What is the interracial dating/marriage environment like where you are?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by tropolis, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    LS and Rinnaye, you can delete your posts now, ifin you want. :D
  2. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Thanks Book!

    Love Ya! :D
  3. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I just moved back to Sacramento, California last month. It has become much more diverse here than it was 20 years ago. I live in a very nice area and it is very common to see IR couples/families. Loving it!
  4. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Would you say it's much better than where you came from my dear? I care to see this for myself, up there in Sac Town, but I may need a tourguide. ;)
  5. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I just wrote a post about this and it disappeared.

    So, here is the cliff notes:

    I do think it is better than where I was. But then of course my attitude is better too because I didn't really care to be there. I think there the feel is more that there are specific racial areas. I'm in an area where years ago you simply did not see black people and now it's very mixed and very natural. People have been very friendly and have gone out of their way to try to connect with us. And most of the time, the assumption has been that my children are all my biological children...which to me indicates that it is not unusual to see a white mom with a black or biracial child.

    While a great deal has changed, I'm still rather familiar with many areas up here. I could probably point you in the right directions.
  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    From what I gather Sac Town is a pretty widespread area, with everything from city dwelling, to very rural, and quite diverse, but I wouldn't know this for a fact.

    It's just so amazing how different that city is, versus traveling a couple hours due west on the I-80 and ending up in S.F.

    I'd say that city would be yet another great example of real diversity, and openness towards I/R dating too. The Bay Area!
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Maybe...but those old women would have gotten those black men killed back when they were young and beautiful since IR love wasn't all that popular back then.
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    true...of course skinny asian and white chicks being used as a personal toilet for cocky white dudes is probably common too
  9. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Actually the truth is, they have a beat down commin if they pop off with some nonsense and they know it. So the really racist types tend to stick with others of the same thinking.

    Clubbing in Los Angeles is largely multi-racial, especially if the beats are being played and I'd say 90% of the clubs in LA are playing Rap/R&B.

    You'll have to go out of your way if you want to go to an all Black clubs, most of them are in Central LA; it should go without saying.

    In the suburbs of SFV, Inland Empire, etc are heavily integrated as well, its only when you venture in to the 90% White areas like Orange County and Ventura County that your chances of IR dating decreases. But that is not to say you cannot have success in those areas, I have... :)
  10. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    No you don't Sac is wack and so is Stockton, you're not missing anything.

    I have spent quite a bit of time in Sac, Stockton, even Chico... Chico is a college town, that's different, the beer is flowing, hormones are raging and even curious at times.

    California is best served by its major cities unless you really dig that simpleton nothing to do but fuck each other, go bowling or watch movies type areas, your more than welcome to visit and stay in those areas, I won't.
  11. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    So in other words, they don't want to catch a fade!

    I was trying to sound nice about it, but you, my fellow Angelino are keeping it gangsta. :)
  12. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    I grew up around Asian Indians and my impression is that they think they belong to the white race especially those who were as dark as I. However, they do date blacks.
  13. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    I didn`t know we smelled bad. That news for me. I like the comment about baggy jeans. Maybe I should visit Estonia. But I don`t wear baggy jeans - too old. :grin:
  14. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    Slim. Two reasons: very few blacks in South Dakota and this state is mainly rural.
  15. sexibrownsugar83

    sexibrownsugar83 New Member

    Racist People Will Not Change

    The interracial dating scene out here sucks I live port arthur texas where its mainly blacks and spanish. Then there's a town called Nederland which is like 8 minutes away. That consist of 95% whites. A lot people are racist and doesn't want there son or daugther to date out their race especially blacks. Years ago there was a lot of drama between whites and blacks its the reason why we can't co-exist and I know there are many places that has the same problems. I love all races of women that respect themselves, know how to love, and that's not crazy!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  16. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Hahaha I love it! :D
  17. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    There are lots of IR couples in my area, mainly BM/WW & a few AW/WM sprinkled in. Every day I'm out at the grocery store, gas station, mall etc, I see a WW/BM couples or white women with a biracial child. Its pretty common here. I noticed mostly latinos stick to their race, with the exception of puerto rican women, they date black men more than than their own.lol
  18. gen y

    gen y New Member

    The environment for interracial couples here are relaxing. People barely blink an eye.
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    What city, state are you in?
  20. gen y

    gen y New Member

    Southern California, LA.

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