If you thought of adoption, would you transracially adopt?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by tuckerreed, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I was wondering, has anyone here(of course those who are old enough) thought of adoption and if so, would you transracially adopt? would you adopt a child not from your race?
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I think most people who adopt are thinking along those lines - I would.
  3. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Yes I've thought about it, yes I probably will someday, probably ideally I would prefer to adopt a biracial child as I will probably, hopefully, have at least one biological biracial child as well.
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Wouldn't matter to me, I'd adopt a child of any ethnicity. Whatever child needed a home at that time.
  6. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Do you two girls need a home, I'll be glad to adopt you
  7. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Well yes...I have thought about it and I've done it. My youngest was adopted. She's black. It was a private domestic open adoption. I don't plan to have any more children...if I did, then yes I would specifically adopt transracially again.

    I'm a bit confused by this statement Flyingeek: "I think most people who adopt are thinking along those lines - I would."

    In adoption one of the first things hopeful adoptive parents are asked is about what they are "open to racially". It is also the most often asked question...something they will be asked MANY MANY times. I don't think that most people automatically think to adopt transracially...quite the opposite actually. Even those who have a preference romantically for those outside of their race, will often still place their own race as first choice when it comes to adoption. There are many out there who are open to dating inter-racially but not marrying inter-racially and further many more who would not be open to having "mixed raced" (hate the term) kids and/or raising children of a different race.

    Adopting transracially can be a very difficult process. While there are those celebrities out there drawing all sorts of attention, in many areas it's still very difficult to cross racial lines in adoption.
  8. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I doubt that I would adopt a child that was of my race.
  9. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    thats awesome, i am adopting a daughter from China, going next month to pick her up. I am Black and my wife is white, so i am so glad to know others out there have adopted transracially or would do so.
  10. KnCA

    KnCA New Member


    I know you must be having all sorts of different emotions going on!

    I have several friends that have adopted from China. You are probably aware, there are quite a few support groups out there. Several email lists for China too. If you ever want some online resources - let me know. I have all sorts of links for you! International adoption brings with it all sorts of additional stuff.

    VERY exciting times!
  11. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    oh thanks so much, i dont know of any groups really. It has been a very long wait and yes it is emotional and exciting, but havent talked to many about it, but would love the resources
  12. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Wow! Going through a China adoption without knowing about the lists and online help - so much tougher!

    which also has some great adoption forums! This one specifically for you:

    I know there are yahoo email lists. They have a "big list" for China. If you go to Yahoo groups you can do a search. I believe at the first link you can also find all those groups linked.

    Hope that helps!

    I know the wait is so long and the journey there can be such an emotional roller coaster. I'll definitely be praying for all of you.
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's awesome! Congratulations to you guys! :D

    On an Oscar special, they were talking with Hugh Jackman and he was telling Barbara Walters that he and his wife adopted their children. They said, who is most in need of being adopted? And it turns out that biracial children aren't adopted as easily, so those are the children they adopted. I was really impressed with that.

    I think adopting a child is a noble thing, and hats off to all who do!! :D
  14. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I will most likely be adopting children as opposed to having them myself - lots of little ones need homes and a loving family! And absolutely I have no ethinic preference.
  15. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Sorry, didnt mean to be vauge - I look at friends that I have that were adopted (surprisingly many) when I went to school. They were all, without exception transracially - adopted.
    (This is in Sweden, not in the US - but I didnt take the question as a US question).
    I also look at friends that have adopted and people I dont directly know that have adopted and same there - None of them have expressed a strong desire to stay within their race, but have rather have tried to while fulfilling their own desire to have a child also tried to do so in a way where it would do most good.

    Maybe its different here it the US, but in Sweden it is easier to go outside your country to adopt and then, it very easily becomes a transracial adoption - it depends what country is less hard at the time of adoption - but again - I didnt take the question as a US question.

    But you clearly know more about this than me
    as I dont have any experience on my own at all.
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I am absolutely in awe! How awesome is this! Congratulations!!!! My best wishes and thoughst and prayers comming your way!
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Lots of Swedes adopted African kids; Marcus Samuelsson, famous Black Swedish Chef come to mind.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  18. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Very good points Flyingeek.....I was being narrow viewed in thinking from a U.S view point. Here there are a great number of children in need of families domestically. There are also a huge number of families that adopt internationally for all different reasons. People are drawn to adopt from whatever program they are. Every program has it's positives and negatives.

    I realize that policies are very different in different countries. It's always interesting to hear how things are elsewhere. Thanks so much for clarifying for me!
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    yllautcca nerdlihc

    ahh - I was just not clear.

    I guess its just Swedens policies that made out of country adoptions often the only choice, that and the low number of "available" children. Here, its a completely differert story.

    My mother had her heart broken when she couldnt adopt the two foster siblings I had.
    They had parents, however completely worthless they were - it still made them unadopatable - so with the Swedish policy - they ended up in the foster care system rather than a stable home... weird policy that protected parents that had time and time again proven they could not take care of their children - at the cost of these children - I sure hope that policy is changed, it was a long time ago...
  20. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    It is the same here, FG. I am fairly certain they have closed the "waiting list" for adoptions in my state, at least, and I think it's similar for other families. Something like less than 50 children come up for adoption every year across the country. And there are, obviously, plenty more families than that. There's a HUGE waiting list. And, unless you're absolutely perfect, you won't even get on the list.

    If I ever chose to adopt as a single mother, a likely scenario, I would have no option but to look overseas, and even that is ridiculously expensive, time consuming and tedious just from the Australian side.

    Because of these reasons, it is highly unlikely that I would adopt a child of my own race and certainly not one of my nationality.

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