Why are blacks so eager to oppose gays?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, May 14, 2009.

  1. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I was laughing at the thought of bigTony reading the study :)
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Patronizing my argument for the purposes of making it appear that you have been right all along and that you are some sort of shepherd guiding me to the "correct" view of things is what I would call silly.

    If you are anti-gay/lesbian...fine. My question has yet to be truly answered. You sir have proven my point as have a couple of others on this board. You are black have no problem standing in opposition to gays but I wanted to know WHY. I have never heard someone black say anything beyond "I don't agree with it" or "I don't like it."

    Your feelings make more sense because you are of the viewpoint that homosexuality does not happen naturally. Is that view a religious one or does it originate elsewhere.

    As far as "imagine a republican telling a democrat that because he doesnt support i paedophilia/capitalism/rapists that it means they are paedophilics/capitalists/rapists? you see what I did? i took away "homosexuality" in the options so that you could see objectively just how silly this is" is concerned...well...I approached you from that angle to draw you into the open and clarify why you have the opinion you have. If you disagreed with it (which I figured you would)...you would actually start to explain yourself beyond "I find it disgusting."

    Also...it is quite common for people to be far to the left on a given issue in reality but portray a different perspective in real life....i.e., white liberals who claim to be "for" blacks but are actually more racist than rednecks in practice.
  3. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Source plz.
    Last I heard little girls get raped too. Rape doesn't have much to do with gender or sexual preference, it's about power.
  4. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    In other words Sarah, he pulled those stats right out of his ass.. which is where he seems to do most of his thinking, at least on this issue.
  5. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    Making it appear that you have been right all along? listen man, theres being intelligent, and theres trying to sound intelligent. There is a big difference. Your above statement is neither.

    Excellent, I tell you what? we can say "you first". You have to tell me why you like homosexuality and then I will tell you why I dont like it. Have we got a deal?

    The view I have of gays is not to do with religion.

    And maybe you might to start to explain yourself beyond "anyone who disagrees with me really means they agree with me". Your being silly again coming back to this one, so I really do have to call you silly.

    Just like a lot of People who say they hate rapists, really do hate rapists. Again stop being Silly and drop this one. Go up to my second response and lets start there.
  6. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Well, in consideration of the fact that there is hardly ANYONE agreeing with you on this - then obviously it isn't common knowledge. You're talking total bullsh*t.
  7. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    And your argument is intelligent because you agree with your own point of view? I didn't know intelligence was measured by the tonytony IQ test...pardon my insolence..LOL!

    I have said that I'm not fond of the act of sex between two men but I've never claimed to like or dislike homosexuality in general...the only person that has voiced a clear position on the particular question is you T-2

    OK, so your feelings are not religious based...OK.

    The statement about "anyone who disagrees really agrees" may or may not be true. Don't assume that I believe that point applies to you...only you know that answer to that as I am not a mind reader nor would I ever try to be. Some people fall into that line of thinking and some do not...you are not the only person on this message board, sir.

    I think most people here would agree that there is one silly person in this discussion and it is not me T-2.

    I will reiterate my point once again...you have proven the sagacity of my topic choice. I had a belief about a given subject and how it resonates with many blacks and you have proven me to be correct. That doesn't mean you are "right" or "wrong"...a point that seems lost on you...but rather that your opinion is one that I (and many others) are not surprised to see. Don't see it as an insult but rather...that you are not so different from many other black American, Carribean and African men. Your opinion in fact is probably more common than mine....I am a "live and let live" sort and have no strong feelings regarding these matters. Your conviction is stronger than mine on this subject so I expected you to have clearly defined rationale that could explain how you came to feel this way...not as a way to attack you but rather to understand why so many BM feel this way....whether it was because of no reason at all, because of "typical' reasoning, or something completely different and new.
  9. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Perhaps both...my problem is that blacks don't value HETEROSEXUAL marriage. We've seen the marriage rates and out-of-wedlock births to know what the problem really is. Until we are able to get the 90% of blacks that are straight to take marriage seriously...we need to hush on the 10% of gays that want rights. It's not the gay or not gay thing but rather the hypocrisy of my people...if we cared so much about marriage...we'd actually go out and marry our women instead of getting locked up, murdered, having multiple babies-mamas etc.
  10. madscientist

    madscientist New Member

    Why it is that many people believe that homosexuality is a choice? Like the old saying goes, you can't choose whom you are attracted to, and I highly doubt that any homosexual person chose attraction towards those of the same sex any more than I can choose my attraction towards white women.
  11. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

  12. jaylon

    jaylon Member

  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    You know what I've read, if you believe in past lives and reincarnation, a homosexual person is just someone whose soul made a rocky transition into the present body of the opposite sex from what they were last time. :)
  14. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    The irony here is that if you were to take away the gay men who populate the black church, there'd be no men who sang in the choir or stood up and acted a goddamn fool when it's time to start speaking in tongues.
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Who deleted my gay porn link? Why? Because Honest Brother didn't like it?
    That's not fair.
  16. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    U want me to post another one? :D

  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    This is horseshit.

    Black people are more tolerant of gays than any other people on earth.

    A gay person is a LOT safer around a group of drunk brothers than drunk white boys.

    BM don't ride around on the weekends looking for "queers" to beat up or kill.

    We tend to have a live and let live policy when it comes to gay people...

    I'm more intrigued by the motives of people who act as though Blacks are killing gays left and right..like white men do on the regular.
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Black women...yes...black men...no.

    Horseshit you say...hmmm

    That would be like me saying that the only kind of racism that occurs is the kind where Klansmen hang black people from trees. That covert and less obvious racism does not exist...and we all know that's not true....we both know that most racism nowadays is subtle and nearly unnoticeable.

    And sure we are "live" and "let live" with gays, whites, jews etc....the only time that does not apply is when we are killing ourselves.

    This thread is really hitting a soft spot for a lot of brothas on here and again...regardless of your opinion, my expectations have been borne out.
  19. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I will repost this again...because it needs to be said:

    ...my problem is that blacks don't value HETEROSEXUAL marriage. We've seen the marriage rates and out-of-wedlock births to know what the problem really is. Until we are able to get the 90% of blacks that are straight to take marriage seriously...we need to hush on the 10% of gays that want rights. It's not the gay or not gay thing but rather the hypocrisy of my people...if we cared so much about marriage...we'd actually go out and marry our women instead of getting locked up, murdered, having multiple babies-mamas etc.
  20. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Now I also must repost this question:

    What do you mean by our women? If a BM is not married to a BW he doesn't care about marriage? Please clarify.

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