How many guys (and ladies) here believe if she is interested she'll let you know?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Rakim72, May 17, 2009.

  1. Rakim72

    Rakim72 New Member

    Here in Phoenix, I see white and hispanic women looking at me all the time but they typically don't approach me or say anything.

    I've always believed that if a woman is interested she'll "choose" you or let you know she's interested in some form or fashion and it's no real need to try and convince her to talk to you.

    I'm told by women that I shouldn't have any problems meeting women, but since I haven't met anyone here of quality out and about I thought I'd get some opinions.

    What's your take?
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Interesting, I've always thought, more often than not, that the woman was who wanted to be chased and then she "chooses" you.
  3. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Most def.
  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I chased my guy down like he was prey, lol. However, at the time, he didn't even realize at first that he was being chased. Allot of times women think they are being overwhelmingly obvious -- and to other women they are -- but to men, especially young men, the signals are invisible.

    Get a female friend to hang out with you in public, and have her tell you when women are throwing you hints. Once you know what to look for, you'll know who is looking at you.
  5. Rakim72

    Rakim72 New Member

    That makes sense.
  6. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    For most women, they won't approach you unless they assume that you're interested. Playing it too cool won't necessarily work.
    If she looks at you, look back. If she smiles, smile back and go and approach her. Unless you're dealing with a REALLY confident woman, you need to let her know that you're interested.

    Women do have subtle ways to make a man approach them but don't just leave it up to the woman. I wasn't THAT subtle with the guy I'm seeing now, but still left it for him to ask me out, haha.
  7. Rakim72

    Rakim72 New Member

    Damn ladies! Typically my dudes come to me for female advice but you ladies are letting me in on a bit more. I like it.

    When I go out I'm not looking because I feel like if I am women can sense desperation and that's an immediate turn-off.

    When I go to the store I go to get what I need and I'm out. I guess I should pay attention more.
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    A woman is always good to have with you as a wing-man to help read signs sometimes... however, sometimes other women might think you are in a relationship w your female wing-man.

    Take two female wing-men! That is what I did with a male friend of mine who went thorugh a divorce and needed a bit of a push to "get out" there.
    We went for dinners and stuff - two women and my friend.. we chatted up girls like no business, and many time they sat down with us as we posed no threat for the girls as we obviosuly were just friends hanging out.
    It worked great and he felt at ease to ask us if someone he thought was interresting were giving him the "signs" etc so we were "interpreters" of sorts.

    And no, we didnt pimp him out:cool:

    It worked out great - he got to chat with women after 10 years of marriage, get his mojo back and went a on a few dates with really nice women.
    Eventually, he found someone he really liked - but we did this randomly for almost 1.5 years - at his request:)
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

  10. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    *gathers pen and paper*
    please continue....
  11. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Most women I know won't be aggressive in approaching a man. She might smile, say hi, or engage in conversation that is appropriate to the situation.

    I won't take notice of a man who's with other women. I don't want to have to figure out if they are involved or not.

    I think most women are more likely to let you know they are interested after you've made the approach. I don't think a man is desperate if he clearly expresses interest. Most women will talk about wanting a man who is confident and shows his interest directly.
  12. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Please do not get offended but you are a perfect example on what I stated in another thread about being too slow to pick up the signs.

    What I transformed in red answers what you stated in which, I boldly highlighted in black.

    There are girls that will have the strength to say “Hi” to a bloke they find attractive. However, that will not happen very often. When it does happen they are a nervous wreck.

    You need to learn the signs that girls tend to use to show they are interested. Let me be the first to say, don’t bother asking a girl on this forum what they are for, they expect you to know it already. You might want to search Google for the answers. If you feel I am wrong by all means ask the girls on the board. Bear in mind, by doing so you’ll just prove how gullible you really are.

    That means based on your appearance you have one foot already in the door. All you need to do is talk. Girls become overly excited when they see a guy they consider is very attractive, just like we do when seeing an attractive girl. The only difference amongst the two is the following:

    The guy approaches the girl and, will try to court her.

    The girl will use body language to try to grab his attention. That body language symbolises a sense of enticement in order for you to approach her. It can be bashful smile, a prolific stare, pretty much anything at the spur of the moment. So do be alert.

    This type of feminine behaviour is not limited to a certain race, class, culture and/or ethnicity. All girls offer this trait so I would strongly suggest you learn the signs. Age does not play factor either. As I stated previously it is a trait and, it is embedded from the day they are born.

    I would not recommend a having a girl wingman. That will merely make every girl who finds you attractive assume your decoy is your girlfriend. Despite what you may assume Women are very territorial just for the sake of not getting enough attention. No Woman wants to play second fiddle to another Woman. If you are that lucky with girls as you claim you should have no problem meeting girls solo.

    If your luck is average, buy a puppy.

  13. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Sometimes they'll let you know, sometimes they won't. There is no blanket answer that is correct. If you're interested, don't be afraid of rejection and just act on it.

    That is a lesson that I know all to well, and yet am still learning.
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    This is very true. And everyone's answers are going to be different. Some women love taking the initiative, others don't. But, if you see an attractive girl and she hasn't taken the initiative, who cares? Go up and talk to her....There is no harm in striking up a conversation with people. Just don't start the conversation with, "hey you're hot, can I have your number" and you should be okay. Don't go into the conversation with the expectation of having a dinner date for that Friday.

    And you have to take some risks in life. Not every risk will have a positive outcome, but the reward definitely outweighs the risk, don't you think?
  15. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    Where do you draw the line between "wanting to be chased" and "wanting to be stalked"? :)
  16. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    I also believe that if or when a woman is really intersted, she'll let you know or even make the first move. But women usually do it with more subtlety and it's not always easy to understand the signs or pick up the hints...
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    What do you mean?
  18. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Women are fairly unambiguous and most will not send mixed signals; even those that do will be fairly open with their intentions if pressed.


  19. romeostarr

    romeostarr New Member

    I live in Phoenix as well. You know what works for me here or anywhere for that matter? Myspace. I know some people will frown on that, but if you are looking for say maybe white or Hispanic women to meet, its a good place to start. Cause if they like brothers and they find you interesting, they'll request you as a friend. Talk to them for a bit then see if you can set up a date for a drink. Its worked for me, and i met a wonderful, smart, sexy woman on there. I've only been here a short time, but i try to frequent places where the cultures kinda overlap. So downtown is a good place to be. The folks seem to be a lot more open minded. I Haven't had much luck with hispanic women though, they seem to be my Achilles heel. lol. be careful with them, their men can be pretty jealous.
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  20. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    It depends on the woman.Some women may be shy,some are conservative /old fashioned and may think the guy gotta make the 1st step,some may be scared of rejection and not approach a guy for that reason.Then some women think guys like to chase and act like they're not interested to give a guy the possibility to chase them.

    Of course some women still do approach a man when they feel attracted to him in whatever way

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