the pro black thing is boring... if u hate white people why r u here?? (comment on user CP from the Reparations thread) Because being pro black is different from being anti-white. I didn't know we had such dumb asses on the board.
Agreed. Also just 'coz I date white women, it does not mean I'm a self loathing, tap dancing, Stepin Fetchit uncle Tom. There are quite a few civil right leaders or everyday ppl who fight for black cause (injustice and so on) and married to white woman.
Co-sign. You shouldn't have to give up your ideals and morals to date outside of your race, male or female. Only 5 to 10% of U.S. whites are for reparations for blacks but 61% would be ok receiving reparations for themselves. I don't see anything "hating" about pointing that out. It only explains why it would never happen.
I'm trying not to be a hypocrite, because I hated the thread that was titled something like "not every Black Man deserves a White Woman", as it was indeed moronic, but.....some White Women shouldn't get into interracial relationships. If you can't even be shitted to study an eensy bit of African American history, to do a smidgeon of research into US politics & race relations, to the point that you are IDIOTIC enough to suggest that so much as TALKING about race is somehow the same as hating White people, you probably shouldn't get involved in an interracial relationship. Actually, if you're that stupid, you probably shouldn't be in a relationship at all. The risk of someone like that reproducing is a danger to the world.
True. This goes for both BM and WW. You cannot truly respect another man or woman if you don't respect where they come from. IR is not always easy and if you are uncomfortable confronting the TRUTH about race and politics in this (or any other) nation, then you are probably doomed to failure. It means little if you date someone that has no real opinion about these matters but it is a true test when you date a person whose opinion is strong (and reasonable) and divergent from your own.
I agree. I'm real annoyed by people who are pro-race - pro-white, pro-black, pro-Asian, whatever. I'm just sick of sick, period.
Agreed I don't look at race I came on this site cause a Sr. member said there were some interesting forums here but there have been times where dating outside your race has been called a fetish I find that insulting why can't you just like who you like and let that be the end of it keep race to the side.
Amen, if they are pro black or pro white i dont see a value in it. pro white, hmm where i come from that is racist so i think the other is true as well. lets love all people and then we can talk about morals, not morals as long as we are pro a specific race. and it is hypocritical to be pro black and dating IR.
Another thing that annoys me if is that when people interracially date or marry, others say "You're stealing our men/women". First off, they're not property. I get annoyed when black women say "There is no good black men" or "White women are taking all the black men". This shit get old and lame after a while.