Saw this in our news today. AN erotic dance craze is thought to be the cause of a recent spate of broken penises in Jamaica, and now faces a government crackdown. "Daggering", a lewd dance style where couples simulate dry sex in various positions to the beat of the music, is characterised by over-the-top gyrating, heavy pelvis-thrusting and daredevil leaps. Many couples have taken the “rough” daggering dance from the club to the bedroom, with disastrous consequences. Jamaican doctors were prompted to issue a warning on the dangers of daggering when presented with a range of fractures penises caused by rough intercourse. ........,28318,25516733-5014090,00.html Hahaha. WTF. This has a warning for minors - just in case you're the sensitive type
Let's hope this dance craze stays in Jamaica. I can see alot of brothers here in America getting arrested for sex crimes with that kind of dancing.
Jump Off[YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] Jump Offs have been going for years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not for the faint hearted. WARNING: may draw tears to the male eyes....