Interesting article today in the Chicago Tribune. I thought maybe it could spark some interesting commentary (because this site lacks that already ).,0,6058456,full.story
Hmm. Over the next 50 years, America will experience a degree of radical change on various fronts with "minority" groups making greater gains in education, science, and politics. In 2008, it became clear to enough of the American electorate that a white male was not the best of all possible candidates to assume the role of the presidency, so we adapted accordingly. Much of this was owed to the intellectual abilities of our current president, but also the deficiencies of the (primarily white) men who'd held power for the previous 8 years. If men feel like they're being outpaced in education or anywhere else, then it's their fault. Winning is a choice and men have been winners for centuries, largely by cheating women (and other men) out of the opportunity to compete. Adapt to the circumstances of a wider playing field with more people competing for the same goal or perish trying wring the last drop from past entitlements.