Would you hit a female if she did this?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, May 25, 2009.

  1. bushdweller

    bushdweller New Member

    Hmm... Interesting thread.

    Not sure if anyone mentioned this already, but I think the guy is a punk for coming out on camera in a rap battle about her abortion. Impulsive and arrogant. Even moreso if the aborted kid is his...

    He could've stopped after his first statement about "i know what this is about" (or whatever he said)and still won the "battle".

    Would I hit her back? Probably not. Would I be involved with a chick like that? Hell no. And that's the key and the takeaway. Those two probably deserved each other.

    I wouldn't condemn him for hitting back but he's right for holding back, not only as a man not wallowing in bullshit, but as a guy who doesn't want to risk spending time in court or catch a record for knocking out a girl on camera...

    If he knocks her out cold he looks like a punk even moreso after the abortin remark. If he doesn't hit her back he loses nothing. If it were a dude that threw the punch it would be a different story.

    Would I knock her out if she struck my kids? Into orbit... :smt068
  2. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Good post.

    The whole thing was just tasteless.

    I am indeed a feminist but I am also a LADY! I would never hit a man, nor would you find me taking about such personal issues on TV.

    It just shows a lack of manners and civility in the world today.
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    To the asshole who left this negative rep and didn't sign their name - go fuck yourself.

    Would you hit a female... 05-25-2009 ***********666686]06:04 PM[/color]You should change your screen name to Pollyanna. I agree with CBQ, Karma, Ajax and the rest you are way off base!

    I guess it isn't a free society after all.
  4. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    If it was me I wouldn'tve argued with her.

    Besides I would saw that punch coming a mile away.

    I would restrain her, not hit her.
  5. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member


    I think the rep thing is a bit silly. When I was here before it did not exist. If someone did not like your post, they would tell you.

    I actually had someone go back, find one of my old posts from before there was rep and give me negative rep on it. With no name of course but I know who it was. Geez, you were thinking about what I said for THAT long!

    I would say alot of things about you Bookie (all good) but Pollyanna does not spring to mind!
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  7. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I know! Too funny and too much time on someones hands.
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    The only off limits subject in a rap battle is mothers. Everything else is fair play, for some reason. It was fucked up for dude to bring that up, but hell, it's a rap battle. They get heated at times.
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member


    Yeah, I never leave negative rep. I almost never have a problem with people on this board and when I do, I ignore the posts.

    But, whatever. That person doesn't know me, if they think I'm a pollyanna.

    I can't believe that someone was holding a "grudge" for you for that long to go back and do that!! That's nuts!!
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    And no, I wouldn't hit her back but I might be slightly inclined to push her to the ground.

    I'd just walk away, though.
  11. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Where I am from, how I was raised, and the people I am friends with.....anyone hitting anyone is unheard of.

    The only time it is justified is in self defence or to defend someone who is clearly getting hurt.

    If I saw a female friend hit a man like the "female" in the video did, we would no longer be friends.

    I do not want or need trash like that in my life. WAY TOO MUCH DRAMA
  12. beautiful02

    beautiful02 New Member

    Rep added!!!
  13. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    I wouldn't hit a "woman" unless I really had to but I would have came close to slapping that hoodrat.

    Its probably already been said in this thread a thousand times but it's as simple as this -- some women want to be completely equal to men when convenient and then they will jump back and totally switch it up and say "omg you can't do that i'm just a lady" when it's convenient.

    Personally i'd only hit a women if I really had too. Women shouldn't be shocked if they decide to hit a man and get hit back.
  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I fashion myself as a gentleman.

    However....I'm old school in a sense...if you hit me...I will break your jaw...man or woman. If a woman slaps me...I'll probably just kick her legs out from under her...or do nothing at all if I know that I provoked her. If a lady is man enough to punch me...she's man enough to get laid out.
  15. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    If she punches you.....she is not a lady
  16. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    personally i think he deserved it. has anybody here listened to what he said as a reply?

    he essentially broached a subject that should have been off limits. he totally brought up her abortion. what sort of form is that?
  17. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    I agree
  18. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    So what? If I said a woman "deserved" to get punched I'd be an asshole. Double standards for women are so nice.
  19. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." Issac Asimov

    "All violence, all that is dreary and repels, is not power, but the absence of power." Ralph Waldo Emerson

    "Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary."
    Mahatma Gandhi

    I am a bit older than most here (in my early forties) and I was raised to never raise a hand to a woman period, if a situation is looking like it might get too heated and you suspect the woman might initiate physical battery, just remove yourself from the situation post haste. I still believe that is the best advice for men. As a lawyer, I always take the legal perspective, if a man strikes a woman, even in self defense, and the law is called in, the man will be "presumed" guilty and will face an uphill battle to prove otherwise, even if he truly was simply defending himself. It is unfair, but it is reality, the woman can exploit this reality, and now the man has much bigger problems. Neither of the two people in that clip were mental giants and they both seemed to be of low character and integrity to engage in such buffoonery in the first place, not surprised the situation degenerated to physical violence.

  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    So what he brought up her abortion. You'd be all up in dude's ass if he hit her, even if she brought up something that was taboo to bring up with a man. And it's a battle, everything is fair game.

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