America is the greatest society to ever exist

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by fly girl, May 11, 2009.


Is present day USA the greatest nation to ever exist?

  1. yes

  2. no, greatest present day but not of all time

  3. no, not even greatest present day

  4. only in the minds of Americans

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I love my country, but I don't worship my country.
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    America's standing with future generations will rely heavily on the origin of future powers. What I mean is that a civilization such as ancient Greece is held in such high regard in part because of it's European genesis and the fact that many Euros studied it and then later Euros conquered much of the world. If the Native Americans hadn't succumbed to smallpox or if the technologically superior descendants of Akbar the Great (India), or for that matter insular Chinese had become the worldpowers of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries...I doubt Rome and Greece would be seen the way they are today. We would instead view Shah Jahan's construction of the Taj Mahal or Zheng He's expeditions to Africa as the height of cutural hegemony.

    America is far too young as a nation to really "know it's place." It is akin to trying to decide if an athlete in his/her 4th year of playing at the professional level is worthy of the Hall of Fame of that particular sport.

    I don't know about how great we are but I will say that our unique blend of cultures and heritages is special. Many Western nations are multi-ethnic societies but the U.S. stands alone in the sense that our ENTIRE history is an intervoven fabric of races and cultures. We began as a hodgepodge of Natives, Europeans from various sections of the continent, Africans and yes even Asians (who built many of our railroads). Our culture is everyone's culture and everyone's culture is our culture.
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Very good post! I'm giving you rep points in spirit, as I can't give them to you again right now. :smt038
  4. SacDoc17

    SacDoc17 New Member

    Hey everyone. Looong time lurker.

    Well for one, the Greeks were not a "country" in the traditional sense of the word. They were a collection of city-states that, although influential on the world stage, often vied for power amongst themselves, and their longest civil war (the Peloponesian War fought between Athens and Sparta) severely weakened their influence, and set the stage for the rise of their northern neighbors, the Macedonians and Alexander the Great.

    Although, as previously stated, the "Greatest Country ever" is quite subjective, an argument can be (and shortly will be) made that the United States of America has contributed more to the Human society as a whole over the last 200 years than any other country. Many of these will no doubt have lasting influences on our planet in the future:

    1. Light bulb
    2. The Train
    3. Automatic weapon
    4. Automobile
    5. Airplane
    6. Telephone
    7. The PC
    8. The Internet
    9. YouTube
    10. Facebook
    11. MySpace
    12. Napster and the digital music revolution
    13. Basketball (my favorite ;) )

    And the list can go on, and on. You also have to remember the Economic principles that we helped spread throughout the world. It is this principle of capitalism that has bred most, if not all the above innovations. It is also this economic wisdom that rebuilt Europe after it was nearly destroyed in World War II.

    A lot of people don't realize, but if it wasn't for the Marshall Plan, massive American economic investment, and foregiveness of pre-war and during-war debt, western Europe would be a different place. See Western Germany vs. the rest of eastern Europe as an example (if you need one).

    Again, I reiterate that the "greatest society" notion is subjective, but I think it would be hard for any other one country to produce a list such as this.
  5. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Its a good society, not the greatest. We are no different than anyone else in the world. We have our share of problems too. Obesity, The economy, education, racism, sexism, anti-gay, anti-immigrant,etc.
  6. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Have some rep
  7. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    And what about the thousands of other inventions that haven't come from America? There have been a lot of brilliant people to come from America, sure. Just as everywhere else.
    Honestly though, I doubt that you'll find many people who aren't American insisting that the US is the greatest nation in the world.

    And I think those are pretty much irrelevant to be honest. Very easy to live without.
    And the best sport in the world was invented in England, after all..... :)
  8. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    If you're talking about football we have taken that game and vastly improved it. :cool:
  9. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Haha, whatthefuckever. Yours is some ugly hybrid of rugby and football, no thanks :p
    Stick to one or the other!
  10. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    On a serious note, I think that many non-citizens do indeed acknowledge that the US is the only superpower (and a benevolent one), which certainly indicates greatness. Anytime a disaster occurs anywhere in the world, people look to America for help. They expect it and usually get it. I don't know if this can be said about any other great nation in history.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I guess with malikom coming up on his 3rd strike (and life in the bing), someone else, with no record, has to stir the pot

  12. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Probably because the NFL uses the NCAA as it's collegiate farm-system to constantly re-produce athletes on a year-round-basis.;)
  13. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    If one looks at the history of political governance, you'll find that between the fall of democratic Athens (338 B.C.) and Declaration of Independence (1776), there were only half-baked examples of democracies in the world.

    What does that mean? It means for most of that 2,000+ year period, the world showed virtually no predilection for creating societies governed by its constituent parts, the people. Instead we had monarchies, oligarchies, and other forms of governance.

    A democracy that was initially designed to advance the interests of white male property owners against the excesses of the British crown is what sparked the global democratic revolution that's occurred during the intervening centuries.

    Now most people in the world want a democratic state or immigrate to one, and it all started with the dramatically flawed conception of democracy that we created here 232 years ago.
  14. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member


    Obesity, Anti-gay, Racism & Sexism? Have you ever been required to send a picture with your resume? Find an American company that does not have an HR department that enforces policies based on all 4? Do some research on other countries policies (past and current) and compare the US, see how we measure up.

    Anti-Immigrant? REALLY? Unless you mean Anti-Illegal-Immigrant. Again, do the research and see where how the US matches up with other countries in terms of immigration and naturalization. There are reasons immigration numbers are so high.

    I'm not saying that the US is or is not better, and I'll be the first to admit that there is definitely room for improvement in many areas. I just think that if you're going to make a point or counter point in a thread like this, you should definitely back it up with supporting data. For example, saying that immigration is an issue in a country that ranks so high against any other country in history without any supporting evidence is a bit... ehh'ish? I swear, popular media is almost as bad for US foreign relations as Bush was.

    Edit: Honorable mention to multi-culturalization, religious freedom, free speech, and due process.
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  15. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    And this is the conundrum of this thread. Someone needs to define their definition of a country's greatness.

    Is it military power? Is it scientific/artistic/medical achievements?

    This thread could go on forever. LOL!!
  16. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    It would be an array of supremacy in the various means of global influence: scientific, cultural, economic, military, etc. mixed with the willingness to use those means for the good of mankind.

    **insert US flag-waving smiley here**
  17. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    But this can be said about a lot of Western countries. And using those means for the good of mankind is arguable...

    I agree with bookworm though, this really can go on forever. People just have very, very different views when it comes to America.
  18. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Sure, but the question was which is the greatest. When you look at the complete array of means you quickly narrow the list down.
  19. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Sir Nose it sounds like they are unwilling to give it up. Warts and all, and we have them. I love me some United States...
    What's interesting is well is a lot of folks who have never left the US that have stated nay, if they traveled abroad for a minute they would understand...
  20. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I think most of the people on this site that are not from the U.S. are from other Western nations. Most Euros (and Aussies) are relatively content since they live in places that are comparatively wealthy and technologically advanced versus the rest of the world. It is difficult for someone driving a Bentley to think that the guy next to them in the Rolls Royce is living that much better. If you ask someone that is not from a Western nation, "Which is the best country (besides your own nation)?" which nation would they most likely choose?

    What do you folks think?

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