With the proliferation of missile technology in the hands of despots like North Korea, and soon Iran. The need for an effective missle defense is needed more now than ever. We still need to keep an eye on old traditional enemies as well like China, and Russia. Let's build the damned thing. To my surprise some of our allies like France and Great Britian do not not want us to have a ballistic missile system because it will negate their own nuclear arsenals. A friend of mine who is in the United States Air Force turned me on to the site below: http://www.mda.mil/mdalink/html/mdalink.html
missile defense system is another part of the military-industrial complex..... the system has not worked and will never work..
http://www.defensetech.org/archives/003761.html http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/12/05/us.missile.test/index.html Missile intercepters will be the first line of technology to destroy intercontinental missiles throughout their phases. Lasers (both ground and spaced based will be the next line of defenses. The brains for all of this is being developed at IBM, Cray and other supercomputer manufacturers to develop computers beyond the current fastest supercomputer in the world "Roadrunner (1.5 Petaflops per second) to supercomputers in the next ranges of exaflop. zettaflop. yottaflop and xeraflop in the next thirty years that will operate at all ranges from supercomputer desktops to huge systems the size of a football field. Every intercepter, and laser will be connected to a brain network of supercomputers via satillites as the eyes and ears for the systems. Like Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame would say "fascinating".
Perhaps we need a "Hitler Skynet" to cleanse the world and start over again. Get rid of the trash so to speak.
The chinese will perhaps be the ones who will create the first true thinking machines if the Japanese does not do it first that will aid their nuclear missile ambitions. WAKE UP AMERICA. http://www.hoise.com/primeur/06/articles/monthly/AE-PR-09-06-1.html