Abortion in Black community

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, May 9, 2009.

  1. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I always thought that the man carried the seed and the woman carried the egg. My bad.
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    It is morally the responsibility of both people engaged in sex to protect themselves and each other.

    However, biologically, this is not a "fair" situation. A man can run away from an unplanned pregnancy.

    Recently, technology and the law is stemming that. Without a DNA test, however, a man can deny his own child, can simply disappear.

    A woman does not have this option. She must abort, miscarry or give birth. These are the options the universe has stuck her with.

    This is why certain family law is not "fair" either: A woman can legally abort, but a man cannot legally cut ties with a fetus he is proven to have helped create.

    A woman has nearly all the rights over the fetus inside her, because she also has nearly all of the responsibility.

    It makes sense, then, to hold both the man and the woman morally responsible for creating life.

    It also makes sense, however, for women to hold ourselves to a higher standard, because we have more to loose.
  3. chicity

    chicity New Member

    It works both ways, if we apply equal moral standards. In past generations, we placed moral blame on an unwed pregnant mother, and far less upon the father. As we progressed, we took away the shaming that made things so unnecessarily hard on single mothers and their children. However, society seems to have compensated by shifting the shame to the fathers, no matter how invested in being an involved father he may be.

    If an unwed mother has not done anything wrong by becoming pregnant (and I don't think she necessarily has), then the father has not done anything wrong by impregnating her either.

    I have heard from that oftentimes nurses & doctors at the hospital, for instance, treat unwed fathers like criminals, and I hear comments supporting the same attitude from many people.

    If it takes two to tango, then the father is as blameless as the mother.
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member


    This topic is getting played out. I hear this topic at work, church and at political event. Why don't policy makers stay out of ppl's bed room and uterus? shesshh
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    C'mon now, get your mind out the gutter.:smt003

    Yeah I know what you're thinking.:smt042
  6. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Yes and then the woman accepts and fertilizes that seed thus the saying "carrying his seed". So my point still stands.
    No problem, the more you learn.

  7. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    No, I'm afraid that's still not right. Clearly an ovum does not have free will. The seed fertilises the egg, the cells then divide and multiply and...an embryo is created!

    I have never once heard the phrase "carried his seed". I have heard the phrase "spilt his seed" though, and also "bun in the oven".

    Part 2 of sex ed tomorrow...watch this space folks. :cool:
  8. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Yes, I know all of this -- what I said was a phrase based on a saying to get my point across and sadly that point had nothing to do with the specifics of child birth -- but truely thank you for wasting your time with this.

    As I said before-- the more you learn huh? Whether you've heard the phrase or not my actual point still stands.
    Well how cute -- maybe next time i'll start my original post off with "the women is the one with the bun in the oven" or I could argue how scientifically a women doesn't have a built in oven and how a man is not made of bread.
  9. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Chill out man, it's only the internet. :cool:

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