Looks like a new virus will make it.s appearence on the world stage. http://news.aol.com/health/article/lethal-virus-in-afric/503100
I hear you loud and clear on this one, I go to positiveafrica.com or africanloft.com for positive and balance news coverage regarding Africa.
Yup. That's just what I needed to read, since I'm going to Africa in 5 weeks. :???: Oh well, at least I'm going to Kenya not the places mentioned in the article. LOL Not that it scares me though. Malaria scares me more.
I don't believe a word of it. Spanish flu was from Asia..but it was called spanish flu as a lead-in to the Spanish-American war. We are lied to all the time..especailly about Africa.
Ah. People talk on the CTA? Most mofos I see on there are busy looking up, down, out and/or away. I hear(d) similar stuff on the Metra. As in on the way to Downer's Grove and all that.