WASHINGTON — On Jan. 23, 1973, when the Supreme Court struck down state criminal abortion laws in Roe v. Wade, President Richard M. Nixon made no public statement. But privately, newly released tapes reveal, he expressed ambivalence. Nixon worried that greater access to abortions would foster “permissiveness,” and said that “it breaks the family.” But he also saw a need for abortion in some cases, such as interracial pregnancies. “There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white,” he told an aide, before adding: “Or a rape.” Nine months later, after Nixon precipitated the resignations of two top Justice Department officials and forced the firing of the special prosecutor looking into the Watergate affair, Ronald Reagan, who was then the governor of California and would later be president, told the White House that he heartily approved. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/23/nixon-tapes-abortion-nece_n_219746.html
I'm not surprised at all. Just like when I hear about all of these cuckold babies that are routinely aborted that nobody cares to discuss. Do as we say, but not as we do. Hypocrisy at its finest.:smt009
I'd like to know more about that, where did you hear that? Anywho, there are more tapes of Nixon saying blacks live like animals or dogs and at least Mexicans have a sense of family. This stuff doesn't surprise me either, I just hope the media will do their job and report this like the don Imus incident.
Yes i'm black, and i'll say it VERY clearly: Nixon wasn't a bad president, regardless of his political views. He was a VERY intelligent man and got re-elected by 49 out of the 50 states (and a wide popular vote margin to boot). That was without the whole watergate scandal. His legacy will be that he was a paranoid maniac, but he was still a great American President. We are talking about early 1970's people. WHO IN AMERICA ACTUALLY WANTED TO TALK ABOUT INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIPS! Larry Flynt published black dudes dicks with white chicks in the same pic and almost got banned. Nothing new in this thread. Either read up on American history or move on... P.S. I wanted to say this in the abortion thread in a long post but my computer crashed (edit, i get way too pumped up over politics): Out of 7 Supreme court justices voting in favor of Roe in Roe vs. Wade, 3, i repeat, 3 of said justices were appointed by Richard Nixon, one of the most conservative Presidents in the last 100 years, and 1 by Ike Eisenhower, also a republican. That simple fact throws that whole pro-abortion idea that you MUST vote democrat to maintain the laws supporting a woman's right to choose clear out the window. Simple propaganda. Simple history, not opinion. Read up on it. :smt006
The title of the thread is misleading and slanderous towards Reagan. He is not attributed in the article for having any comment at all on abortion or IR relationships. He is only said to have agreed with the firing of Nixon's aides: Nine months later, Nixon forced the firing of the special prosecutor looking into the Watergate affair, Archibald Cox, and prompted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. The next day, Ronald Reagan, who was then governor of California and would later be president, told the White House that he approved. Reagan said the action, which would become known as the “Saturday Night Massacre,” was “probably the best thing that ever happened — none of them belong where they were,” according to a Nixon aide’s notes of the private conversation. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/24/us/politics/24nixon.html
Do you ever ask yourself why would arianna huffington dig into records from the 70's and post them now? can you say propaganda?
The answer, btw, to "Why Now?" is that these records were released Tuesday by the Nixon Presidential Library.
Kinda how you dig up an old sermon from 2001 and chop it up to where it sounds like a 2008 presidential candidate is in the church of an un-patriotic pastor. Yeah, propaganda is just wrong isn't it?
sad, you young black guys really got game all wrong. Keep blaming others you sound like victims. Democrats and Republicans dont care about us. We are used by both. Keep hoping for your socialist secular paradise we will all be poor with no hope of any of us getting up. Obama came up in the crooked Chicago political machine. Rev Jeremiah Wright is valid to bring up because we need to know what kind of mindset that candidate has (vetting) You (Black man) are being baited by the far left and then you argue against me. Its over for America.
Once again, this is not propaganda, it hasn't been dug up, it wasn't written by Arianna Huffington. The Nixon Presidential Library chose to release these tapes on Tuesday. The New York Times reported on what was in the release. The Huffington Blog posted a small portion and a link. You are seeing Left Wing conspiracies where there are none.
My friend the point was that Huffington (the site)"posted" it for a reason. New York Times are fully in the tank for liberals and the Democratic party and thats why they are losing money. I never said conspiracy.
Ron Christie, is that you?:smt042 And who are you calling "young"? If it's so over for America you have two options: Kill yourself or move to another country.:mrgreen:
Republican newspapers are losing money too. The New York Times published it because the Nixon Library Released it. Should the New York Times ignore releases from Presidential Libraries?
Wow. I'm surprised that you actually managed to go on about Obama and "Chicago style" politics without bringing up Tony Rezko.
I'm waiting on all these shit-talking right-wing flag-wavers to either a) move to Alaska b) secede from the Union (TX) or c) sign up to fight in Iraq or Afghanistan.
You do realize that this feat was accomplished in large part by Nixon's campaign employing "the Southern Strategy" for the first time in order to appeal to myriads of disgruntled lower and middle class bigots in the Democratic party? It also paved the way for the Republican party to demonize blacks for political gain in pretty much every subsequent election. You think those actions are worthy of praise?