Who is poisoning the water?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Archman, May 20, 2009.

  1. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Alright what is turning off the women, and causing them to loose interest and leave the forum?
    Could it be all those naked pictures of perfect professional models, shoved in their face every 5 threads……Could it be all the disrespectful classless things they have to read so regularly… …Could it be the sobering reality of any getting together is unlikely because of the distances..Could it be that we, as a sample group of guys are just a shallow damn waste of time

    Tinkerbell, Emmalee, Serendipity, SocalGirl, and now Lipstick…..what caused these girls to feel they had enough and leave?

    Women of the forum please tell me….what would cause any of you to feel you’ve had enough and want leave…….what turns you off enough to consider leaving…I’d like to know?
  2. alli

    alli New Member

    It just gets boring sometimes, frankly. And it seems that I have no idea who to take seriously and who to avoid. I post a serious reply only to find that every other reply in the thread is bashing the OP. Sometimes it's called for, I suppose, given the OP's previous behavior, but it makes me feel silly for having posted at all.

    And when I see that women like lipstick, emmalee, etc are leaving and I consider them to be "my type" of person I question what's really here for me. I'm not looking for a mate here, but I do enjoy talking to other men and women who are in IR relationships.
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Also, I think people find boyfriends off the forum and they don't need this anymore. Real-life should take precedence over an internet forum.

    And many of these people will also come back. I know that Lipstick went away for a long time last year....then came back.

    Sometimes it's just a cycle that people go through where they just need a break. Sometimes it's the harassment by certain posters that get to people eventually and they want to get the hell out of dodge.

    Sometimes they think they've found a potential mate and instead find themselves burned again....

    There are many, many factors.

    And like Allilyn said, sometimes it gets boring, so people go elsewhere for awhile. But, they always tend to come back.

    I've almost left this site a few times for various reasons. But, I've since toughened up and I realize that it's okay to take a break from this place for a few days or whatever. Life will go on if I don't check this site 20 times a day. :smt045

    Everything seems to be in cycles around here. And if they don't come back, others will join and be good contributors, even if we will miss the ones that leave.... :smt023
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Pretty much sums it up
  5. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    People come, people go.... men have left the forum just as women have. They will be missed, but the world will continue to turn and life will go on. Some will even come back.

    PS. You forgot Mosk
  6. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Well Arch - seems like you have some inside track going. I didn't realize that Lipstick had decided to leave the forums, nor some of the others that you have mentioned.

    You may not realize that there have been plenty of men who have also left the boards over time, as well as many other women you did not mention. As books said, some of us leave (for a long time too) and then come back. It's not always for some big reason.

    You may want to think about this too. For many that come here they are sortof testing the waters. They really are not ones for which IR is part of their lives. It may be something that was a passing fancy and they find themselves moving on. People hang look for things that interest them and they "fit" with and when it stops then they look for the next thing.

    There are all sorts of reasons people come and go. Some go quiet but don't really go away too. As far as distance or any of that. I don't know...again some are truly interested in meeting someone and others are not, some are concerned with distance and others have shown that they are not.

    Bottom line though - there is nothing new going on in here. It's not like there is some sudden big exodus. You may not be aware of this...there have been much bigger deals where many have left in the past.
  7. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    I did not forget Mosk......hers is a special case...of which Saty or Britty can enlighten you.....but yes she is a tough lost also.
  8. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Most of the site members live in places where the weather sucks, so when it warms up they simply go outside more often.
  9. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Addendum: I joined the site several years and didn't post for many years, but returned after a long sabbatical and look how much everything has improved since.

    Just call me the prodigal son.
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    No, it's because of me.
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Ah yes...that's another good point. :smt023
  12. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    What! Lipstick has gone, are you sure ? she was here the other day.

    As to Serendipity i miss her also, she was funny and real life, but a bunch of the guys attacked her in defence of someone not a scrap as funny or puts as much thought into there posts and now she's gone.:smt018

    You have also forgotten about Scylla, that girl was clever and funny, I personally think she just got bored with the forum.

    People take time away because it can get a little bit stale on here, you can only read so many posts about tits and arses b4 it grates on ya and you start to wish for an inspiring thread.

    I have not posted as much lately myself because some of the stuff is sheer repetitive, black womens pics posted blah, blah whitewomen can't look like this booooooring.

    As to the other ladies that are leaving cus of E players, uhmmm I must say it's seems we have one massive E orgy going on, everyone E f*ckin everyone else and I'm very annoyed cus I haven't been invited to not one session. :lol:
  13. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    lol @ E-Players :lol:
  14. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

  15. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I don't think Mosk was a "special case" but that's just my personal opinion.

    I mean I think she's a special woman and all of that....but her reasons for taking a break were not that different than others that have. (And before anyone wants to go giving me neg rep about this AGAIN...NO one on here has any idea of the private communications that go on between different members - I can guarantee you of this!)

    Geeze don't go deciding that people are gone for good. Mosk has been back and forth. Sometimes people just feel the need to do something else in life. Sometimes it's actually a GOOD thing for them.

    Here's another little tidbit...many who take a break, leave, whatever...aren't really interested in there being a big discussion with a lot of assumptions about what and why they are doing things. If you really want to know - maybe you should go to the source. Many of those listed have provided their contact information somewhere along the line.
  16. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    My good friend Sir Nose.......She's gone........like Daryl Hall & John Oats' song from the the 70's......She's gone !. Allways one of your favorites, I went back and forth with her, but she became a favorite for me as well......Lets just hope that like some of the wise, experienced folks said earlier in this thread, she has decided to leave for now, but might consider returning someday .
  17. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

  18. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Max that was nice.....I just listen to your video...and I thought about our girl and it was appropiate in her honor. You and Sir Nose were her two top Aces but I did work my way up as a favorite before she left.
  19. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I will make several comments:

    1. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen

    2. I co-sign the "it gets boring/stale" comments

    3. If you don't like looking at naked chicks, don't go to the men's locker room.

    4. It's an internet forum. Can we keep some perspective...please.

    5. If the content isn't attracting/keeping enough people, or whatever, I'm thinking that's webbie's problem - to protect his business. ?!?
  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Honestly, I think it's getting boring now... but it's nobody's fault, we can't expect everybody to be creative etc.
    I am trying to go on chat sometimes but I don't see nobody and just leave lol. Sometimes it works thought.

    What happened with Lipstick? When/why?

    oh, and where is NYX?

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