What would Interracial dating be like if Desegregation never occured?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bryant, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    BlackmasterJay inspired me to think of a question that has some sort of intellectual/historical significance, and i think this is a good one. In your opinion, would interracial dating be any different today, if the desegregation laws never took place back in the 60's?
  2. gen y

    gen y New Member

    I guess the US would be like it was before the 1970s. Probably most people would oppose IR.
  3. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Almost non existant. If you mean we were still desegregated.

    But if desegregation began in the 90's well i guess it will be difficult for ir dating but still better if there was no desegregationa t all
  4. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    In one word:

  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Yes, it would be completely d/t, but people will still get their grooves on behind close door. You can't stop attraction! IR folks were hooking up before America even celebrated her 1st Birth day.
  6. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    I had a question on here about this topic concerning hip hop, but i deleted that. It was probably a pointless question. Anyway, most people are agreeing that IR would indeed be different if the desegregation laws never took place. So my new question is, is desegregation the sole reason why IR has blossomed in this country? And, has it REALLY blossomed? Is it really becoming more widely accepted nowadays?
  7. chicity

    chicity New Member

    As the social and legal taboos have relaxed, the number of interracial relationships have risen, and continue to.

    There isn't any reason for us as humans to limit ourselves to people of similar shading, and without all these artificial limitations, it wouldn't even be part of the decision process.

    If segregation had continued, it would have stopped some, and there would be less IR. And that would have sucked. Some would have still secretly continued, some would leave the country, but the segregation would have prevented us from even meeting each other so of course the numbers would be smaller.

    I think it has blossomed, and it is growing, and most stats seem to reflect that.

    I definitely think it is more accepted than, for instance, in my mother's generation. Lots and lots of people don't care at all. It's not accepted by everyone everywhere, but it will be eventually.
  8. amy

    amy Guest

    I totally think it's blossomed into something bigger than it once was. However, I think TV and the media are the reason why this has happened. MTV has played a big part too for being so liberal about stuff like this.

    Before, black men were maybe considered socially dangerous to a white woman but I think MTV and other liberal shows have changed this thinking for the most part. Now it's much more socially acceptable to be in their company.

    I still think there's some women who are hesitant of dating a black man strictly because of what it might say to others, even if they are attracted to the man in the first place. Having black men in positions of power I think really helps as all women love a powerful man.

    But to answer your original question, if the rule still applied, then I guess we'd all have to sneak around, right? It's not like you could be seen out in public as an IR couple if the law still existed.
  9. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    MTV did not promote anything.

    They were forced into glory because a certain King of Pop was so doggone good at making videos that they finally had to put him on TV. Part of the problem now is that most American's only view of black men is either BET, ESPN, MTV or the 10-o'clock news. It is most definitely better than in the past but this nation still has a hard time dealing with a prideful, intelligent black man (that was not raised by nor is mixed with a considerable amount of European DNA).
  10. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Lately MTV just promotes thugs mainly which would be a turn off for me.I hardly ever watch MTV,BET etc.... Not into thugs.Lol.
    Back in the 90's,especially early 90s,I was too young to be interested in Hip Hop so I don't have a comparison
  11. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I agree on that. I don't know for sure how the IR dating scene in the US would be if desegregation never had taken place. But there would definitely be some IR dating in some form and amount.
  12. Well said.

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