are complete spoiled milk. "It's not too late!".

    Yes I have once but on that same note if I hadn't I am still smart enough to realize that just because "I have not personally met someone" that it doesnt mean it just doesnt exsist.
    Yes and you have no factual data against it. So which is safer to assume? Just because you have met "tons of interracial couples" and probably slept with tons of black men doenst make you an expert on gay or "down low" black male behavior.
    Never said it was a "trend" did I? and I just said its possible and that it is shitty logic to assume that it could NEVER happen. I still stand by that
    and like I said you can't find any statistics against it either. Typical move to claim someone is a black woman when they call you out. I will be a white male next week if I call you out on something right? hahahaha.

    Quit running away from what we were originally talking about -- we weren't even talking about BW. That is your own issue. Quit using that as a deflection of me calling out your shitty logic. You are trying to start an argument with me over something I actually agree with you on as a defelction -- which is stupid.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  13. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Holy fuck, you expect me to read all that bullshit? Fucking hell man, go find someone who cares. You are taking this all waaaaayyy too seriously.
  14. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    No it only took me all that to respond to all the shit you typed before but ill take this as a white flag.

    Remember you are the one that has only been a member since January and has almost 700 post while i've been a member for almost 3 years and barely have 200 post --haha Now who's taking the internet seriously?
  15. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Out of curiosity, how many of those rare post of yours *since* January have been fucking with me? How many times have you responded to one of my posts, as opposed to vice versa? Proportionately speaking, I barely know you're alive, while you seem a bit more aware of my presence.

    You might want to do something about that.
  16. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    So now your new angle of deflection is to try to say i'm stalking you? LMAO -- get the fuck out of here. 28 is the MAX age I wil go.

    It is almost impossible to miss you because almost everytime a thread is opened you have almost typed a short novel and/or are arguing with someone.
  17. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Sucks to be you then, I guess.

    btw, I'm not deflecting. There is nothing to deflect against. You don't have a point, unless your point is that my logic is poor. Is that your point? You're doing a terrible job of making it. It's a very small point. Seems like you want to say that you agree with everything I'm saying, but not the way I'm saying it. Why does it matter to you how I phrase things?

    I don't think you're stalking me, I just don't think you're capable of making an interesting argument on your own, so you try to piggyback mine.

    You do seem to keep posting on this subject, and I don't really know why. Your point is trivial, petty, and poorly made, and you're trying to engage someone who neither respects nor likes you.

    This thread was better when it was about booty. As such:

    Google Image first page result for whooty:

    Google Image first page result for pawg:

    ... I still prefer the sound of whooty, but I must admit, pawg clearly has its advantages.
  18. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Sucks for me because I don't want cob webs stuck in my teeth?

    No, t had nothing to do with disagreening with your wording alone. Piggybacking off of your arguments? haha like I said-- what I was talking about didnt have anything to do with what you kept rambling on and on about. Like I said your previous post was a clear white flag -- I'm done hi-jacking this thread -- I will have 700 post and be as bad as you are pretty soon.
  19. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  20. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    This thread gave me 19 consecutive bad reps- with one weighing at about 20 points...haha, aint that about a bitch.

    And tony, reading is good for ya..........try it:smt037

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