Why are blacks so eager to oppose gays?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, May 14, 2009.

  1. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    thats good for them, You guys are the ones who cant accept that I find it disgusting, not the other way round. Like i Said, if you like it, good for you but I dont. The sooner you accept this, the better.
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    If you can accept it, then why did you come in here talking shit? Explain how we can't accept your views, but you somehow, in the middle of the whole shit talk thing and dissing Dex, accept our views? Wait, I don't really care. No need to explain. I know you still don't accept it. You wouldn't be trying as hard as you are right now had you accepted it.
  3. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    He was outed? Didn't he disclose the anal thing a while ago by his own accord?

    I don't see why you even care, really. If you don't like anal sex with men then don't have anal sex with men. Easy as that. There's no need for the derogatory and immature comments. I'm pretty sure Chosen started this thread for an intelligent debate or discussion but you've brought it down to some primary school bullshit.

    I'm not saying you must condone homosexuality because I'm in no place to really tell others what to believe but there is no need to be a fucking dick about it.
  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    You didn't out anyone. Outing someone means revealing something they haven't already revealed about themselves. The woman in the picture next to him posts at this board. You are making a fool of yourself, trying to insult someone who is not homophobic with homophobic insults.

    I'm shaking in fear.
  5. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

  6. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member


    Artist: DMX
    Title: Where da hood at (A YO Kato)

  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Where is my belt when I need it 'cause it appears someone needs to get whooped.

    You are protesting too much my friend.

    You are trying to compare someone that is breaking the law to someone that is not. It's like trying to compare a chronic masturbator to someone that rapes children and say that both are sickening. Maybe they both are sickening but one is clearly a criminal and the other just likes to get his jollies off quite often....very different scenarios.

    No one has ever said that you should "like" it...I don't necessarily "like" gay people anymore than I "like" straight people....I just don't see how someone's gayness is any of my business.

    If your beef is for religious reasons...that I can understand to some degree. You have strong convictions based on your faith...fine. However it sounds as though even if you were an atheist...you'd feel this way which is odd.

    You are getting awfully upset for someone that is straight. I'm not really attacking you but I'm trying to understand why you are so against something that doesn't really affect you....by the way...does the idea of lesbian love make you feel the same way?

    Again...you defend yourself less from a detached point of view and more from a biased viewpoint. Have you ever been assaulted or mugged or denied something because of a gay person? In that case...again...you might have a point. Do you find the idea of man-on-man sex disgusting....well you are not alone....I too find the idea of two men together disgusting..but that doesn't mean I hate gay men. I think we as black men make the mistake of confusing the act of sex with the human being.....I am not a fan of gay sex (between two men) but that doesn't mean I hate the men.

    As for being a DL crackpot....I thought you had better comebacks than that...at least say something that is actually true dumbass. I'm a WW and BW crackpot...get it straight...no pun intended!
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    That's actually not a stereotype...a lot of BM do get sexually abused unfortunately (even more BW). Interesting how you would take something serious and turn it into a punchline. :smt021
  9. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    This is true actually. I remember dating this Jamaican lady once. She was a pure beauty queen and she wanted us to double date with her brother and his g/f. I was ok with that ofcourse, i mean, what would i lose right??. To make a long story short, after our date I told my grl that her brother is either bisexual or gay (to me bisexuals are gay anyways), and that i didnt want anything to do with him ever again (no straight man would). My girl just laughed at me, saying im self absorbed, and called me crazy.

    Until, the year after when his then girlfriend found gay pornographic content on his computer. Not to mention the fact that their young male children began reporting to inappropriate touching.....

    Im not saying this happens a lot, but this inappropriate touching wasnt known until the father got busted for being gay, which makes me wonder how many more inappropriate touching occurs??
  10. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    "X gon' give it to u".... Was DMX talking to a man? :p OMG! Everybody is gay nowadays! ;)
  11. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    BMJ, help me out here. How long ago did you date this Jamaican beauty queen? Did you guys stay together for a year or more? (when she told you about the porn on the computer). How old were these "young male children" between this guy and his girlfriend? How many of them were there? (more than one according to your report).

    Please clarify.
  12. csbean

    csbean New Member

    Homosexuality and pedophilia are not one and the same. It sounds like you are trying to justify negative feelings you felt toward the man when you only knew he was gay.

  13. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    did you read the study?

    i'll try to find the link for you..
  14. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    that statement was not used you laugh...
  15. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    here is the link...if you want to read it...


    and my statement wasn't used to make any levity out of the situation if you think that i was...

    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  16. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    Jaylon, the original link you posted was with petertatchell in the address. PT has tried to get black music banned from European radios because it doesnt promote gayness. He is one of the most powerful men in the world and actually dedicates his time promoting homosexuality, any study, link, data which has anything to do with gayness involving him is greatly compromised and I can promise you is laced with propaganda ,but then you already knew that, this is really for the impressionable members of this board who might see that link and see it as a reliable independent assessment.

    I have to admit the fact that you are progay and trawling around on his website raised the homosexual alarms. Either way it doesnt change that I dislike homosexuality and find it disgusting and anyone whose argument is that disliking something means you like it is full of crap. It is a coached argument borne out of agenda because the homos on here cannot seem to put together a structured argument for their cause. Its almost like some of you would prefer it if I was a really ignorant person, Citing the bible or saying its because they hurt the black community. Its none of those for me, I am propably more educated than anyone else on this board (Unless you've got PHD, i:e Doctor dont bother?). I just dont like it, I do think for black people they have less of an excuse to be gay, because they should know better. I also think the linking of the civil rights movement to homosexuality is exclusively the work of white people or isolated black gays , these sort of people are the ones who really annoy me.

    When I saw your response I thought you were going to engage me instead you came back with the same shitty angle, which other idiots prior to you have used. Try harder my friend. But please dont come back with this angle it is boring and shows mr tatchell and other homosexual nutjobs has done a good job on you rather than you thinking on your own.
  17. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Hey Sir Nose:::::I actually dated that black girl for a while, but we remained friends after the break up. As for the boys , they were very young (4 and 5 respectively), and very intelligent; But how does one overcome such an event?.....to me, they are fucked for life.

    Not even close. I have nothing against homosexuality [what so ever]. What i have somethng against are homosexuals that remain "on the low" regarding their condition. It is this type of characters that end up not only victimizing the innocent [children], but also infecting their spouses with STD's by being on the "down low".
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I've heard this type of argument before on the message boards..."It is a coached argument borne out of agenda because the homos on here cannot seem to put together a structured argument for their cause."

    Person A does not agree with an argument that Person B is making. Because Person B does not convince Person A to change their view on a given subject, Person A says that B's argument is without merit. A Republican may not be won over by a Democrats argument but that doesn't mean that the Democrat is "wrong" or that his/her argument is weak...only that the Republican has views that they have no intention of changing for anyone.

    Is a person's sexuality an inborn trait or is it something that a person has a choice over when they reach sexual maturity...in your opinion?

    (Having a great education is only as good as the person that has it...you may be an intelligent person but George W. Bush has a Masters degree in Business from Yale....and we saw how that worked out)

    I think I've answered one of my earlier questions with one of your responses..."I just dont like it, I do think for black people they have less of an excuse to be gay, because they should know better." This tells me that you see homosexuality as a choice...which changes the whole dynamic of this conversation entirely. You view someone's decision to be gay as a dumb one that creates unnecesary conflict and strife within the black community.

    This discussion should probably shift towards whether or not we believe gayness is determined at birth (or shortly thereafter) or later in life.

    Oh yeah as for this, "When I saw your response I thought you were going to engage me instead you came back with the same shitty angle, which other idiots prior to you have used. Try harder my friend. But please dont come back with this angle it is boring"..... DITTO!
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I repeat what Bean said: Homosexuality and pedofilia has nothing to do with eachother.
  20. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    wow! what a coincidence, the exact same one? word for word? fam thats crazy!

    Hmmm... imagine a republican telling a democrat that because he doesnt support i paedophilia/capitalism/rapists that it means they are paedophilics/capitalists/rapists? you see what I did? i took away "homosexuality" in the options so that you could see objectively just how silly this is.

    Tough one, but were getting closer to a real discussion

    really close, but although I wish well for all my black bros we have far bigger problems than gays, But in all honesty to me its another unnecessary thing we have to worry about. Please note Just because two white/asian/latin people are gay doesnt mean i condone it and I also dislike lesbians too, perhaps even more so.

    True, I dont believe for one second anyone is born gay.

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