I think it's in very poor taste. Sarah Palin is enough of a comic book character, there is no need to involve her family.
Dave is just continuing the Sarah-bashing that has been in vogue since she emerged as a conservative stalwart during the elections. Had he done this last fall he wouldn't be catching the flak he is getting now. I'm sure the leftist blogosphere appreciates his efforts nonetheless.
The jokes were in very poor taste, but Palin's comments about Letterman actively promoting statutory rape and attempting to destroy the self-confidence of young women in America during her interview with Matt Lauer on The Today Show were farcical. They should both shut up.
Inappropriateness aside... did Palin con yall into thinking the joke was really toward her 14 year old daughter?
My final post to this site. I think what we are seeing here is an organized effort by the far left whether it's Letterman, the alphabet channels, the liberal blogs, and the multitude of far left concerns to so damage and marginalize this woman to keep her from being viable for the 2012 Presidential election. Palin is targeted for termination by the far left. She is a threat to them. If the kind of comments were made about Obama's family it would be all out war from the left. Don Imus was nearly destroyed for what he said about that women's basketball team. Letterman also insulted flight attendants by comparing Plain to a sluty airline attendant. Where is the outrage from the National organization for Women (NOW) and other women organizations on this one? You hear nothing because they are in the pocket of the far left. Thank you George Soros. You may not agree with the woman's politics it does not mean you have to trash her family or her. Where is the decency in this society? The far left is never tolerant to ideas beyond itself. There is far left fascist movement in this country to extinguish any ideas or thoughts they do not favor similar to Nazi Germany (National Socialist Party). Wake up America before it's too late.
I was with you until the last couple of sentences there, bud. But, yeah, to everything else, I agree. The far left doesn't realize how much like the far right they actually are. Oh and . . . bye!
Letterman and his writers should of foreseen this would be use against them by the Palin camp to boost her popularity.
Yes, this will serve to boost her already strong status amongst conservatives. It is good to see someone take on Letterman for a change.