Who does it? What are your favorite techniques? I'm going to start meditating, so I'm just curious and want to know all of your experiences (before, during, after) with it if you feel like sharing. If you know of any good websites on the subject. Your why, when, where, how, etc. I didn't know whether to put this in this subforum or the Religion and Sprituality one, because I think it would fit into both. Meditation=Spiritual Fitness, heh.
I have much information on the practice of meditation and it's role in the martial arts. In fact we at Tekkikan Shorin Ryu Karate begin and end our martial arts class with meditation employing the technique of visualization from practice. Below is an article from Master Doug Cook from the art of Tae Kwon Do on meditation from his perspective. http://www.chosuntkd.com/mdc/articles/roleofmed.htm Some excellent reads on the subject of meditation in the martial arts: -Total Mind/Body Training by Jacob H. Jordan, M.D. -Meditation and the Martial Arts by Michael L. Raposa -Martial Meditation: Philosophy and the Essence of the Martial Arts by Grandmaster Daeshik Kim and Allan Back Enjoy
Back when I was under a Korean TKD master (very old school with bamboo sticks for discipline and all), we meditated. Focus is a very important aspect of martial arts, especially when it comes to performing a perfect Kata, or precision board breaking. If you can not find a way to focus and visualize, you're going to have a hard time.
Children and Meditation The most amazing thing I have seen lately in our school are the young children (6 years to 10 years) who take hold of meditation with discipline in their lives. Rhensi (my instructor) tells me that most of the kids in our school are outstanding students in school and academically on top of their studies and grades. He tributes mental training as key in developing their characters. Their parents cannot believe the changes they see in their children. For the children meditation is as important in their lives as training in the physical side of the art.
so true man what you learn through spiritual balance in a martial art, can and will apply to many life situations like you said, it's not just physical, which is why I would like to study under someone who embraces spirituality as much as physicality.