Welcome brother. Just ignore the dudes who have something smart to say to you.They are just mad because you offend them by telling the cold-hard truth.
Hi maikom how are you today? " i'm fine" How are you today maikom? " I'm dandy" "your'e great maikom" "no..no.. your'e great maikom, isn't it great that both us maikoms are here. :smt019:smt042
Truth and Rep. Women will continue to spout this myth cause it keeps that mystical "pedestal" nice and high. Women are playas as much as men are, period. :smt109
Hätte ich dieses Statement von dir früher gelesen, hätte ich dir niemals in deinem anderen Thred geantwortet.. Es beschämt mich aus zwei Gründen: -Du lebst in Deutschland -Ich bin auch eine ww