she really really wants to byt she makes a living on being an art teacher. Shees very cool TY DH!! - Ill tell her you said so, it will make her day!!!
Well, teaching art is sorta being a professional. Just not a professional starving artist...but better pay! lol She's fantastic. I'm jealous of her skills. Tell her to sell some comics, I'm sure she could do it.
TS, may we see some of yours?? I would love to see some, love fantasy drawings... Noface - you've got some talent!!!!
Dude, you are very very talented! My art is safely put away - When I had time, I was usually doing either clay or just coal (whatever it is called in English) - My dream (or one of them) is tohave more time to work on my art
The art is tucked away huh? Well what will it take to persuade you to put it out on front street? Malison process from pencil to finished inks.... Tammy Hills
Thanks. Who do I work for? Well actually I work with a few of my studio mates with Angel Comics. We all basically have our own projects so I guess you can say we work for ourselves but, with the idea of making sure the company can succeed and grow. So none of us actually work for Angel Comics, we are Angel Comics lol. We have known each other for years so we see it more as a family than just working for a company but, we do outside work and projects too.
You guys are all amazing artists!!! I wish I had a shaving of the talent you guys do! I can't even draw a straight line with a