America is the greatest society to ever exist

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by fly girl, May 11, 2009.


Is present day USA the greatest nation to ever exist?

  1. yes

  2. no, greatest present day but not of all time

  3. no, not even greatest present day

  4. only in the minds of Americans

  1. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Thought a poll would be interesting.
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  2. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    That question is way too subjective. What do you measure it against? Quality of life? Wealth? Military power? In all these categories, another country/entity would be better. Not to mention that deciding what is "good" is relative to the society (and era) that you live within.

    I would propose that there is no "best" only "better at" and "worse at" certain measurable things.

    America is better at basketball than Australia (for example) :)

    I will say, however, that America is a great place (IMO) and many good things have come from it over the years. Also many bad things...Either way, I don't think anyone can argue against the fact that the USA has impacted the history of the world in a significant way.
  3. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    It is asking for opinion. dont be scared to state yours. LOL:smt083
  4. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I don't think of it in terms of "greatest". I would be doing myself a disservice if I thought any country was the "greatest" because that would imply that something else wasn't, and I don't believe this to be the case. Everywhere is "better" at something.

    Perhaps this is a better indicator of my position. Would I live in the USA? Yes. Are there other places I would prefer to live? Yes. I value quality of life and I believe other places to have a higher standard of living and better quality of life than the USA.
  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those flag-saluting, gung-ho conservative types. But If you're willing to represent:

    1. What street you live on
    2. Your neighborhood
    3. Your city
    4. Your state


    5. Your favorite sports team

    Why not represent your country? Of course I'm not proud of it's racist history to “manifest destiny”, but I honestly wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I love this country, but I really don’t like what has happened to it.

    For example; there are New York Yankee fans who hate George Steinbrenner, but they are die-hard Yankee fans nonetheless.

    There are certain things about his country that make me sick to my stomach sometimes, but the freedoms that this country enables one is beyond no other and you gotta take the bad with the good. It’s kinda like being married, you may hate a lot of things that your wife does, but that doesn’t mean you love her any less.

    Or at least it shouldn't.:mrgreen:
  6. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I think it is a nice place to live, but no where near the best. So many have come before us who have given us much of what our society is based on. I cannot see anything we have done lasting longer than what the greeks did. What foundation have we laid that others will follow?
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Hell naw.
  8. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I say this is the greatest country in the world for it's exceptionalism. Granted this country has many faults in it's past from the near extermination of native americans, the brutal enslavement of african americans, and the lack of rights for women. If there was no United States then the world would be in pure hell and ruled either from Nazism, or Soviet Totalitarinism, or Fascism. Maybe for those who hate this country should wish for Islamic law to take over this nation or for this country to live under the standards of a Third World country. Perhaps some day the United States as we know it will go the way of the Roman Empire, then those who hate it so much will finally get their wish. Imagine the world today without the United States. Maybe that for the haters of the United States here should have a thread on. That is my opinion, if freedom of thought still mean a damn thing. if you do not like then...........
  9. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    No, absolutely not. And you couldn't pay me to live there. LOL :rolleyes:
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  11. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    My opinion is that there is nothing good to come of this particular thread.
  12. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Those polls don't offers to convince me to vote. Just steams of words to saying around here towards my country. I don't want to make many Americans here go uneasy at my comments. Here's my line of words:

    One thing I do agree regardless of what our country has been putting through for four-five centuries since people from Britain who wants to settle themselves free and sailing to find new world of this great land. To free themselves from king and queen, to free themselves from taxes and all. That's how my history teacher told the whole story of united states of america right front of my face. That makes me wanting to learning more about my country than ever.

    There was civil war here between north and south america long time ago. I believe that it was battle for freedom. So many that this country has been putting through and that what it makes this country so greatest land of all in this beautiful world that offers us to share the freedom and sense of liberty. Value those laws that we require to respect our fathers who created those laws for us to respect the share of laws. We have to give our great deals of debts to them to put their lives on the line to fighting for the freedom for us to create laws and this is how united states of america was born only 232 years old!

    More than four centuries and 232 years later, our country has changed so much since thus day on. Today's country, to me it isn't that great, but it's looking all right to me. Only I have problem with my country is GREED and SELFISHNESS! Today, we're obsessed to be rich and our taxes are outrageous! federal government get more powers than ever and I don't like the way this country is going. That concerns me the great deal, democrats and republicans are struggles to balance the power in the capitol hill in washington d.c., nothing will changes at all! I mean NOTHING! I appreciated that President Obama trying to change in capitol hill, but how little change ever since he took the office three months ago to change around here. I know he's trying to rebrand our america to make it better and give his effort to turn things around.

    But our attitudes will not change at all. Hate crime, nazism, discrimination are very much alive in this country. Since President Obama took the oval office, we've been united behind him more than ever, that is, congress is tackle the new bill to create hate crime bill, that got my seal of approval. I applauded congress to make the effort to making it happening. Lots of works to do before he's leaving office in 2012 or 2016, good days are ahead of us, folks! I have good faith in america that we can be better leader of this world once again, abandoning the horrendous memories behind under bush administration. I know that many countries all across the world are blaming us for creating this mess during the bad economy that causing people to losing their beloved jobs, but people should pointing their fingers towards republicans and former president bush 43! They're the reason why people are mad at us in the first place. Can't said I blame them for upsetting with us during this bad economy.

    People out there are looking at us like we're bad guys here. They're saying that our attitudes are so raunchy, arrogant. That is, we're too damn proud of ourselves to shallow our prides to defend this country. Heck, that attitudes has got to change, I can't stand how people are so damn mean here in usa! Back in my home state of New York, those people don't give a rat's ass, but killing people for sport! Also beating the holy hell out of people for nothing. That's not how I want people to looking america up!

    What am I trying to saying here, it will take centuries to get America to grow up and abandoning hate crime, nazism, discrimination that has been poison our country. Right now, the door is remaining close. Last I checked, gangs, kkk, neo-nazis, skinhead are still around, so they will be around for a while longer before somebody declare the war against them, because some people will saying that they're considering that they're spreading out like cancer to carrying the hate message to vows against blacks, jews, so many people that they don't like. Just matter of time before we go war against them to ensure our value of freedom here in this country. Just you wait and see!

    Towards my final saying, I hope that my country grow up and be leader of this world that many countries wanting to see. I know some of countries are trying to bring us down and having us breaking up for good. Of course, Russia and China, their dreams is to controlling and rule united states of america. THANK GOD, that hasn't happening because we're still stronger and very powerful country of all in this world!
  13. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

  14. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Unless you happen to be looking for an opportunity to America-bash.
  15. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You thought wrong.

  16. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    So you go into other peoples' minds now? :roll:

    I think America's a great nation with great people. It's a dynamic environment and a wonderful place to make a living. But I do not think it's the greatest society to ever exist
  17. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Excellently said.

    For my part, I think the US is a work in progress that, taken from a long view, gets more and more like it's intended ideals with each generation. I don't think it's the bestest in the universe ever, I don't think I could pick one like that, and there's better & worse in all directions. I do think this is the best that the US has ever been, and I'm looking forward to watching it get even better. There is a LOT that I think should change, a lot that is not good, a lot that I'm not proud of, but the urge to constantly change, edit & refine our society is one of the things I like about the country.

    I can't say I'd never live anywhere else. I adored Montreal when I visited a few years ago, and probably would have moved on the spot if it wasn't for family & work ties at home.

    In my opinion, true patriotism isn't "We're Number ONE!". It's suffragettes and civil rights activists and journalism students challenging the death penalty and libertarians yelling about intrusive laws and liberals yelling about unfair policies. Believing that the US is Heaven on Earth isn't patriotism, it's idiocy. Trying to make it the best place it can be, trying every day to make our home a little bit better, that's the ticket.
  18. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    There is no greatest country.

    Every major civilization that has existed since civilizations came into existence has been flawed to the nth degree. And the only reason the ancient Romans, Greeks, Sumerians, Egyptians, Ottomans, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, etc were so "great" was because they had the best military to overcome other "lesser" civilizations.

    Every major civilization has bullied their way into "greatness" by sheer force of their military. Does that make them the greatest country? Not in my book.

    You could argue positives and negatives to living in each and every country on this earth right now.
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


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