Chris Brown new assault victim Oops I mean girlfriend.

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Steven, May 23, 2009.

  1. Steven

    Steven New Member

    Girlicious singer,Natalie Mejia of course Chris Brown denies the relationship but Chris and Rihanna denied their relationship for months before revealing it. Looks like Natalie Mejia isn't following the rules because she doesn't deny anything. I don't think she is white she may be latino or half white and half mexican. I just hope Chris Brown don't beat her up I hope Chris Brown just stay away from the white women. We don't need another O.J Simpson on are hands. :axe:

    Shes a pretty girl.
  2. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    She may be pretty, but she's a freaking MORON if she's dating that douche. He must be one charming fucktard.

  3. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    not that Im making an excuse for chris. the truth is y'all dont know what rihanna was like. It might have been a series of things that simply came together at the same time for him to react like he did with rihanna.
    Chris can carry on macking with the finest ladies long as the rihanna thing was a one off then I forgive him.
    This new girl is definitely a hot catch, good for him
  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Co-sign. We don't know what Rihanna did to push him into that incident. And you ladies don't even try that innocent act either, you know some of you can piss a brotha off.
  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Pissing someone off is never an excuse to beat the shit out of them.
  6. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    You ladies don't know that. So don't piss people off :)
  7. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I feel that it is wrong for a man OR a woman to hit or otherwise batter someone they are in a relationship with.
  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    If it was Rihanna giving Chris a black eye the women would have probably cheered and given her a high five. Double standards are brilliant. :smt101
  9. chicity

    chicity New Member

    No, but there are also many reports that she began hitting him while he was driving. Being hit by someone is occasionally a good excuse to beat the shit out of them. Especially if you're driving.

    We don't know what happened. Only that Rihanna was beaten, and Chris Brown's career ruined. Something happened, and it was bad, and that's about all we know.
  10. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Wtg for your honesty with that post. Rep points added.
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Let's go old skool back to the 80s, shall we??

    How many of yall knew/remember when Madonna used to date/was married,( I believe) to Oscar winner Sean Penn, and man how they used to FIGHT!

    Big time, throwing blows, black eye type shit.

    They had to split because they fought so much, but no one looks back at that time they were together and thinks that Sean Penn is some serial woman beater.

    Any dude who hits a female deserves to be checked by the media, but sometimes it's an issue of two people who get together who never should have in the first place.
  12. Steven

    Steven New Member

    I don't want to judge Chris Brown I heard that this wasn't the first time he hit her. And I have heard that she is jealous crazy type and I know women and almost take us there but we are men not animals. We have to control ourselves I'm not judging you Chris but man did you have to do this to her thank god she is much better now.


    This picture isn't fake it's the real thing right after the assault. And actually it was much worse than this picture because the next day they said her face was very swollen. He also choked her until the point she passed out. He could have killed her here is the re-enactment of what happen that night please click on the link.
  13. chicity

    chicity New Member

    That point is extremely valid. I remember back then, and you're right, they did fight all the time.

    It's sad to say that in this country there's a thought proces of the Black Man must be wrong on all accounts. And then, thusly destroyed. But there's a problem in 2009. These thought processes are meeting resistance. They're having a problem convincing the people that it was his fault and his fault alone. They're having a problem convincing the people to be racist.
  14. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Look, so what? No one takes into account how many times Black Men get assaulted and are forced to defend themselves. I've had plenty friends of mine who had to leave whole counties because the African American woman that he was with at the time would keep starting fights with him and call the police. A lot of African American women do this. The police are dangerous to Black Men. The do a lot worse than what's in that picture. The police kill Black Men.

    But nobody cares about Black Men. But here you are ready to run to the defense of a woman who started a fight with a testosterone-filled 19 year-old muscle bound young man. Even at his age, before I started anything with anybody, I had sense enough to size up my competition.

    You are probably too young to even realize that some of these women put restraining orders on African American men so that they can later on get away with killing them.

    Didn't Rihanna say that she faked a conversation saying 'make sure you have the police there when we arrive'? Now, young men like yourself would probably be thinking that she was just innocently trying to make sure that he knew not to put his hands on her again. This is what he was thinking: "I'm going to die tonight. This chick done started this shit. I'm Chris Brown, I'm about to loose everything. Why are you trying to mess my life up. That's why I'm not trying to be with you, you crazy bitch. I will never be able to please this woman. And the police may kill me tonight."

    Dude, get your mother's teachings out of your head. They don't apply in the real world, and these women need to stop getting into men's faces because their mothers taught them that they are as every bit as strong and independent as a man. This is purely leading into physical confrontation.

    And by the way, these women often get physical first, because they think they can do so because they're female and a man should never put his hands on a woman.

    So they think they can hit a man over and over again and then want to cry foul when he knocks her the hell out, so she says "but I'm a woman, you ain't supposed to hit a woman."
  15. Steven

    Steven New Member

    Hey women have gotten in my face a cursed me out and so on. On a few occasions I wanted to knock out a bitch but at the end of the day we are men. We are stronger and yeah it pisses me off and it is a double standard when women hit men and yet he choked her out he could have killed her. You can get so mad some time until you totally lose it and thank god there somebody there to break it up. And people keep talking about Chris losing his career what if he had mistakenly killed her now more than his career is over but his life. Now Rihanna family is devastated along side Chris family so like I said I'm going to retain judgment but control is the only way. I think it's a good thing their not together anymore.
  16. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Oh, so now he's the angry Black Man murderer. Thanks for the elevation dude, thanks for the help.
  17. chris can beat a black woman but not a white woman :confused:

    negro negro negro dumb
  18. Steven

    Steven New Member

    Obviously he's angry about something he put his girlfriend in the hospital. You guys can defend this behavior all you want it's not right. I see we have a lot of Chris Brown fans here.
  19. Steven

    Steven New Member

  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Its ALL the womans fault eh?

    I find a lot about your post disturbing (like Chris think the police would kill him thats just silly. Or women getting restraining orders so that they can kill African-Amercian men - that is disturbing).
    And you dont know exactly what happend that night so done make all these assumptions based on that its all her fault.

    It does not matter what a woman do to you - no, I dont condone women hitting men any more than I condone men hitting women- but her actions does NOT justify you using violence against a woman. Ever.

    Self defence is one thing, but that should not leave such marks.

    If a woman is that crazy to attack you - get the hell away and stay away - but trying to justify hitting a woman??!! Not acceptable!

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