Internet Racism

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Persephone, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Ya know, I've witnessed more than my fair share of racism in my life. I've noticed something, though. The most I've ever seen/been subjected to has come from the internet. I attribute it to people's lack of self restraint due to the anonymity provided by the internet, as do most people, but it's still annoying.

    Lately I've been having trouble on myspace and tagged. Guys (always males), ranging in skin tones from graham cracker to full on saltine, sending me hate mail and picture messages. They continually dis my boyfriend and even tell me to take my pictures down, calling him beast, monster, or just plain ugly. Telling me I need to be single instead of being with someone like him. They've not been using racial slurs (yet), but the sheer revulsion they seem to have, and the fact that Nate is nowhere near ugly, strikes me as coming down to his skin color as the source for their hatred.

    Surprisingly, maybe just to me, I dunno, the vast majority of these men seem to be muslim arabs. Though there's been a smattering of old (well, not geriatric, but late 40s-early 50s) white men as well.

    I mostly get a laugh out of the messages, though, but it does get old finding them constantly.

    I don't think I'll ever understand what would compel a man to behave such a way. They never say anything rude about me. On the contrary, most of it ends up being "You're too beautiful for him" and stuff like that, but jeeze...if a guy really thinks using "beauty and the beast...if only u can push the monistor off ur back" is gonna make a girl want to jump his bone, he's a fucking idiot.

    Besides, jealousy is so not hot. It's not my fault my man is tall, dark, handsome, and has luxurious hair. :D
  2. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Never experienced it myself.
    I would say either ignore it, or, if it has become too annoying, close the source of the problem. Can you lock the albums? Why can these random people see your photos anyway?
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Nah, it's nowhere near that annoying yet. I mostly ignore it, or laugh if they're being particularly lame. I mostly brought it up to see if other people have this problem. It's a new one for me. I had pics up of me and my ex and no one said anything, but most of it comes from Tagged, and I've only been on there a few months now. It's strange, the behaviour of these guys. Men fascinate me sometimes, because some of them are just so damn fucked up. lol

    And I can lock the ones on myspace, but not on Tagged I don't think. I'll have to check. Don't know my way around it well yet, since I don't go on there too much.
  4. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I've not had any experience with this either, thankfully, but I don't use anything like myspace or tagged.
    Like FEHG said, maybe you should make your photos private?
    Their comments are ridiculous and cowardly. I've noticed a lot of racism on youtube. Every video seems to have a racist comment. Part of it is due to cowards that would never say anything like that in real life, part of it is due to idiots trying to stir shit just to get a kick out of people.

    Anyway, your boyfriend is hot so don't pay any mind to them. I'd say put your photos on private just so you avoid unnecessary headaches over these people.
  5. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I know he's hot. That's why I don't give a fuck about what they say. lol I'm so proud of being with him. I just wanna show him off to the world.

    Besides, one of the things I love about him is how he gets as many laughs out of these messages as I do. It's only annoying in that the volume of them gets ridiculous sometimes. But it's a mild irritation, nothing more.
  6. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Darlin' i wouldn't worry too much about what other people say, you're happy and that's all that matters and you two look really happy!! :D
  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Arabs are racist to Black people??


    This can't be true...not our "beloved brothers"...

    Why don't our so-called leaders inform us of this?

    I thought racism anywhere is racism everywhere..that sure is what we're told.

    But seriously..

    Middle-easterners are some racist,jealous-hearted mofos...that's why I don't take sides on the isreali/palestinian conflict.

    They can knock one-another clear off the planet for all I care.
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Knowing about ur ex and the way his pics looked...they were probably scared to say anything for fear of gettin' shot...LOL

    Honestly...fugeddaboutit and enjoy your human mountain climbin'...and how come you no call?
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Make your MySpace account private or make another account and do the same.
  10. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I was all set to blather on about how the White Supremacists who say shit on people's pages online are organized and do this like a job, and that's why it seems like they're always around, but then you said that they were mostly Muslim Arab and.. nope. I dunno about that, lol.

    Not shocked that there are racists in any group, but a little curious about what they hope to gain by messaging you.

    I mean really. Like you were just waiting in the arms of your man for someone else to come along and point out that he was Black to you. Why, if it hadn't been for them, you'd have never known.

    Of course you will fall madly in love with them now! It makes perfect sense!:rolleyes:
  11. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Considering the Arab Slave trade in places like Zanzibar and the general cultural superiority complex that Arabs have had over generations, it should come as no shock. I will give them credit at least that they are even handed as they viewed the Christian warriors during the Crusades and the hordes of Mongolian invaders during the time of Genghis and Kubilai Khan as "barbarians" and ignorant.

    Many men of other ethnic groups subconsciously (methinks) and consciously believe that brothas are inferior to them in every way except physically.
  12. Hehe, I got this myspace message the other day from some white guy:
    ----------------- Original Message -----------------
    Date: May 28, 2009 9:07 PM
    Subject: Hi - do you date black guys only?

    I was just wondering, I noticed that you're a member of a group for white girls who like black men =)

    Andy x

    Hi, yes, I am married to one

    Ahh well i think thats awesome.. it's great to see white girls with black guys in my opinion! Do you ever chat on yahoo, aim or msn s?
    Needless to say the conversation did not continue. It wasn't really racist I don't think but strange nonetheless.
  13. supertype

    supertype New Member

    Perhaps he is also in a interracial relationship and just wanted to chat?

    Anyway, where I live there was a afro club, Concorde (it's old name was Black n white) it florished for years, and was a wery cool place, plenty of white girls, guys, asian and african....uintil arabs started to hang out there. I tell you, there wasnt a weekend with out a fight. Even a gun fight
    In the end it had to close down. I really miss that place, it was cooll and funny. Hardly there are another club who could give the same good mood as that one.

    I dont want to generalice, but I found more racism between arabs and africans rather than africans and white. IMO
  14. Perhaps... but my man is all I need, I don't want to be chatting on msn with strange men!:grin::grin:
  15. robina

    robina New Member

    see theres your problem, theres an over abundance of nutters on tagged.
    ive been asked by an old bloke if i would send naked pics for him and his wife to use during sex and gained a stalker on that place. i closed down my old account, set up a new one and set the limit to private so only friends can view my profile and i have a pic of a squirrel insted of me on the opening page so they cant see. i have a select group of friends on there, just 20
  16. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I've experienced racism on all kinds of online sites as well. Tagged,Myyearbook,Facebook,Myspace,Blackplanet. Most times I just ignore it.Sometimes I'm too mad and send a response but I've learned that won't do anything. Internet offers a certain degree of anonymity and people that would NEVER say anything negative or ignorant in your face in person just speak their mind without limits online.
    That's one of the negative side effects on the www
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I don't even take offense to the shit, because I know they wouldn't say the shit in real life, and they always say the same shit, about how we're monkeys, or some shit. At least be original in your shit.

    It's funny how spontaneously the racist shit happens to at times.

    This is from another website, a Bay Area RAP forum too, when I clowned on dude so hard last week:

    Originally Posted by CodeineSyppin [​IMG]
    ^ lol talk about spelled "brother" wrong in your name..stupid fuck.

    I intentionally spelled it like that. You know damn well I meant to spell it like that, and you know that spelling it "brotha" is acceptable in it's usage. "Hey, my brotha". Don't act dumb like you don't know that black folks do that shit. The difference between my spelling "error" and your spelling error, was that you just didn't know how to spell "clitoris". I spelled mine the way I did to put more emphasis on that fact that I am black. Example of incorrect grammar, "feelin'" and "feeling". Same words, but one is technically wrong, but still commonly accepted in English in it's usage. "I'm feelin' this song".

    Am I losing you? Oh yeah. Of course I am. Lost you a couple miles back. I'll give you a couple days to analyze my post. Lord knows it will take a while.

    Ajax: 5=Win
    Codeine Syppin: 0=Fail

    CodeineSyppin: " For a nigger, you sound white..hmmmm suspect? You damn monkeys need to go back to africa!"

    Me: "Your intelligence was summed up in that post. No point in going any further with you.

    EDIT: I also appreciate the positive feedback you left me. 2 positive feedbacks received within 2 minutes of each other. 9:24 and 9:26. You keep starting shit on the forum, post a message on my profile after the shit in the other topic, and leave feedback 2 times within 2 minutes. So this is what it feels like to be loved, obsessed over, and basically stalked. Hmmm.... "

    CodeineSyppin: "Lol that one almost made you cry huh?"

    Then he was banned. Then he came back 2 minutes later under a different user name, and after being told that he would be banned again if he started up his as was like:

    " yeah true, i take that back for what ever i said, my apologies. me and ajax always go at it, he koo dudes tho."

    Dumbass mufucka.
  19. demattha

    demattha New Member

    alot of white girls get that when they come over to the team;

    I responded one time on a girls behalf over some tagged photos we took.

    Some anonymous white boy said, "i was a all over her like a filthy animal , and had STDs,"

    my response was, "it's pretty bad you think that about me, and she still picks me over you"

    Whiteboys hating, I never hear that shit in public, don't blame me your girl has taste.
  20. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Fuck the haters. Pay them no mind. Do what you do DH :D

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